To get rid of blue tint uncheck use new Ui under display in options and restart game
i've been swarming on my sk since i was lvl 70 in the hole. Granted i didn't have 1.5/2.0 at the time i only needed mortal coil and some...
well you just pointed out we need those aa's and more better go nerf those aa's and take them away. Don't want us being to powerful now. Just...
appartenly people only want to see fully raid geared people do this because i offered to show people and my offer was turned down. My gear is far...
They already said heroic characters are coming. With them killing most of that powerleveling market the task will be just as bad before except...
I don't know much about warrior nerf but sk's are getting proposed nerf to multiple pieces of gear,disc,and aa BIG DIFFERENCE. Countless times we...
its beats any group 2hander by like .31 it is still a raid weapon in my eyes For level 95 raid weapons included it ranks 20th not the greatest by...
except sk's have been balanced around the 2.0. Heck we even got aa's making swarming easier and the devs know this. We have told them flat out...
we are talking "LIGHT BLUE CONS" i have a raid weapon big bladed greatsword or whatever its called from crushbone raid. I have over 4k aa. Yet i...
any comment from devs on why just removing mortal coil and refunding aa's vs. nerfing epic,anguish/wos bp,leechcurse,etc ? no mortal coil is again =...
/sigh yes it is because sk epic + visage is not enough to burn all those mobs down.... We need mortal coil procs or we will drop as soon as epic...
fyi you can have more than one instance of patcher now...
yep people will just get creative and find new ways to get insanely fast exp. Myself i've already trying to think of what i could do be it duo...
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