Suggestion: Morph old weapons into Ornaments!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vizier, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Gotcha on that. I didn't get your team building concept.

    I'm not trying to shoot you down. But I don't see employees spending time on 'picking an old graphic' and championing that item at a meeting as a good use of time. Way too much time spent on something that is small beans.

    And why would the community want the devs favorite items instead of their own?

    We need criteria for 'the list'.

    I get the distinct impression there are certain graphics they don't want to be available to everyone. Things that are obtained by raids, or class defining looks (like epics) for example.

    So yeah, for an actual 'list' we really need criteria first.

    Because you opened the door Ngreth!

    We may have to use the word [probability] in a sentence three times to summon him. ;)
    Bobokin likes this.
  2. Bobokin Augur

    A few extra ornaments are better than none, so we can work on that. It isn't the best way to go in the long run, but there are limits to how much the engine can sustain.

    I actually thought there would be more older graphics available when the Type 20 and 21 slots were created. It made a lot of sense to go that way.

    By the way, are their any armor types that looked particularly good that could be done here as Hero's Forge, or is this just for weaponry?
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  3. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Hero's Forge armor is a certain 'shape' (the model), and they just change the textures.

    Most of any armor's unique look is in the model (the shapes).

    Short answer (from what I know) no, they can't really leverage old armor into hero forge. :(
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I was hoping beyond hope that the old Velious-specific armor textures could be grafted or re-imagined into Hero's Forge sets.
  5. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    While that might be possible, it can vary from not hard to pretty tricky, to fit a texture (UV) layout to a different model. It would most likely be easier to create new textures that are 'in the style of' the much loved Velious textures.

    But this all gets back to the nub of the problem. The ART dev resources are the most costly, time-consuming, and hard to put on an iron clad quota.

    We keep trying to work around needing the items to be made at all. And just use the existing items.

    But that only leaves a data entry mountainous chore, speculative as to it's ultimate worth, and sucks all the 'art fun' part of the process out of it entirely.

    Ngreth's idea of 'a list' actually does sort of move the idea forward, IF we can show enough real interest. And engages in a dialog instead of just 'no'. So it's good to bounce around ideas a bit I think.

    Leveraging Hero's Forge IS a good idea, I think, depending entirely on how you implement it, IMO.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  6. Dhurgan Augur

    I can do that. Here we go...
  7. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    There are only a few things disallowed.

    • No BFG.
    • No Epic's
    • No instruments
    • No Player Studio
    • No "Class specific" things where we may have made class specific weapons that are not "epic" But only when we did a full set.
      • The rogue/monk/warrior specific (and shaman and druid specific from this expansion) *ARE* open. It's only not allowed where we specifically made art for a class, not where we made art, then chose something that "became" class specific)
    • Not Sure: Summoned pet weapons - It may be a no on the pet weapons.
    • The "current" expansion art is off limits until next expansion. (as a general "rule" not specifically ToV)
    • No Repeats. If it's already an ornament, no. If there is no way to get it at all we can talk about it. There may be some cases where we can add another method. If it's on a rotation (like marketplace holiday things) the answer is also no. You need to wait until it rotates in.

    That seems like a large list. But in the scheme of the available items, it's small.
    And I reserve the right to add things to the list.
    Goburs, Jennre, Koryu and 2 others like this.
  8. Lianeb Augur

    I always liked the RoF tier 3 raid weapons with the green auras on them. And “the crippler” limits? I know there are class specific ones in there, but there is a whole set.
  9. Vumad Cape Wearer

    What does BFG mean?
  10. Nniki Augur

    Goburs and Vumad like this.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Still pining for the technology that allows an appearance only tab.
    Bobokin likes this.