Progression PvP server? Will it happen?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Farzo, May 25, 2016.

  1. Jsyn New Member

    WTB PvP!!!!! Please DBG
  2. Titanuk88 Elder

    why would DBG listen to the community and do that? its easier to just ignore people and release another pve progression server
  3. lichlord of agnarr New Member

    not that it matters but I begged Sony for years and years for a new pvp server to no avail. I just assumed nothing we say or do will ever bring about a new pvp server, so I gave up the ghost years ago. I'll just throw this post here in some vain attempt to add weight to the fact that there's a huge demand for it. But it will never happen. I imagine a pvp server has 4-5x the CSR workload in terms of petitions and whiners. This is the age of whiners. A whole generation of whiners who go straight to petitions like they are little schoolboys going to the school office because Jimmy said a bad word. It's utterly pathetic how pathetic the toxic portion of players are that ruin it for the rest of us by abusing the petition system with endless petitions--most of them deliberate lies and falsifications or the inability of the player to understand enough game mechanics and hardware setups to comprehend what they are witnessing. People still petition each other for 'warping' to this day when things like call of the hero and rez boxes are being used.
  4. Hateseeker Augur

    And why would they listen to the calls to make it free tradeable loot either. Wouldn't want people staying on that server past the no-trade expansions when you can keep releasing more classic servers that everyone starts over, buys new stuff from the cash shop, etc. You would think that people on a free-trade server would buy kronos to facilitate the RMT which would benefit Daybreak, but then again there's probably so many krono in circulation already that could be used that more wouldn't get bought.
  5. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Listen to what community? A few people posting about PvP servers and claiming they can bring tons of people over if they just get the server config they want? If you think that is going to work then you are going to be disappointed for sure.

    If there are thousands of people who want this, then you have to get those people to ask for it. Start an email campaign to DBG, if they get thousands of emails that might get their attention. Better yet, coordinate an effort to have a bunch of people sub for one month and then immediately cancel. Spend that month on Zek promoting PvP and let them know all those subs could be long term rather than just a month. Or if flagging still works (not sure it does), do it on a blue server so people see it happening and can spread the word.

    PvP has been dead or dying in this game long enough that it's not just going to get revisited without having some major interest shown in it.
    Ronzark likes this.
  6. Kaivandar New Member

    Wouldn't be so freakin' awesome if they flipped the switch and when we logged back in, Phinigel had become red! ahhhh.. /dream
    potatoface likes this.
  7. Titanuk88 Elder

    its worse on a blue server tbh ask any GM that has done both servers

    pvp servers limit a lot of the petitions you get..
    GMs don't have to do anything on a pvp server besides ingame bugs and hackers.
    0 petitions about mobs getting stolen or KSed.
    0 Petitions about guilds stealing rotation mobs or w/e blue server guilds argue about to each other

    90% of petitons are "someone stole my mob" or "someone trained me"

    both go down a lot on a pvp server

    i would start playing on phinigel even with a heavy gear disadvantage
    Hateseeker likes this.
  8. Titanuk88 Elder

    you should read the forums you are posting on before you just blind hate post on it

    i didnt even post websites from guilds on live zek or guilds like Hate that still play together just different games because sony or dbg never did a pvp progression server so they are still just waiting for some good pvp game to come out
  9. Titanuk88 Elder

    Just a quick stat report, which seems to support the idea that new TLPs kill old TLPs:

    Current population: 968 across 3 /general channels,
    Launched: May 24, 2017

    Current population: 396 in /general, >100 in /baz (request cut short), 91 in POK
    Launched: December 9, 2015

    Current population: 196 in /general, 69 in /baz, 73 in POK
    Launched: May 29, 2015

    Current population, 308 in /general, 97 in /bazaar, 84 in POK
    Launched: May 21, 2015

    Fippy Darkpaw (Vulak'Aerr)
    Current population: 0-1 (I was the only person listed in /general or /who all)
    Launched: February 15, 2011

    thriving blue tlp servers

    lets just keep pretending they are super popular and we shouldn't do something new
  10. Chokal New Member

    There were 4 PVP servers.
  11. Fohpo Augur

    And they're all pretty much dead
    Ronzark likes this.
  12. Titanuk88 Elder

    what happened to all the blue servers? oh thats right they merged because they would have died also

    btw zek still gets more logins than some of the tlp servers ( zek is not EQ pvp, and they would all join a new tlp pvp server )
  13. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I didn't post any blind hate. You and a few others keep posting about how you can bring all these people back to EQ if you get a PvP Progression server. I gave you two suggestions that are more likely to work than the current method of occasionally bumping a post about it. Nobody is going to believe you just because you say it will happen. Prove them wrong, prove me wrong, show DBG there is real interest in this from people who are willing to pay money for it.

    PvP failed in this game a long time ago, that is the status quo. They aren't going to take a second chance on it without a good reason. Your word, and the word of a few others isn't going to be good enough. Zek is still there, F2P players can go there AFAIK. Get people to do that, do something to show your words aren't just words.

    I'm not against PvP being an option in EQ, as long as it's not a risk for DBG financially. I want the game to continue, and I'd love for you and your friends to part of supporting it. But it's going to take more than words from a few people, that's all I'm saying.
    Ronzark likes this.
  14. Hateseeker Augur

    Of course they are, it's because there's no chance for new players to start there. A mature PvP server is full of players you can't compete with. But a fresh PvP server has a good chance. Now, yes, it's true, EQ pvp isn't balanced. I suspect everyone asking for a PvP server knows that. The fact that a mature PvP server manages to stay open is proof enough that there's demand, though.
  15. Fohpo Augur

    I thought that "stays open" was being a bit generous, but I haven't played on Rallos in over a decade. I was under the assumption that it was one of the lowest population servers.
  16. Titanuk88 Elder

    if you build it they will come
    ayoforYayoh likes this.
  17. Hateseeker Augur

    It probably is, I have no doubt of it. I'm just saying you also have to consider that due to the nature of PvP, and the fact that players already on the server would have an immense gear and equipment advantage over new players, thus discouraging people to go there even if they wanted PvP, the population of Zek doesn't tell the whole story. Even if it was 0 and they closed it, that would be true.

    Also, who is to say that creating a TLP PvP server, even if it was relatively very low population, wouldn't siphon off some of the players who ruin the experience on non-TLP PvP?
  18. Titanuk88 Elder

    what is all that gear for ?
  19. s1ckness New Member

    i dont understand why a few people that dont like eq pvp want to speak for everyone else that does lol

    why are you even posting here?
  20. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I'll take this one:

    Because actions have consequences.

    We're here, playing EQ, paying for it now. We support the game and we want to see it survive. Bad decisions risk that survival. Opening a new server that could tank and lose money is a bad decision. Is a PvP server a bad decision? Only DBG has the data that would give any kind of clue. But history has shown it's not popular.

    I think they will listen if enough people show it could be profitable. Posting on the forums saying "i can bring 100 people to this this server" does not show them anything. Mocking the new TLP because it's not PvP doesn't help. They know how to make money on TLP's and so this new one will make money, regardless of the opinions of PvP aficionados.

    The number of people posting in favor of a new PvP server is a sliver of those posting to say it's a bad idea. It's probably even a smaller fraction of those who would post to say they aren't against it but also not interested. PvP is effectively dead in this game, it doesn't have to be, but it is at the moment.

    So I say again. Subscribe an account, play on Zek, show them there is interest in PvP. Get people paying and playing, get them organized and then ask for what you want, a PvP Progression server. If the interest is large enough they may consider it.