Guild Deletion/Customer Service

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by PO'edNorrathian, Oct 23, 2016.

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  1. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It kind of looks like any long standing guild is gone, any recently created (2-3 years old) guild remains.
    Hiladdar likes this.
  2. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    We had this problem last week on luclin.
    Here is how it played out and my recommendation to anyone affected.

    If your guild was affected, don't log in.
    If you aren't sure, don't log in.
    If you are a guild leader, definitely do not log in your main, use an alt instead.

    I don't know why they don't lock the servers but last week they didn't, and then after they figured out how to fix, took the servers down and fixed it.

    People that did not log in in between weren't affected

    Non guild leaders get bugged in such a way that if they hit alt g will get the create a guild screen, but they will still show in your online roster.
    I would have to delete the bugged person so I could invite them back

    The real gotcha is that if your guildleader gets bugged it will require intervention to get them back in the guild. SO if you are a guild leader, don't log in until you know this has been sorted. Learn from what happened to me last week.

    Our guild hall, village, tribute, items, none of that stuff was bothered, nether were any members who did not log on during the broken timeframe.

    Hope this helps in case it's the same thing as last weeks adventures on luclin. Also as an aside we were warned not to recreate the guild.
    Metanis, Khat_Nip and Moggwai like this.
  3. PO'edNorrathian New Member

    *sigh* This has been going on all month and you're just investigating? The GoDS on Vox has had our guild deleted 3 times now in as many weeks. *fingers crossed that the guild delete stick gets fixed*
  4. demoria7 Elder

    Eternal Sovereign and Order of the ancient dragon ..poof... (Bertox)
  5. Ruinedmyownlands Elder

    Cestus Dei on Luclin is gone.
  6. PO'edNorrathian New Member

    Ya know it's funny...
    Our guild has been dealing with this all month. If they would've researched the issue and applied a fix instead of recreating the guild and making problems worse they might have avoided the cluster that this 'patch' was.

    Saurawn and The Guard of Divine Souls - 1
    Daybreak - 0
  7. Drakang Augur

    To hell with investigating roll things back then investigate.
  8. Shaantara Made of Moonlight

    This does match my experience. My guild that's gone was created in 2005 or 2006. The guild that's still intact is 6 months old.
  9. Tumnayar New Member

    Negative on it only being newer guilds that are still there. There is an OLD guild on my server that is still there
  10. Haste Lorekeeper

    Tumnayar is a unicorn....AV for life!
  11. Tumnayar New Member

    I am not the Tumnayar you are looking for xD
  12. Sindaiann Augur

    CT on Drinal was effected. smh
  13. Phaolin New Member

    Damnit Daybreak. This is unacceptable. Get your crap together.
    Zerkerin likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Sorry to all those that lost your guilds. I think a rollback to before the patch should proabaly go into effect with so many guilds gone.
  15. Drogba Augur

    not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but the achievement window on some characters is blank too
  16. lindarna New Member

    Shining Blades of Honor is gorn on Cazic/fennin as im guild leader and have been removed for the guild the guild is /deleated seeing post here saying newer guilds are not affect is not correct i know of at least 2 on my server that are new and have also been deleated
  17. Hithere New Member

    Time of creation seems to random
  18. Kennebell New Member


    I'm not sure if you still read this thread, but I am curious;

    Does the daybreak implementation workflow have a UAT (User Acceptance Testing) phase? This is usually performed post SIT (systems integration testing) and prior to Go-live.

    Pro-tip from someone who daily works on global implementations that if you don't have such a process in place (merely running a test server with users is no help if you don't have a team in place to run scripts to verify change effects prior to moving it into the live environment) you really should.

    I would be happy to help you all examine your business processes for testing/implementation free of charge to ensure something like this doesn't happen in the future =) This game is something from my youth that survives to this day, I'd hate to see it slowly wiped out because they aren't giving you the resources and SME's you need to get the job done.
    KermitMadMan and Metanis like this.
  19. Pani Augur

    Pactus Aquilus is also gone :(
  20. Haste Lorekeeper

    Honestly, people SHOULD be HEARING from the Producer or Executive Producer about this screw up, not random Sr. Community Manager #50 this year with 5 posts.

    You think this is just a casual're so out of touch you don't even realize what has been done; which is typical for how SoE/DBG has been treating the game and players for years now.
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