[Clerics] Breastplate Focus/Click Feedback time

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Crystilla, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Crystilla Augur

    I tend to fall in between, if you looked at my main staple of heals on raids and group - I do 50% light and 50% remedy. (There are other things like group heals, elixirs, renewal and a heal/nuke thrown in, but between light and remedy I pretty much have a good pattern of alternating those 2 really heavily.)

    So I can see where (and it's listed above) folks wanted the remedy as a boost because it's a smaller heal to begin with so this really helps.

    And the key thing folks tend to strongly forget, this is not a level raising expansion so folks can use either BP's click based on what they need without loosing anything.
  2. Adaire Lorekeeper

    Love the Remedy Focus! I paid out the for the 1st BP because of it!

    I am just "meh" about the right click ability. I wouldn't be so on the fence about it if it didn't share a timer with the ROF clicky. I do kinda wish it was more like the Druid version too and gave you either or bonus to heals or bonus to damage depending on what you cast next
  3. Mykaylla Augur

    This came up in the serverwide, which somewhat mystifies me.
    Rather than having to heal to get the appropriate recourse, you can simply click a VoA or RoF BP. Rather than having to nuke to get the recourse, you can simply click the CotF BP. It's not like the druid one picks and chooses for every heal or nuke after the fact- it's set by the very next damage or healing spell you cast after you click it, and then affects only heals or nukes, depending on which you cast.

    I guess I'm just wondering why it would be considered better than either of our two separate options in mechanics- strength or where the boost is applied to the spells we cast, sure, but that's not the same as wanting the same mechanic to the click.
  4. Audigy Elder

    I solo, I dps, and I tank in groups I would love to have this chest for when I don't raid. Anyways the way clcikes work I wont lose my VOA one it will just sit in my bag ready to be clicked as needed.
  5. Adaire Lorekeeper

    I was wrong about your explanation of the Druid clicky in channel and now too... I thought it kept rechecking and gave you a strengthened recourse after each one or the other

    Now I get it!

    Ya I just want both no matter how it's squeezed build int he opposites into the heal one too but don't have em share timers, is anyone REALLY worried "oh no, if we do that cleric dps will be soo OP" I think not!
  6. Nylrem Augur

    Light is going the same way as Complete Heal, and just like CH, it's taking some longer to realize, change, and be convinced than others. 2 clerics in guild that use Light as their staple, vs me, spells cast, combined for night.

    Combined: Sergeant Grady on 1/26/2014
    Cleric 1 - 362
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 5
    --- Divine Balance - 2
    --- Divine Interposition Rk. III - 1
    --- Divine Peace - 1
    --- Divine Resurrection - 1
    --- Elixir of the Acquittal Rk. III - 3
    --- Fear Jewel of Mana - 1
    --- Graceful Remedy Rk. III - 4
    --- Hand of Graceful Infusion Rk. III - 1
    --- Promised Reformation Rk. III - 4
    --- Quiet Miracle - 1
    --- Reverent Light Rk. III - 290
    --- Slain - 1
    --- Steed of War - 1
    --- Unified Certitude Rk. III - 1
    --- Unified Hand of Gezat Rk. III - 2
    --- Veturika's Perseverance - 1
    --- Ward of Purity - 1
    --- Word of Reformation Rk. III - 41
    Sexybaby - 747
    --- Anticipated Interposition Rk. III - 1
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 1
    --- Celestial Regeneration - 3
    --- Divine Interposition Rk. III - 5
    --- Divine Peace - 2
    --- Elixir of the Acquittal Rk. III - 11
    --- Elysian Intervention Rk. II - 8
    --- Fervent Renewal Rk. II - 88
    --- Fraught Renewal Rk. III - 99
    --- Frenzied Renewal Rk. III - 18
    --- Glyph of Lost Secrets - 3
    --- Graceful Remedy Rk. III - 338
    --- Hand of Graceful Infusion Rk. III - 4
    --- Mass Group Buff - 3
    --- Quiet Miracle - 4
    --- Reverent Light Rk. III - 66
    --- Seraphic Blessing - 3
    --- Shining Bastion Rk. III - 15
    --- Silent Casting - 6
    --- Third Spire of Divinity - 1
    --- Unified Hand of Certitude Rk. III - 3
    --- Unity of Gezat Rk. III - 9
    --- Veturika's Perseverance - 3
    --- Virtuous Intervention Rk. III - 16
    --- Ward of Purity - 1
    --- Word of Reformation Rk. III - 36
    Cleric 2 - 278
    --- Anticipated Interposition Rk. III - 1
    --- Aura of Divinity Rk. III - 1
    --- Aura of the Reverent Rk. III - 1
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 15
    --- Contraction - 2
    --- Divine Arbitration - 2
    --- Divine Balance - 2
    --- Divine Interposition Rk. III - 2
    --- Divine Resurrection - 1
    --- Elixir of the Acquittal Rk. III - 4
    --- Fervent Renewal Rk. II - 1
    --- Form of Endurance XVIII - 1
    --- Fraught Renewal Rk. III - 2
    --- Quiet Miracle - 1
    --- Reverent Light Rk. III - 221
    --- Slain - 1
    --- Soothing Breath XIII - 1
    --- Unified Certitude Rk. III - 1
    --- Unified Hand of Certitude Rk. III - 2
    --- Unified Hand of Gezat Rk. III - 1
    --- Veturika's Perseverance - 1
    --- Word of Reformation Rk. III - 14
    Produced by GamParse v1.0.3
    As you can see, quite a difference in # of heals landing, and why I'm thrilled Graceful is now the worn focus.
    Tour and CaRnon like this.
  7. Nylrem Augur

    Same combined, from a cleric that uses Fraught > Fervent > Light.

    Combined: Sergeant Grady on 1/26/2014
    Cleric 3 - 432
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 1
    --- Burst of Life - 1
    --- Celestial Rapidity - 2
    --- Divine Arbitration - 4
    --- Divine Balance - 1
    --- Divine Peace - 1
    --- Divine Resurrection - 1
    --- Empyrean Blessing - 1
    --- Fervent Renewal Rk. III - 61
    --- Flurry of Life - 1
    --- Forceful Rejuvenation - 1
    --- Fraught Renewal Rk. III - 67
    --- Glyph of Lost Secrets - 1
    --- Healing Frenzy - 2
    --- Issuance of Grace Rk. III - 2
    --- Knowledge of the Past XV - 1
    --- Quiet Miracle - 1
    --- Reforming Splash Rk. III - 5
    --- Reverent Light Rk. III - 160
    --- Sacred Barrier - 1
    --- Second Spire of Divinity - 1
    --- Slain - 1
    --- Unified Hand of Gezat Rk. III - 1
    --- Veturika's Perseverance - 3
    --- Ward of Purity - 1
    --- Word of Reformation Rk. III - 109
    --- Yaulp XIII Rk. III - 1
    Produced by GamParse v1.0.3
    CaRnon likes this.
  8. CaRnon Augur

    Was that cleric using a mount?!?!
  9. Clarisa Augur

    I don't think anyone has forgotten that we can use the previous breastplate's click effect -- it just has been deemed by many of us as not that useful (a flat bonus to heals isn't really noticeable these days and group heals and splash eat up a ton of counters). Most clerics in my guild either don't use it, or if they do, they use it just because it's there. The fact that the new breastplate's click effect is essentially useless for raiding feels like a loss because we have to wait another year to (hopefully) get something worth using.

    Ideally, the breastplate effect should enhance our primary role: healing/buffing (or utility if the developers are feeling generous). DPS is a secondary concern (and not a concern at all in a raiding environment), so using up our annual breastplate effect on it is going to end up disappointing a significant amount of players. It's true that we might not always agree on what a useful effect is, but if it enhances the primary role or provides utility it doesn't run the risk of being entirely useless and will appeal to both grouping and raiding clerics.
  10. Tour Augur

    Indeed. CH was just too slow. Its amount healed per unit time was no longer cutting it (was never meant to last forever after all). And then Light fell into the same trappings. While I don't like the clicky on the BP, I am very happy with the focus. Remedy makes up the bulk of my heals, with Light being used when I have absolutely nothing better to use.

    As an aside, your heal team needs to use their heal discs / AA's more ;)
    CaRnon likes this.
  11. CaRnon Augur

    I ask again.. is one of your clerics using a mount? Only time I use a mount on my cleric is when I am running across a zone or such.. but I never use a mount on a raid.. makes it hard to duck out/swap heals if you need to switch target or such quickly.. pita to /dismount and then duck every time you have to do that..

    Plus Yallup is better mana regen which you can use instead of using a mount... I used to use my spell version but lately when I do need the mana regen I just use the AA version since I can cast a spell and use the yallup aa while spells are refreshing and then continue casting heals so there is no stop gap in my heals...

    I cringe every time I see a cleric on a mount mid raid. the stat benefit of some of the newer mounts is not worth the loss of the ability to duck and and recast on targets and the mana regen from yallup aa or spell is better then sitting on a mount while in combat.

    Sorry for my rant.. having a bad day.

    PS: Tour is right.. you guys should be using your AA heal abilitys more often.,. Celes Rapity, Healing frenzy , Flurry of life, Silent casting etc... if all the clerics use that you might be able to raid with less clerics and add more dps to the guild.
    Tour likes this.
  12. Marshall Maathers Augur

    What was the sense of asking clerics for their input in the first place on this effect.....
  13. Iila Augur

    FYI you shouldn't be using duck to break out of spell casting anymore. You can now bind a key to stop casting, it's one button press instead of two, and lag won't leave you ducking. It still does NOT work on mounts, so it doesn't change that situation.

    Also, you'll need to keep a key bound to duck, or you'll fail emotes in Sepulcher.
  14. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    I'm not the cleric in question, but I use a mount on my cleric on some raids (rarely). I used one on our first DH 2 win, I died several times and didn't have mod rod / etc up. I also commonly use a mount on DH 1. These fights take us a long time. our DH 2 win was an hour (at least) and DH 1 used to be quite long as well, though it's a lot faster now. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? If I don't use a mount, I use AA Yaulp. I use Glyph of Lost Secrets as well. I should clarify I only use a mount when I feel mana is going to be an issue, and a slight loss in spell control isn't likely to cause a loss (endurance fights).

    Regarding interrupting - it is kind of annoying on a horse (of course! .. sorry).

    Questions -
    1. How often do you interrupt spells? I usually am not ducking more than a few times per event on my cleric. My understanding was that the days of "duck if your heal isn't going to land" were long gone, as mobs hit so hard and fast that you can land a heal even though the tank's HP appears to be 100%, and ducking is going to reduce the amount of heals hitting the tank. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    2. How do you bind a key to stop casting on a mount? When I use a hotkey with /dismount /stopcast, I get the message "You can't use that command right now..."

    Thanks for the info.
  15. Iila Augur

    (Not commenting on the horse vs yaulp thing, I don't have any experience with it)

    None of my stopcasts are for saving mana or anything like that. They're either for when I need to change targets/spells to start a heal and don't want to wait for gem refresh on the current spell to recycle. Or for dealing with some outside effect doing something to me. Like a spellslow, knockback or add attacking me. When I get knocked back in a raid, my first reaction is to hit my stopcast key, so I can start casting again once I stop moving.

    I was going to say that you might need a /pause in between those two line in your hoykey. Then I remembered you can't use hotkeys while casting. Be fast with typing /dism.
  16. Rogue Augur

    People still duck heals? or interrupt heals? bad players that are looking for the big heal on a heal parse i'd say.
  17. Crystilla Augur

    A lot of people still duck heals. I know I do and it certainly isn't because of trying to time a big heal. When you're responsible for a lot of people, having to duck out of a heal that may not be needed to cast a heal that IS needed I'll take my ducking.

    Course I play with one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse so tend to be extremely fast at the switch and go.
    CaRnon likes this.
  18. Ardin Elder

    That is the point of this class, less clerics = better for guild :p
    That is why devs (and some wench :p )do everything to prevent popularity of clerics and and force actual clerics to leave this game or reroll to any other class (mage?).
    </rant off>

    irony, sarcasm and exaggeration, but you get my point.
  19. Crystilla Augur

    Hey hey, I resemble that remark :D
  20. CaRnon Augur

    Ducking spells has NOTHING to ldo with trying to land big heals for parses.. its like on WK 1 raid where the named will gflux you.. if I casted a heal and then before it lands I get fluxed I usualy wanna duck out and start another heal since the first one I casted will be interrupted from the flux. same goes for tank swaps when we switch tank if im mid heal and the target alredy has droped agro I will duck and swap to the new main tank...

    and like you said you cant use a hotkey while mid cast.,. and its faster for me to hit my duck key 2 times real fast then it is to type out /stop...

    I still don't understand using a mount over AA Yallup on longer fights.. Yallup is better mana regen/allows you to stop casting or duck and swap targets/ and with the AA version you can cast a heal / use AA Yallup while spells refresh and keep healing without missing a beat...