Zone Not Available

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Master Musician, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Master Musician Active Player

    Just got kicked with a context shutdown. What's with that? Now I can't even get back on. It just says "Zone Not Available".
  2. Fies Committed Player

    Same here. Second atempt Im (literally) falling in outer space. Stars everywhere :D US
  3. Master Musician Active Player

    Freaky Bro! :D I'll have another go in a few minutes and see what happens. lol Wish me luck and luck to you as well. :D
  4. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Same here. I can't get into Gotham Under Seige from my base teleporter.
  5. Master Musician Active Player

    Hopefully this issue doesn't require another server downtime to resolve. lol
  6. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Confirming as well.

    Just tried running an Alt of mine through the Ferris Aircraft extra solo bonus mission from WotL2, and every time (twice so far) I tried to use the teleporter in the Historic District of Downtown Metropolis Battlezone, I ended up with a long loading screen with an eventual auto-disconnect saying "Zone Not Available".
  7. Master Musician Active Player

    I just got back on and found my toon falling beneath the city. I locked movement to stop falling, jetted back up as far as the surface, but thats as far as I got. So I warped rally and got back on the ground. Lets see what happens next. OMG :D
  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    People are still getting kicked from the server if they running a new raid. You people know what I'm talking about. All 8 members in a group will get booted from the servers back to the log in menu screen if they fight or kill a boss in either BN or PB raids.

    This needs to be fixed. I sick of getting booted from a last boss fight. There are people who can support this and I'll be uploading a video soon.

    If you get booted there's no way back in the raid. It's like you're getting a server disband which kicks you back to the main menu.

    This has been going on for 2 months now. Every since Blackest Night happened.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Server overload. The sever imo is trying to hold too many of the same instance. Thus creating this problem. Hopefully the server gets fixed before they launch the alert.
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  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    lol Just as I post I got booted while we were Queuing up PBR again. This time it was on the loading screen while we were Queuing. It can happen anywhere huh. Anyway I'm still sick of it.
  11. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I have had no problem yet.
  12. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    I just crashed three out of four times while loading into instances. Its unplayable for until its fixed. one of my crashes was in the middle of an alert.
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  13. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I don't care if it does. As it is Legends PvP is a nightmare. Getting multiple spikes in all of my matches. 1v1 or 2v2. Server maintenance would help fix that too.
  14. C Level Active Player

    Never had this issue before. Now disconnects when zoning instances. Also, when I disconnect in a middle of an Alert, I have to spend respec tokens if I want to go back in and finish. Hopefully Daybreak is on top of this, but I'd find it hard to believe I'm the only one with the issue.


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  15. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    Same thing on PS3 and PS4 is happening entering instances, Missions for me on PS4. All I get is a gray screen saying waiting for data. Everything seems to work except can't see anything. Map, inventory, and so on are fine. was fine yesterday and this morning, might be a product of population - Servers running out of resources??
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  16. C Level Active Player

    Yep, that's exactly what's going on with me too. Also was fine yesterday. Has Daybreak responded to this yet?
  17. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Had this twice so far today. The second time, when I logged back in, I was inside of the BIA alert, as were 2 of the other 3 who were in the alert with me. None of us was grouped, and we were stuck in the Flash Museum with no way back to the alert. Had to warp to watchtower to get out.

    Both times, I got the game's disconnect screen (the one with Brainiac ships on it) with "zone unavailable" or similar language, and a suggestion to restart the game.
  18. Master Musician Active Player

    After alot more in-game issues I tend to agree with you man! :D
  19. Malgarron Level 30

    Any of y'all get the error 4-503 thing?
    I figure the combination of the server mergings+slow internet here might be why I get that.
  20. Nawtae Well-Known Player