You're NOT entitled to winning.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Nitrac, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Nah, he's selling carpets in Mumbai. It's a family business. From what I hear too, he's making quite a lot of money too!
    Lol I edited this post like 6 times so far.
  2. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    Flying ones? :eek:

  3. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Flying ones costs extra though. :p
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  4. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    Ok, I get it, players that don't have any showcase in pvp are the ones to argue with the players who has quite the showcase in pvp.
    Showcase = popular, Videos, Tournaments, Guides, anything that is known throughout the Community Social Media.
    no showcase = none of the above.

    Example: Watching NFL vs Playing FNL.

    It's like people who just watches football and tries to argue against popular football players about the big knowledge and skill in football.
    Just because you play football on the streets or in high school or in college doesn't mean you can make the big leagues and argue against the big leagues, How about, don't argue and go in the field and just prove the skill.
  5. QuaTumTroLL Well-Known Player

    yo I got real good at it though. I'll teach you some day.
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  6. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors
  7. Zylo Committed Player

    and you really think that makes you entitled to win because you out played that person? this is an mmo. not a fighting game. you want to play a fighting game? then go play Street fighter, Mortal Kombat or Injustice. this game should be about the gear, SP's. roles and powers.

    you want to whine and complain that you cant beat someone who is tougher and stronger than you because he put the time and effort on pve to get to were he is but you wont? thats your problem. but u rather complain about it on the forums to bring all his hard work to your pathetic weak level cuz your're to lazy to do it also. thats disgusting.
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  8. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    What's disgusting is your attitude. You think playing PvE should give you an advantage in PvP? Not to mention a lot of the people who are ok with it already have 200+ SP's anyway. So the lazy part has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    As for a fighting game, other mmo's have PvP, do you think they would have the success they have if stats were more important skill? Of course outplaying someone in ANY game earns you the win. But for some reason that concept seems to be lost on way too many people in this game.
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  9. Emoney Loyal Player

    People in tho debate need to understand a couple things.....

    1. Stats are not "boosted". If I am wearing all raid gear....all my stats are nerfed down to 96 pvp(entry stats) they are all LOWER than my usual gear so its not a boost.

    2. The devs simply made it easier to try pvp by not forcing us to buy entry level cash gear(like we did in 2011-2012.) Instead....we can walk in to an arena the first time and we simply get our level 96 gear automatically.

    Anyone who is arguing that level 96 stats are boosting players to wins......simply doesn't understand what is going on. If you are level 100pvp and you can't beat one of these 96 people.....its yourself you should be angry at.....not the game.
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  10. Zylo Committed Player

    No....whats disgusting is how long they catered to all these garbage DPS for so damn long. giveing them so much of an advantage when they never deserved it ruining controlers, healers and tanks in the process. everyone freaken warned them about it but they went ahead with it regardless. am glad i quit playing this once amazing game untill they ruined it by listening to all the wrong ppl when it was perfectly fine. now its just a complete joke. make a tank be a freaken tank, a healer be a freaken healer and a controler be a damn controler while the DPS gets destroyed by them how it was ment to be.

    its pointless to even say anything negative cuz their just going to satisfy the majority anyways and thats the garbage DPS because they need so much help to have a fighting chance against us mean ol'role players.
  11. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    And why not? Pvp gear is vendor exclusive no luck needed whatsoever to get the piece you need... And yet pve is luck based for best gear and the luckier player has the higher Cr usually is top chosen for raid/alert. Skill points are mostly available to anyone any time. So why shouldn't a player who's put tons of play time into achieving something have an advantage? An athlete who trains every day vs one who has just begun, the well trained person has an added advantage of experience and skill over the freshly trained person. By luck the under experienced person COULD win but it's usually highly unlikely. Think before you start pushing your bias opinions on people.
  12. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Using your athlete analogy:
    Suppose an athlete trains for years in swimming. One day, he decides to start playing Football. By your broken logic, the athlete should already be extremely good at Football. But is he? Why should the athlete be rewarded in Football for training in Swimming?
    The same goes for PvE and PvP. The two are completely unrelated. A person should not receive a huge advantage in PvP after spending hours and hours in PvE.
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  13. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Changes on Test are fixing the damage issues. There are several kinks, but no more one shots. If you can get on Test and see for yourself, do so.
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  14. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    It's quite apparent that PS and PC won't be getting along too famously once cross play is here. I guess it's nice to know I can pick and choose who I play with or against.
  15. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    Athletes train their skill, not the clothing they wear. LOL Athletes is a reason to just remove gear completely from arena and make it entirely skill-based. Nice one
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  16. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    I like how y'all are talking about athletes. The last marathon you ran was on Netflix.
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