Your Loyalty Means the World to Us!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 1, 2014.

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  1. DC-Doll New Player

    I'd smack em with a monkey wrench :p Bad question. The guy that does my transmission work has been a friend and professional for my dad for over 40 years...Seriously tho, I am pretty sure they're working on bringing the game back up.
  2. Livingston New Player

    It is interesting that they offer a consolation that simply allows you to get rewards for a medium level mission twice in one day, if you managed to log in during a time where the servers have been down a lot. Where as the people who have mostly been affected by this have lost nearly three days of playing, where they could have received the rewards of multiple missions on three separate occasions, and probably couldn't log in during the window to be eligible for the compensation anyway...
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  3. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    No one told ya to buy a PS4. :p
  4. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Get this guy a forum account!

    The Tuttle
    Mr Dollar

    #ideas :p
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  5. DC-Doll New Player

    What makes it worse is the fact it's during the extra week for legendary players. I mean, isn't early access to a dlc one of the perks we payed for? Yet if we were ask them to extend the legendary only access, there's the premiums and free players all up in arms because they got no love.
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  6. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    So one days outage, 50 cents or 30 uk pence of lost time is covered by 50 replay badges. Seems reasonable to me.

    Slap in the face? no.

    Now had the outage been a week or more then you might consider the "slap in the face" to start becoming appropriate.

    The entitlement issues of some people o_O
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  7. Lantern Neuro New Player

    No hatred from me at all brother, we're all in this together.

    I guess my point to mentioning "I'm sorry and we're working on it" was that people might calm down if there was a little more depth to the explanation, because people tend to take a statement like that as just being blown off, ignored, and I daresay under appreciated for giving them their business when kept in the dark. From the look at the reception this latest attempt at making amends with replay badges is going over from the posts in this thread, I'd say something needs to be done in the way of assurances before people just start packing up their bags and calling it quits. The last thing I personally want to see is this game die.

    Funny you should mention learning code.... I actually DO work as a developer for another software company that has NOTHING to do with games, but I do code in a number of different languages. SOE you know where to find me if you need me if you need some contracted temporary help... but I don't work for replay badges.
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  8. junglejim New Player

    50 replays for content? Meh.
    Next 5sp on my alt for free? Thank you very much . Trouble was to be expected with such a huge update and dlc dropping
  9. Echephyle New Player

    50 replay badges is worth an alert and a duo. If you convert that into playing time, that could be less than an hour. The game was unplayable for at least 10 hours for many of us. They should give us 10 hours worth of replay badges or something more attractive like marks of fury or a piece of amazon soldier gear
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  10. WraithShadow13 Active Player

    While the 50 replay tokens isn't a slap to the face as it is, in comparison to every other game getting Double XP weekends, then yeah, it's kind of a slap to the face to the DCUO crowd. To be honest, ten hours or so is an entire day of playing for some people, so given the frequency of certain end game missions over others, 50 replay tokens really isn't worth the work i could have put into grinding that time, more so given that the other games are getting double xp weekends or seven days closed beta access.
  11. MercPony Devoted Player

    I'm sure it means everybody. Its like a nice little gift for people that don't get them monthly for not having a sub and don't buy them otherwise... and a gift for people that get them every month and are more likely to buy them. I'm kinda just neutral on it all. I don't use replay badges much anyway but appreciate them showing they care in some manner. They didn't have to give us anything at all.
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  12. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    I means its stuff like this week is why I don't pay for legendary and i buy everything.
    When this game works it works well. Granted still some changes I would like to see.
    And when it doesn't work man it doesn't work and that would make me feel like I wasted my money if I bought legendary just for what happened this week.

    the replay badges are nice will help us who don't have legendary yet be able to replay the amazon alerts 2 times.
    But how about 5-10k mot of even mol or mov. Hell I could us marks of valor as I hate pvp plus gear price is so high 150 mov.
    Basically make it a mission and people can choose between 5k mot, 100 mol, 500 mov
    Something that doesn't eat you guys in the wallet
  13. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    50 replay badges? :D Pay attention to not go out of business! ;)
  14. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    50 marks dnt make up foe 2 1/2 years of bs but whatever its cool guess I'll buy a rd scanner with it idk
  15. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Why does the amount of replay badges have to be considered for raid use ONLY? Please....someone tell me why. Raids aren't even the most played thing in the game. It's the alerts.
  16. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the replay badges. Also Mepps, while reading some of the comments last night my hair stood on end. I would like to apologize for the behavior of some in our community. You are the LAST person deserving of attack and I'm embarrassed.
  17. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Debugging resolving can't always have an estimated timeframe. That's not how code fixing works.
  18. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    And for those of us that aren't gonna be buying the dlc, what about us, huh? What are we supposed to do with marks of fury, considering the only way you can do anything with them is buy the dlc? Replay badges are something everyone can use, if they want, but they are under no obligation to give us anything at all.
  19. cdills7509 New Player

    mepps i didnt recieve my replay badges charachter chrisdills7509 usps4 please help
  20. cdills7509 New Player

    nevermind just recieved thanks
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