Your favorite DC...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Qwerty Beyond, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Qwerty Beyond New Player

    Character? Moment from movie/TV? Anything!
    Character? Batman...Beyond :p
    But, modern Batman ( that's how we call it in-game XD ) is cool to.
    Now...the movie part...
    It would be the sewer fight in The Dark Knight Rises! Pretty cool scene! Also, the part where Superman learns how to fly in Man of Steel is one of my favorite moments as well.

    What's your favorite DC character or moment etc.?
  2. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    Comic, when Batman is grabbing Supes and telling him that he wants him to remember who beat him.

    NB4 Ragers
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  3. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    I think my favorite DC movie is the animated one "Batman: Under The Red Hood", specifically the part where Batman tell Jason Todd why he won't allow himself to let go and off the Joker, because if he did he essentially wouldn't be able to stop and wold probably become something just like the Joker.

    I think the scene that Dng described with Supes and Bats in the DKR is a close 2nd to this one for me

    I know it seems like a cop-out but I think my favorite character in the DCU is Batman, specifically the Batman from "Under the Red Hood" or Miller's DKR because he is just "I'm done holding back" and kicks *** and takes names.
  4. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Two moments that left mark when i was a child:
    1.- Flash takes out Brainiac-Luthor in JLU: When everyone is down and it looks like he is running away, so Luthor laughs it out only to find out Flash ran arround the whole freakin planet just to build strenght and speed for his infinite mass punches.

    2.- Superman's Carboard world speech: One of those rare occasions in which Superman remembers that he is Superman :)

    Another cool but sad one was in Batman Beyond, when Bruce realizes he is too old and decides to quit being Batman.
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  5. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player


    Always has been, always will be.

    When I was a kid my comic number ones were Batman and Spiderman, when I hit my teens and chose Marvel as my company that didn't change. Batman is more than the company that makes him.
  6. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Catwoman by far is my favorite charterer.

    Iv not read it, but iv heard she is now a league member in one of the new Justice League series? Not sure how I feel about that. I like her being in the middle of good and bad. Not really taking either side unless one side she can profit from more for the night.
    Loving the new Catwoman 52 series. Don't want to throw any favorite moments out there for those who have not read it yet. But in one issue a close friend of hers is murdered. It was just really intense. Was hard to turn from one page to the next, followed by reading very quickly and turning frantically to find out how she would get her revenge.

    A couple of random moments I like from tv shows (none Catwoman related)

    Justice League - when Green Arrow asks Captain Adam if it's true that he is made out of nuclear energy. After Adam confirms it, Arrow responds by saying " "I think you're what I marched against back in college." Priceless moment. The only thing that would have made it better, had been if Captain Adam said something like "What college did you go to? F.U?"

    The other was in Young Justice when Batman is briefing the team on the mission and Queen Bee. Robin asks if she is the one with the power to seduce "most men" and Batman responds "Yes. And some women" You might have to be LGBT to understand how significant and monumental that tiny moment was. It probably went by unnoticed to most, for us it was amazing.
  7. Tannen Committed Player

    I grew up watching reruns of the old batman and superman shows (the ones that ran new when my dad was growing up). I never followed comic books, so im fairly low level in terms of comic knowledge. So naturally these two heroes among heroes have always been favorites of mine for different.

    Also, catwoman has been a favorite since michelle Pfeiffer put on the leather. Since playing this game, both huntress and black canary have caught my interest.

    I dont know that i can pick just one as my favorite

    Movie, probably the keaton Nicholson batman. Say what you want, but for me it remains the quintessential batman film
  8. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    One of my favorite comic moments...with just a thought put into it...the moment Dr. Sivana begins to realize what is going on during the Crisis of Infinite Earths... My favorite moment in THIS DC game...watching Mammoth in the cathedral duo. We would all like to be noble in power like Superman or Wonder Woman...or a tough street smart genius like the Bat...but in all honesty...most of us would end up sounding just like Mammoth..or try to cash in like Booster...
  9. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Hard to call my favourite DC character. I like a lot of them, especially now my exposure to characters has been amplified by TV/movies. I'll leave out the ones I've always liked (Batman, Superman) and go with Green Arrow, Flash, and Constantine. Their shows really had me invested in the characters and I find myself going boyond the shows to dig deeper into the stories.

    Favourite DCUO moment: Again so many but I'll go with getting my Justice League membership for the first time. Founding the Justice Realm, 3 years ago, and getting the hall this year, is right up there, along with teaming with my son in game.

    Favoutrite comic stories: The Death And Return Of Superman, and Batman: Knightfall.
    My first two big comic "event" stories. Others would be Blackest Night, Court Of Owls, and the New 52 Nightwing series.

    Movies: Batman 89, and the Christopher Reeve Superman movie.

    I'll stop there. Work soon, no time for an essay.
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Character would probably be a toss-up between The Flash or Green Lantern. If you want something more specific, for Flash it'd be either Wally or Barry and for GL Hal or Kyle. There are aspects of all those characters that I like, so trying to decide between one among them is challenging.

    Comics I'd have to go with Infinite Crisis. I'm a little tempted to go with either Sinestro Corps War or Blackest Night as well, but Infinite Crisis brought a more hopeful look to things, and even though he eventually got better, Superboy's death was a heck of an impact moment.

    Moment from a show? Again a toss up between the "I hit him with a rock!" from the Batman Animated Series episode "Almost Got 'Im" and the fight between Superman and Lobo from the Superman animated series. Brad Garrett was awesome as Lobo. :D

    As for movies, I have to agree with Dezaras for the most part, but for me it's the Batman 89 film and the first two Christopher Reeve Superman films. The performances by Reeve, Keaton and Nicholson in those films really helped set the bar for their respective characters. Some actors have risen to the occasion (Mark Hamill in particular with his Joker performance), others haven't quite done so.
  11. Speedcat Well-Known Player

    Honestly. This scene is one of my favourite DC moments. Purely because it's one of the best reveals of a character in my book. The music, the dialogue and the effects all hold up well, and show exactly what Superman is supposed to be. (In my eyes) A hero who has infinite power but will stop for the little guy.

    Still gives me chills actually!
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Between Christopher Reeve's Superman and Chris Evans' Captain America, you've got proof that you can do heroes like that without being corny or hokey.
  13. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Donna Troy and Nightwing.

    Nightwing has always been a favorite of mine. Not sure why.

    Donna Troy fought Eclipso. Nuff said.
  14. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Hal Jordan....