True enough, but it doesn't really take that much effort to send a tell saying something like, "Hey, want to group up for this?" before sending any kind of invite. A little politeness and courtesy can go a long way.
I always group for it on my alts, mainly because you'll get one hitted otherwise from what I've seen.
just have to go into it prepared. supply drops. sidekicks and orbitals are there for a reason. not really enjoying the open world as much as I did with the anti monitor event. way, way too easy. the only mission I really like is carrying the large bombs over to the launcher. first time in a long time the game has made me feel like my character has super strength.
it is easy: activate your orbital and call your henchmen right after test started. block untill all is over and take a drink if needed.
This mission is certainly more difficult for certain powersets to solo than others. It's incredibly easy for the pet dps, for example, since all they really have to do is use a damage field, hit the switch and block. In case anyone doesn't know, I've learned that for each test except electricity, you can activate the switch and run to the side while the poison/ice/fire ticks away their health and then swoop in to kill them once they get really low.
Done it solo on al 8 of my toons , the only one I struggle a little with is my Celestial as it's not a power i'm familiar with yet , doesn't need to be a group mission in my opinion as it's easily done with a bit of patience and positioning.
Prime, just because you can do it on most of your toons, doesn't mean everybody else can do it on the character they're playing.. People don't all have the same skill levels at any given subject. Before my vision and coordination got really bad, I won a LOT af awards for my drawings and paintings over the years. How many have you won? Why hasn't EVERYONE won a lot of awards for theirs? Why can't EVERYONE solve a Rubik's Cube as quickly as my brother? Why isn't EVERYONE as good a marksman as my friend? A lot of people in this game seem to believe that, "if I can do it, everyone else can do it, too". -but that's not always true. Not everyone can solo that mission on any toon they play. There are too many variables at play. here. Between the varying power types, trinkets possessed, character skill points and CR's (clamped, or not), and player skill levels, the fact that some people can solo it doesn't mean everyone else can. Even when it's something that a LOT of people are good at, there's still going to be a lot of people that aren't.
Yeah I've had zero issues soloing these. As long as you have a soder to pop or something like that it's no problem
People say they can solo it with all their SC up, side kicks, supply drops, orbital strikes, and running to a more safe area. All well and good, but why not just group with other people? Like I said, I saw this with the Shadow Archons, and people would stand around waiting for a spawn, yet not want to group with the other people waiting for a spawn. If people aren't going to group for group content, then take it out. And if you aren't going to group for group content, don't complain about lack of group content.
multitask. usually I do any open world contents/events while also queing for a bunch of other stuffs. if i accept some random group invites i will loose the que. and sometimes groups will just slow me down. asking "ready?", or wait for his friends and stuffs like that. its just a waste of time for something that can be solo'd. still tho, many ppl can't solo it but the mission being a group mission doesn't necessary mean u need to group up literally. usually ppl just have some kind of silent understanding, when if both (or more) ppl know that they're doin the same mission, someone usually just start and they do it together and be done with it without saying a single word.
I hate this mission but to be fair it hated me first. It did show me that when I go on test to properly test to how my live characters are. On test I easily did that thing solo, I seemed to have no issue of ever getting mobbed by the Starros but when it went live instant KO and there was no angle I could find to work. I'm pretty much not doing it anymore after the first run, if I can get that finished that is.
But you don't need to be grouped to run content like that, you just need a group of people around. An actual formed group can handle that kind of content with no problem, but so can a bunch of players gathered around the spawn who aren't actually grouped. As I mentioned earlier, it's the same kind of situation we have with bounty/wanted missions and Sub Avatars in South Gotham.
I have no idea what your talking about. If you READ I said I did it no problem on my main, with my SC and backup. I never said I could do it on all my toons. I actually said, again if you read, that I could not do it on my munitions. You remarks are always very hateful. Maybe you should seek out some professional help.