You think you can dress like that just because you have superpowers?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by it_was_Friday, May 27, 2016.

  1. TheOtherTed Active Player

    "Weeb" as in "weeaboo," as in... hrm, let's say "someone who wants anime-inspired characters and armor in a game with a decidedly non-anime theme." Not sure where the characters are from, but I'll bet a shiny new kopeck that the armor was inspired by Tera Online.
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  2. Anothername Well-Known Player

    I hate it if game take these ridiculous, unrealistic and un-needed moves.

    What are they trying to accomplish here anyway? Pleasing medieval full-plate fans? Trying to make them believe shoulder armor being higher than your head is a good thing in combat? I mean in addition to being mobile like a brick having the observation skills of one must really help. Newsflash: Its impossible to swim in such an armor, and even accidentally dropping into water means byebye because no way of getting rid of it fast enough. Fighting giants? lol, as if a slim steel layer is gonna protect from being stamped like a soupcan under a steamroller; good luck evading that or any other oversized creature.

    The female warrior on the other hand is fine and don't need to worry any of that. And in case of a duel she just needs to evade the few minutes till the poor guy drops from exhaustion. Or walks behind him and knocks him out.
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  3. JeffEllis Committed Player

    I have no idea where the image is from, I just borrowed it from the almighty Google images to illustrate the point which holds true across not only video games but even back in the tabletop days. Look through an old DnD reference manual, same thing. Male armor is almost always cumbersome, movement inhibiting and in many cases, visually restricting as well while female armor is little more than a g-string bikini with a small bit of metal glued to it. The same goes for cinema. Look at Bridgette Nielson as Red Sonja or Carrie Fisher as Leia in the famous chain mail bikini. DC's own Wonder Woman is one of the earliest examples in cinema and literature of the trope in popular fiction.
  4. Anothername Well-Known Player

    Considering that this individual is part of the same universe as Red Sonja is it might not be the best example to take. Unless you want to complain that Red Sonja wears more than Conan :p
  5. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yup, have oft times used a similar counter, also have to realise and understand: Sonja was one of the best fighters, female or male, in the Hyborean Age, and the few times she got injured was when there were overwhelming odds against her, and most times she still won or was able to escape
  6. JeffEllis Committed Player

    He's a barbarian though. Barbarian's have different rules than other warriors. That loin cloth is +50 to badassery. I don't know why they have different rules but apparently if you change the spelling of warrior to barbarian, your skin gets harder, you can dodge lightning bolts (not even sure the Flash could do that) and you're basically a low rent Kryptonian.
  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That post makes anything you say null and avoided: Conan was a Cimmerian, descendants of the Atlanteans
  8. JeffEllis Committed Player

    So Conan proves Atlanteans can be awesome. Aquaman proves Atlanteans can be sad and pathetic. So are you saying being Atlantean is a good or bad thing? I still don't get how being a Cimmerean proves or disproves anything. Cimmerean is his nationality, barbarian is his character class/archetype.
  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    He was many things: thief, corsair, fighter, archer, pirate, about the only thing wasn't was a healer or 'finger-wriggler'
  10. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Good point, bad examples.:D Red Sonja is basically dressed the same as her counterpart Conan, so in this case it's consistent. And Leia is not wearing armor but a "slave" outfit.

    Wonder Woman's costume has taken steps to improve over the years, but chest armor with exposed cleavage is still a stupid thing.:)


    I like this "deviant" artist's viewpoint.
  11. JeffEllis Committed Player

    The irony I see in this is that until recent times, women were not treated equally, especially in matters of war/combat so women warriors throughout history are pretty rare in most cultures. There are a few notable exceptions, Joan of Arc for example comes to mind, and they wore actual, period appropriate armor. The idea of the sexualised versions of armor we use in popular fiction would be ludicrous to people fighting in actual battles. But, as we know, when it comes to games and tv/movies, sex sales and so it's no surprise that artists tend towards this trend. Trends are changing and with women becoming a larger demographic than ever and the numbers increasing constantly, the future of game style and art design might change dramatically. Or not. Only time and money will decide.
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  12. TheOtherTed Active Player

    Yeah, so those superhero costumes though, huh? Boy, can they get wacky!
  13. JeffEllis Committed Player

    I'm holding out for Borat's swimsuit to be added as a style for males.

  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    ONLY if they include full-body hair
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  15. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    I know. This is clearly a job for... uh...


    Batman, I guess...


    ... or not. :D
  16. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Female skin overdone in comics...!!!???

    No idea what youre talking about...(rolls eyes)...
  17. Bakula Borg New Player

    I believe that's what you were trying to type and I must say, I wholeheartedly agree! People often underestimate Aquaman because of his terrible representation in the old Justice League cartoon. In fact, it could be argued that he's even stronger than Superman (he's certainly knocked Supes around plenty of times) without having a weakness to Kryptonite or magic. He has incredible strength, bullets bounce harmlessly off of him, he has telepathic abilities (not just talking to fish, he'll give you a seizure if he so pleases), the list goes on! Not to mention the time he punched Death in the face.

    More on topic, I hope they put in a fishscale speedo so I can make a Sub-Mariner outfit. Maybe some bangles like Wonder Womans to complete the look.
  18. JeffEllis Committed Player

    No just no. No matter how much they recon and buff him he is and always be lame. It's not about his powers it's about him.
  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not sure if ever met anyone else who felt the same way towards Aquadork
  20. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Actually it's less the artists and more the marketing "professionals" that TELL them what to do and leaves them with no option otherwise. My experience with marketers is that the majority are taught to go with whatever is selling and considered successful in the market at the time, to "go for the sure thing". Which, in this case, is to make images of the most attractive and sought after physical form in the history of western society (the female body).

    The trend is changing though as more women get fully clothed. Which will lead us back to the Victorian era where males get excited over exposed ankles as that is the only thing they see of the female body.