You might be a ShenaniganZ if...

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Craven Green, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Well I must say we are looking for good healers like yourself and tanks. Pay no attention to Somerandombats it's now four easy payments of $29.95, a naked run through Robinson Park and dressing a pink tutu for a couple days. We stopped the goat sacrificing a while back PETA was harassing us too much. Winter you know you can always hit me up in game I have been on my Tank lately but Craven's retirement is over since there are 6sp in play.
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  2. winter13 New Player

    I'm willing to run naked through Robinson Park, but wearing a tutu might sully my reputation :)
  3. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Wait, YOU have a reputation? And that one is the deal breaker I'm afraid, we might be willing to compromise with the dino rubber ring , snorkel and some wings but pink will be the non negotiable color. ;)
  4. St IronMagic Well-Known Player

    Healers and Tanks of all types are welcome. Join in on the ShenaniganZ!
  5. Cyclotrode X New Player

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  6. Craven Green Loyal Player

    lol scary ooooooooooooooooooh
  7. Cyclotrode X New Player

    figured i'd start threatening it may yeild results... looking for tanks and heals join today!
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  8. Cyclotrode X New Player


    Golden... join today and maybe you too will gain a place of honor in the house of ShenaniganZ.
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  9. Cyclotrode X New Player

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  10. Craven Green Loyal Player

    this is the most awesome thing I've seen well done +1000 and a choc chip cookie for you
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  11. St IronMagic Well-Known Player

    Pure gold. Its funny because its true. +1
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  12. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Burp ooops I mean Bump. I had a big lunch my apologies.
  13. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

  14. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Why so glum chum?
  15. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Well, i'm a part of Dusk2Dawn, and a lot of people I played with left it for this league and I still don't know why. I'm still sad.
  16. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I have inboxed you and I hope it answers the why.
  17. Cyclotrode X New Player

    inactivity mostly... no hard feelings you're all great players, but only a couple are active. it felt like we were caretakers for a cemetery of the inactive. anytime you guys need a hand let us know and we'll be more than happy to help w/runs.

    also cheer up! you still have the best power in game... KALEB POWER
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  18. XWACJOB New Player

    Don't be sad my friend we are still here to play any time u need we aren't mad about anything no reason to be sad
  19. Craven Green Loyal Player

    In all seriousness though we are still looking for more Healers and Tanks please hit us up here or in game.
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  20. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Good Morning the PVP cycle is about to resume so we are recruiting again. Healers and Tanks are always high on our priority list but we will consider all roles.

    At night during the week there are on average 13-15 people playing and on the weekends the numbers rises. I can't speak on daytime players as I have a day job that prevents me from pursuing my passion for 10 hours.:(

    Please inbox me or contact us in game.
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