You have to be kidding me

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    So I have run survival mode 3/4 times till now and only one we had to wipe because the boss owned us. Every time I get people who are good enough and actually know what they are doing, we get an awesome start until after one or two hour later someone DCs. Usually I am the one who get all mad and raged when this happens, but last night I went take a break in the 10 minute interval and guess what? When I came back I was watching at a freaking blank screen. This is just absolutely unacceptable. I don't run with pugs and I don't feel like running it 24/7 so it takes a lot of time and preparation just to get in and then when something like this happens it totally makes it not worth it.

    THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET PEOPLE IN IF THE GAME CRASHES. One of my leageuemates was saying they should rename it to "Internet Survival Mode" or something like that. Yes I get it I am a bit too awesome and the bosses **** their pant when I get in, but that's hardly any reason to crash my game.
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  2. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I lol'd at "Internet Survival Mode".
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    If they were about to fix it so if you dc'd in survival mode and came right back there would be too much crying on the forums .
  4. IIINASTYIII New Player

    Underrated post. This is the reason why our league has not been able to commit to the survival mode. Huge waste of time when team members are left out due to server instability/ improper development.
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  5. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Sorry but if they fixed that glitch it would be a nerf and people would complain....
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  6. SuperBell Loyal Player

    They would need for the system to know who legit DC'd to keep from people getting knocked out and rushing to unhook their internet to get back in.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    That is impossible. Some computers even have a button to disconnect you from the internet. So nearing death *press* repair grab some colas and boom back in.
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  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Here is a thought... If the instance is still active when you log in, it should toss you right back into that instance.(For those who DC)
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Still saving them from death.
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    I have no words for this. Stopping people from dcing is not a nerf. Letting players back in after being k'od would be a nerf. I know most of the players i know wont even waste time running SM because of 2 reasons. 1-no reward other than a shirt and spending hrs to get it and 2-that if they have a good run going and some1 dcs it usually messes the run up. Why on earth would any1 want to spend hrs in SM? The whole idea was not very well thought through.

    And the fact that we cant have feats or any progression because of the community is flat out sad. Its because of the nerf brigade. As soon as there would of been feats the below average players start complaining they cant achieve them and its too hard. I really wonder when things in life are too hard what these people do? Ask their boss to nerf their workload? Ask their wife to nerf their kids? Maybe pray and ask for their life to ne nerfed? It sounds silly but its true.

    I get people say this is a game and they pay for it. Does that mean it entitles u to have everything handed to u w/out working for it? When i 1rst started paying 4 this game i never once thought that. Most games have a progression and have parts that are hard and other parts that are alot easier. The complaining on these forums when something is too hard or not fair needs to stop. Welcome to life in the real world. Things are rarely easy or fair.
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  11. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Tbh I was just joking lol. You're reading to much into my comment.
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    Right, because you know you're not going to log right into the middle of an instant death AOE or the mob that was gonna kill you before, or a different mob that will kill you right off the bat, or... Le gasp back into the instance to find over half of everybody else KOed or about to be KOed and unable to do much to save it....
  13. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Teamspeak is a thing. Many of the successful runs have been done through communication. Its not hard for a tank to direct a boss or ads to a area way from where you logged and say "Log back in"
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  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    "Fixed" for what I perceive to be more accurate...

    The average player probably doesn't apply the same logic to real life, instead they either:
    Look for a new job(If the job they have is too hard for the amount of reward one gets from it.)
    Ask the wife to help out with the kids.(Or just neglect the kids until they loose them, and possibly the wife as well)
    Pray ans ask their life to be made easier? Perhaps, and there isn't anything wrong with that. Certainly better than rage quitting.

    Life in the real world might not be easy or fair, but last time I checked that's pretty-much why we invented games... This game is not real life and thus it doesn't need to be hard or lacking in fairness.

    The best of which are easy to learn and fair to all who play them. Now the problem here is that real life can and does affect the fairness of the game.(Being DCed from the game by no fault of your own isn't a fair way to loose survival mode.) So the question is how do we come up with a fair way to keep a player in the game when life decides to be unfair?

    One proposed solution was to have some way to resume the game from where you left off when you are able to log back in... The tricky part would be making the game save your status so you log in with exactly the same amount of HP and Power and Supercharge you had when you got disconnected... Is that even possible without breaking the mirror in the back of every wall-mart in the world...?
  15. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    This is why I hate SM. Too many things can go wrong that are of no fault of the player. The game simply isn't stable enough to support this idea.
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  16. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    If a player dcs. the group should be allowed to get that person back or get another player. A dc is not a death. Another fix would be put a vendor in survival. When the group dies everyone can pick up where they left off and, repair.
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  17. BigAl Devoted Player

    How many of these threads do we need?
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  18. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    It's mind boggling when people legit think that letting a dc'd player back in is a nerf. You're supposed to survive as a team hell each new round is a new survival basically. Idk it's just not really worth it. The shirt is cool but I would only want certain colors and I'm not running that boring as hell content to get it. Take one or two tanks have them stand in the middle while the rest of the group attacks from a distance. Great sigh
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  19. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    They're working on bringing Link Death back in apparently. Which means that despite you disconnecting, your character remains in the instance, ready for when you log back in from your disconnect or crash. No timeline on when this will be made available, again, though but it sounds like a fair compromise.

    Letting people just saunter back in opens it up to exploitation, which, as we all should remember, is something this community loves doing more than actually playing as intended. Whether it's exploiting the feature that lets On Duty instances pop faster or glitching Paradox.

    If they can't get the link death thing working, perhaps when they build the infinite cycle of scaling bosses (rather than the static 10 rounds of this Survival mode) they could lower the bosses health. This isn't necessarily a nerf because nerf suggests things get softer and thus easier, which is not what's being suggested. Just it means that you don't have to dedicate 6 hours of your life to get to round 8 or whatever the going rate is at the moment, but you still have to climb the ladder if you want to challenge the later rounds and it isn't a big deal if the game screws you over.
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  20. kav Committed Player

    I understand your frustration, had a similar issue with some lag spikes yesterday which costed us a wipe in round 7. On Topic: There is a solution and only one to legitimately allow people back in who DC'd. I'll take Dota 2 here as an example:

    If someone of your team DC'd then you are able to halt the game for a short amount of time - a real pause. In that time the DC'd player can come back and you start where you left off. Now I'm obviously not an expert with the game engine and if that is even possible, but this would be the only practical solution, because:
    • If you would DC and to ensure you don't fake it your character would start ghosting
      • That would mean the character would still be there until you come back and be fully vulnerable in the meantime —> given how hard SM hits you will die anyways, so not an option
    The game also would need to register who joined to disallow somebody else to connect AKA give you a special token. Thus — if you disconnect while in Survival Mode...
    • As soon as the player dropped the group and disconnect the game would halt and everybody would be frozen and not able to interact - same for the environment
    • A timer would start and allow the disconnected player a window of a maximum of 5 minutes to come back
    • The group may vote to continue if they please to do so
    Now you still have abuse possibilities opened up here. Players could forcefully disable their network to give the group 5 minute breaks here and there which isn't cool either. It's not possible for an engine to differ between a fake disconnect or a legit one. You could maybe only allow a halt in a specific time range or play roulette and make one or two tokens for possible DC's.
    As you can see it is hard to make it a fair and square system.
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