Yeti Player One - USPC(PS) Villain league

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Black Jaq, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Yeti Player One is a villain league primarily of old USPC players. By old, I mean many of us are in our 40s. Old habits die hard, so we use Discord for comms as opposed to in-game chat. We are looking to gain a few more players, ideally old PC players. Other things we are looking for:

    1. players who are subscribers. We like to run current content
    2. characters who are near end-game. We don't mind running a few older raids but we aren't here to power level your toons
    3. a willingness to join in league raids. We normally run raids on the weekends and are most active in the afternoon/evenings, with raids occurring after 8pm Eastern Time. We have alts and try to run raids more than once.

    All roles are welcome. You don’t need high SP to join but we do try to get feats and hope people participate in that. We understand that sometimes people take breaks from the game and don’t have feats for whatever reason, and that’s ok. We all need breaks sometimes.

    If this seems like a league you are interested in, leave a message here, or contact Frank Zapper or Kreeg in game. Thanks for reading!
  2. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I think PC players must be a dying breed.
  3. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Pugging sucks. Join a league.
    • Like x 1
  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Black jaq is good people. Very respectful if I was PC I would join their ranks
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  5. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Thanks! Unfortunately it's not my choice about who plays on what platform.
  6. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Any new PC 255s? Come join us!
  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    We would still like to find some PC villains. We are girl-gamer respectful.
  8. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Ran through T8 Elite raids last night. Still no Manbat henchies. :(
  9. Csomichero New Player

    My girlfriend joined this league recently and has had nothing but a positive experience. The league has been very welcoming and thoughtful and I would recommend this league to anybody. So happy we reached out!!
    • Like x 1
  10. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Thank you!
  11. Zippity New Player

    I've recently returned to DCUO after a couple years off... I don't own every chapter (and I'm not currently paying for All Access), and as per usual, I come back to a game creating a new toon in order to get back into the swing of things... I'm in my late 40's, and have been playing MMORPG's since the release of City of Heroes... Been a PC gamer since the creation of the Commodore-64 back in the 80's... I'm looking for an active League, regardless of faction... I'm an altaholic, so I tend to create and play multiple toons, eventually...

    How active is your league? I saw that it primarily is an evening and weekends group, but just how active is it during those times and how many folks actually get into Voice Chat? My biggest pet peeve about joining any League/Guild/Org is an active Voice Coms outside of raid nights and special group gatherings... As I'm not big on text chatting while playing...



    Current active toon: Zippity (Villain planed to be Ice DPS with DP)
  12. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Hi there. We tend to raid on Friday or Saturday night. Because we are small and some of us have day jobs and school, there aren't really any people on during the day. We can usually see about 3 to 4 in chat sometimes; it depends.