wrong pieces of Proselyte hidden in Vendor 22

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by StealthBlue, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I noticed this on Test, but since the pieces aren't new to the vendor it's probably on live too.

    Here is my feat menu showing what pieces I have.

    And here is the vendor menu that will only sell pieces I have, and has hidden the pieces I don't have.

    It's not a huge deal because this is actually a vendor style. But right now free to play players can't buy the vendor gear during open episodes, so they would have to get the styles from here.
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  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I don't remember what it is because I buy all the vendor gear from the vendors, but if it's so then you are looking at the wrong style vendor. Vendor gear style is sold from the vendor next to that one, the one you have in the picture only sells styles for rare drops and not vendor styles.
  3. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    This is the indigo Lantern gear from vendor 151617. For some reason it was added to vendor 22 instead of vendor 00 (which looks like a mistake itself, but it's been that way for almost a year apparently.)

    Also, according to the Dev's plan, this T7 vendor style wouldn't be added to vendor 00 until T9 starts, but i obviously see it now on vendor 22.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    I thought mepps said players can buy vendor gear with the open episodes?
  5. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Those pieces are also too expensive and on the wrong vendor
    It's vendor-styles, not drop-styles, so they should be 10 marks each only, not 70, and should be sold on vendor 00, not 22.

    Reported a long time ago already, still not fixed.
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