Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kreachure, May 7, 2015.

  1. Kreachure Committed Player

    Haven't seen many posts covering some of the things I feel should be addressed, so here goes.

    • Stats in General
    o Stats in general for both players and NPCs have been increased and brought closer to the stats of top end NPCs and players.
    • When your Combat Rating is higher than the Combat Rating of the NPC you are fighting you will inflict more damage on them and take less damage from them. This effect is very slight when the difference is small and becomes much more dramatic when the differences are greater.

    Ok, Sinestro is 103 CR in A&B, I'm 114 CR, I should be doing a decent amount of damage and he shouldn't be hitting me too hard, as he wasn't hitting me very hard yesterday correct? Apparently not. Took a nice 16k from Sinestro and wiped 8 times in A&B on just the last boss fight alone today. That was fun.
    So here's what I gotta say.

    TL;DR: Gonna post a vid at the end of this, so If you don't feel like reading all this scroll down and watch instead.

    This update is all over the place.

    What is the point of all this? Stat flattening, clamping, balancing, okay... Do what you gotta do. Balance is important. But this is ridiculous. What was the point of all the big numbers if we aren't actually hitting any higher than yesterday?

    So the whole "Hit higher on lower CR, and take less damage, and vice versa" is BS. I was all for it, until I got on today and found out that the system doesn't actually work. T3 and T4 players are having a ridiculously hard time completing their content because of the CR difference between them and the NPCs.
    Plus there's the fact that I went into low content and I'm still completing T2 & 3 Raids just as fast I was yesterday. I ran almost every T3 and T2 alert today to test the update, as well as all 3 batcave and FOS raids. Only reason I know there's no difference is because I did them all the last few days just to compare to today. So that's not new. On to the next one..

    T4. This is an absolute disaster. Gates felt like Dox. ON MY 114 AND 112.. That shouldn't even be a thing for T4s. Dox is annoying enough as it is to this day not only for T5 players, but T6 as well. With 2 people 113+114 CR it took around 40 minutes to finish... The cyclops part. The adds took way too long to kill while at the same time were killing cyclopses way to fast.
    The first boss wasn't too bad... (Which is really odd. I've noticed Adds are way tougher than bosses in multiple raids.)
    Now way back when 103 was the highest CR a couple people were able to rush down to the bottom of the hall after the first boss and take out the big add to move the archers forward faster. Now most people can do that solo. I attempted that on my 112 Alt. Got wrecked about 3 times and left gates.
    Prime.... I'm sure everyone knows about prime already. The "No Tag Out!" feat... Wonder if I'll start seeing expert groups in LFG for that.
    I didn't do Wayward souls.. Because I didn't have to. Read a post on here earlier about 2 114s + 2 113s barely being able to finish it. So that's great.
    Wasn't gonna bother with T4 Inner Sanctum, I can only imagine The ARC and the OMAC repair drones at the Zetta drone. If anyone ran T4 Inner today I'd really love to know how that went.

    T5... Ahhhh T5.. So Nexus was fun. 113 healer plus myself walked in. 2-man'd the first boss fight easy. The 4 Luthor's didn't stand a chance. FINALLY I FEEL STRONG AGAIN...
    Walk down the first hall. The adds take me out faster than Cerberus. Okay. Goodbye Nexus.
    Dox? No thanks.
    A&B. Well this was a disaster. If you watch the video, you'll see a small part of it. Couldn't complete it.
    Hank was hitting for ALOT more than he was back when 103 was the highest CR. By a lot more, I mean like 6 figures.
    Just have to know what was the point of all this? We've lost the feeling of having progressed throughout this game. After all this time, this update came out and now I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere.
    It's going to be harder now, for someone like me to help lower players, like league mates and friends catch up to where I'm at so we can all run content together when I'm struggling through things I shouldn't have a problem with.
    When is it ever a good time to take away a players sense of progression and accomplishment?
    Don't get me wrong. There's a lot of decent parts to this update, like the updated combat responsiveness for example (which is a little buggy sometimes but when it works it's fantastic.)
    I know there's a bit of GU 47 supporters. Which is great and all, but there's a lot of things that I feel should be changed as soon as possible.
    I feel betrayed, and I know a lot of others do as well. The sad part is, I don't think any devs will even reply to this post the way any of us would like if they even reply to this at all. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've barely seen any dev respond seriously to any of these issues.
    We're only the people who play the game though, so why should they care about our opinion. It's their game, right?

    There's probably a lot more I could say but I'm too tired to go on, so I'll leave it to the rest of the community.
    I really enjoy this game and everything about it. Please don't try and change it entirely.

    Anyway, here's the vid...

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  2. Kreachure Committed Player

    Oh yeah, quick question as well, How do the Token of merit feats work now?
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  3. metalfenix Committed Player

    Yeah, this GU is all over the place. I tested T1 and T2 alerts, while on the hard side, they are still doable, but T3 content (Alerts, duos and solo challenges) are a total wreck. With Npcs at CR 80, people at the T3 range (56-69) are having a real nightmare.

    I don't even want to ask about T4 content, after my experience with T3 content on my villain, I'm afraid to jump on my hero and see for myself.
  4. Sionn Committed Player

    Try a Black Dawn, or Vengeance. That's MUCH harder now than when people were doing it at 80 CR.
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  5. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    It's magical, it's beautiful. I'm stuck in hell (Gotham Wastelands) with heroes that don't help. And the lowliest of enthralled citizens are shrugging off my heaviest blows.
  6. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Fyi i just put up over 1 million in damage in ace chemicals. With my 113 earth dps. I i still feel the same before gu47. Except i was taking 3 to 4 damage from npcs.
  7. Veritech Loyal Player

  8. Sionn Committed Player

    Well, that's wrong. It wasn't like this on TC last week. They've changed something, and it's way off. The alert, and raid mobs are not right.
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  9. Kreachure Committed Player

    Has this problem been acknowledged yet?
  10. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Same as before. One mark = one token.
  11. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    My league ran all the raids just to see yesterday and this is what we found starting with Prime the difficultly was scaled up. Moving in to T5 however it is not that bad if you play smart avoid boss special attacks LIKE YOU HAD TO DO AT LEVEL you can finish every raid with 0 deaths. And to the OP question about Dox it is not that much harder if you avoid boss attacks. Bottom line is if you play stupid you will die stupid.

    Nice video BTW
  12. Kreachure Committed Player

    Thank god for feat unlocking...

    Yeah, T5 didn't bug me as much as T4, but it just felt like I had gotten nowhere. and the risk for reward just isn't worth it to go back. It's also just more of a chore to help lower leaguemates or friends catch up. On the bright side it might be a good learning experience for them but even when it was easier for me to rush through raids like A&B, I would still slow burn so that the lower people could understand mechanics and role importance.
    It all just feels unnecessary if this added difficulty was intended.
    Like, why tell us that our CR difference is going to make a greater difference in difficulty when it's either not or just going to set us back a tier or 2...
    What do I know though... Not a dev. :(

    And thanks!
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  13. Rok Var Well-Known Player

    I'm glad it was said. I feel as though my accomplishments have been taken away over night. Now in game, like the rest of life, I am a big nothing. Ok so that was dramatic, but you get the point. My point is that if I want to have to fight my way through low level content, I'll make an alt.
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    WTF....I did not have a nightmare on the T3 Duo I ran today. I came close 1 time with my Rage DPS 1 time and that was resolved by a soda....
  15. metalfenix Committed Player

    You are right, maybe I just exaggerated with the duos, I've just ran a safehouse T3 duo (2 healers BTW) and I finished it nicely. The npcs there are CR 80, but they were nothing like the ones I battled on strykers, loa or arkham. This left me confused as hell :confused:
  16. Sionn Committed Player

    You know what though? We were promised that being 2 tiers above the content would allow us to solo the content with about the same difficulty as before the update. Obviously, it didn't happen.

    Another thing, any content for which you are a much higher CR, and get no reward should not be anywhere near as challenging as it was when you were doing it back when it first came out. I got enough of a challenge out of it when it was new, and I had the appropriate CR..... many, many times I ran it.

    I'll play content for my tier if I want a challenge. Otherwise, I am wasting my time in anything else.

    So, all you odd people who enjoy reliving the old stuff while a much higher CR, and no reward can keep it. I won't be touching it ever again if it stays the way it is. I imagine the majority of the game's population won't either. We didn't work our tails off to see our progress become nothing.
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  17. MrB Dedicated Player

    Lol hope the people that were complaining about high Crs face rolling through lower content are enjoying this. Enjoy your runs.
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  18. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    Good question, I didn't get an answer when I asked this either. As far as I can tell we either have to run the seasonals 8000 times to get the 25k merit feat, ;) or maybe they just forgot to scale the feat counts down from MoT to MoV numbers.
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  19. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    8000 times? Mmm sounds about your average DCUO grind feat :D
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  20. MrB Dedicated Player

    Do marks of valor count from pvp for merit feat?