Would you play Legends PvE Seasonal Events?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IonHero, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. IonHero Committed Player

    Assuming that it shared loot with the Regular Seasonal, would you play the Seasonal Events with Legends Characters?

    If it counted towards the LPvE feats would you?

    If it didn't would you still play it?

    Or would it need it's own loot table for you to consider trying it?

    (The anniversary 8-man event with Legends is very unlikely to work)
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  2. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

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  3. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Haven't done any Legends play (haven't even activated the Harley and Robin yet), but having a Seasonal LPvE sounds like it would be fun, of course, it would still require players to know what the Hael they are doing first :rolleyes:
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It'd be interesting, but I think getting some Legends PvE solos might be a better start. Outside of the practice instance there's no other spot to learn what a Legends character could do, and a solo instance could be used for just that purpose.

    It's no guarantee, but it seems like something that could be used to help jumpstart more interest in Legends characters in general.
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  5. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    I would!!!! It would break up some of the monotony IMO. I'd especially be down if it was an addition to an event and just gave you that extra something to do. I don't play Legends PVE because I hate feat chasing, but I do love playing legends PVP.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Id rather be swarmed by killer bees :p
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  7. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    If it had its own feats or anything feat related I would play it. Even if it involved sodomizing fat ladies I would totally play it for feats. Just saying.
  8. Aquajet Well-Known Player

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  9. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

  10. Vesper Dedicated Player

    No. No. NO. No. No. No. NOOOO.
    No. No. NO. No. No. No. NOOOO.
    How many times?
    How many ways
    Will it take for me
    To say.......
    No. No. NO. No. No. No. NOOOO.
    No. No. NO. No. No. No. NOOOO.

    Oh sorry.....those are the lyrics in my head. Here's the music to go with. Just repeat the words until the movement ends.

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  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You seem to be having problems with your 'movements', here, this bottle of ex-lax may help, drink it all
  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Damm... you stole my answer. ;)
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Absolutely not.
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  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Didn't realise that, if this happened, it would be a Compulsory event...
  15. Balistical lce Well-Known Player

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  16. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    I'd like too :)
  17. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Oh, hell no.

    I won't even play the LPvE there is now.
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    For those saying "NO!", what do you have against Legends? o_O
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  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I didn't work years on my character to play a character that anyone can play. And the LPvE feats there are already are WAY too much.
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  20. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    I like to know too why they don't like Legends a d Legend Characters though even most of then try to make their characters look like a legend character.! :(
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