I mean like, if they intergated movement more into fights so that they suddenly dont become a burden (not counting super speed and acrobat.....Flying...HA). I mean, what if they added more skills to our movement tree. Like basic things that will make it more fun and pretty useful in battle. Like give us 4 extra slots to be used for movement skills only. Make it so the skills are attributed with our power. Like if i wanna throw a lightning bolt as a speedster or something. or create a clone. things like that. IDK, im just thinking of ways to make the game more enjoyable to me.
Movements had effects that would work in battle, but since players exploited them in PVP and PVE, devs decided to remove them all and just leave the plan attack without any effect.
There was a time when you could use your movement powers, iconic powers and weapons and still do fairly well. AM's left everything else in the dust and stymied creativity in a huge way. I miss using whirling dervish .
I wish they would buff movement skills and iconics to standard damage ranges and added PI or other effects to integrate them with WM, AM or support role mechanics. It's a shame we have two skill/power trees that are almost completely useless. To be fair, some of them are still useful like the pot supercharges, crit damage/healing innates, CC resistances, Gag Glove but most of them aren't viable with any build.
Yes, it can be tough if you want to make characters that are as close to DC comic heroes as possible. Trying to make characters that are based off of the Superman/woman, Flash and Green Arrow type DC heroes can be rough to say the least. The movement, iconic and weapons trees need to be brought in line with all of the powers AM's. Well.... after electric and nature get fixed. Hopefully the weapons update will be a step in the right direction.