WotL Part 3 - Way too early predictions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lionxoft, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Octantis New Player

    Ah, well, didn't notice Brainiac in War of the Light I, and haven't played Part II yet. Does Part II, or somewhere in Part I, reveal Brainiac at all?
  2. Lionxoft Committed Player

    It's mentioned in the letter from Jens I think.
  3. Octantis New Player

    If that's the thing Zod quoted, then that was referring to Brainiac's meddling during Fight for the Light (DLC 1), which I'm assume (because I don't know) he meant that that led into the mess with the Entities? Still, Brainiac's no where to be seen in War of the Light, so I'm not expecting him to return. But I guess he's the cause? I dunno, I still think Krona should be behind it, purely because "War of the Green Lanterns" was such an epic story arc that he should be in WotL3. /opinion
  4. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Krona would be awesome especially to see him in his short elder smurf form with that death face going on haha :p
  5. Soven Graf New Player

    Does anyone know when we are going to be able to play as a Star Sapphire power?

    Also in the future should the orange lanterns be for hero and villains?
    My opinion about the orange lanterns is that they should be both because in the new 52 Larfleeze's minions try to kill him and they want to be free, but that never happens because tyey couldn't kill Larfleeze. So would that make OL's be a hero in a way in DC or not.

    Thoughts for both questions?
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Probably never. Mepps said they currently have no plans for new Lantern powers. In my opinion they don't have any kind of unique feature that would set them apart from Light. If we were ever to get power skin packs (which I doubt we ever would) then maybe it could be an alternate skin for Light.

    Orange Lanterns also won't be a power because Larfleeze is the only Orange Lantern.
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  7. Octantis New Player

    See? Exactly.

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  8. Minecrawler New Player

    I want light constructed armors.
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  9. Lionxoft Committed Player




    My personal fav

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  10. Lionxoft Committed Player

    That would be cool :D

    Kinda like:



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  11. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Maybe. No. No. Yes. Hmmm, hadn't thought of that. Hell no. Yes. Yes. No. Peanut butter. No. #$%^ yeah!!!
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  12. Anima Committed Player

    A very telling post.
  13. Solar Well-Known Player

    Please be leading to the black lanterns please !!! Also I would love to be allowed to die once one during a raid and come back with a black ring kinda like the weapons in HOP.
  14. kawe Loyal Player

    This thread is making me strangely hyped.
    F*ck you DCUO for slowly turning me into a Lantern Fan...

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  15. Lionxoft Committed Player

    It happens. ;)
  16. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Obviously for this... Percival confirmed for WotL Pt 3. Leprechauns rejoice!

    Just kidding.

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  17. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I'm actually highly doubting that braniac is the person behind this. I re read return of krona and war of the green lanterns the other day and the way wotl part one and two are proceeding makes it seem like quite a bit of source material was used from those. If anything its probably Braniac working alongside Krona, in exchange for the knowledge of the guardians, braniac has agreed to help Krona recover the entities. But i wouldnt doubt that maybe braniac had something to do with mistifying the entities to help krona collect em easier. However, because the Proselyte entity's name isnt mentioned in the entity breifings, i feel like the lore may be a bit earlier. But the similarities to those comics i mention include the search for ion, parallax, and atrocitus is looking for the butcher in part one. If the story is working the way i think it is, the. by wotl part 3, we'll have seen atrocitus, Larleeze and Carol already joining Sinestro and Hal to recover the rest of the entities.

    As far as gear is concerned, if the devs get permission to create white and black lanterm gear, i'm fairly certain indigo would be available to both factions. But who knows? Anyway, there are a ton of plotholes between wotl part one and wotl part two.
    What happened between sinestro and Hal on ranx? (or mogo if you're a villain)
    obviously they contacted eachother and formed an alliance some how, but how did they come to realize the mist were the enities? What happened to Hank Henshaw? What does Atrocitus need from Qward? Granted he may just be looking to exact his revenge which is understandable. Why exactly was larfleeze on Oa polluting the powerbattery? Whats happened to Guy, Arisia and Kyle? Where has John Stewart been for the entirety of war of the light ?

    But i do believe john will make an appearance in part 3 as an indigo tribesman. Guy and Kyle have already made their debuts as their alternate corps, Blue lantern, Red lantern ect. The only ones missing would be a Sinestro corps Hal jordan and An indigo tribe John Stewart to complete that little fiasco. And what of Lyssa drak? If the black and white lantern are indeed introduced on wotl part 3, will Lyssa be keeper of the book of the black? Gah! so many questions, my brain >_>

    Also if you hadnt noticed, i'm a huge lantern nerd. People dont usually think when they see a built jock looking kid that he may be a potential closet nerd xD. Love me some Lantern lore though
  18. Crimson Jonni New Player

    im thinking this dlc is gonna be a mega dlc, 3 alerts 3 raids. There are just too many plotholes to fill without extensive content.
    Also, i remember hearing Arisia mention Soranik Natu, so maybe she' make a debut along with maybe Katma Tui? though i'm doubting Katma tui gets introduced since fatality is already in the game and i'd imagine she and john would have a confrontation next dlc
  19. John Brawler Committed Player

    brainiac is behind it, it was revealed in fight for the light aswell as war of the light part one that brainiac attempted to convert the entities into data with the logic batteries, the same way he tries to digitize everything including heroes powers when he made the exobites in the alternate future because this was discovered in part 1 by part 2 sinestro (who only attacked the green lanterns in an attempt to correct the problems with his corp's rings which he believed they caused) joined forces with hal to try and rescue the trapped entities because if they're converted into data for brainiac that means that all power batteries/lanterns/rings will become completely useless.

    the rest of the plotholes you mentioned are still good points though, and while brainiac probably won't be the main problem for war of the light part 3, although it is possible since he's slated to return in amazon's fury part 2.
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's basically just the same argument as people had about Star Sapphires not being an all female Corps because Kyle and Guy had Star Sapphire rings for like five minutes (this is before John Stewart was inducted recently). There will always be an exception for an event, which is exactly what is happening in all of the pictures you showed, and I'm sure John Stewart recently joining the Star Sapphires will also be temporary. They all have an Orange ring because the story required it temporarily. As a general rule Larfleeze is the only possessor of an Orange power ring, which is why it would not work as a power set in this game.
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