World down for maintenance when playing on certain toons

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Elda, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. Elda Mad as a Hatter

    I can get to the character select menu, but if i try to log in on some toons i go to a loading screen, then disconnected: the world is down for maintenance. Launching the game again doesn't fix it, and other toons work fine. Eventually it does work but takes 10+ tries. Trying to play on another toon sometimes works instantly, but going back to try the original toon results in the same issue. Which toons this happens to occasionally changes.

    Also, loading seems to be instant or takes far longer than usual. Latency issues too on some instances, just for this game.

    I'm on US/PC, tried on steam and standalone launcher.
  2. Demon Archer Level 30

    same boat, US/PC and I keep getting kicked at the log in with "world is down for maintenance" message. I'll get in and switch characters and BOOM.. get the message again
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We see the issue here - will be fixed shortly.
    • Like x 3
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually had that happen and when I relaunched I loaded the previous character back in, went back to character select, reloaded the other character again and it worked fine.
  5. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    This is continuing when switching from one toon to another and has made it so it's very time consuming to even get on one toon, much less multiple. This started April 6.
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  6. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    I do not believe this has been fixed yet Mepps. I am seeing this on a toon today.