Work In Progress Work In Progress: Weapon Mastery

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Love all these numbers Sore !!!!

    Some of the others are a bit much, like the suggestion of a super aggro move that stops scripted attacks, while it would be awesome it's a bit too much....
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  2. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    That could work. I mean I do like this new idea. I just know while in a high end raid, there's no way I can get off a long weapon combo as fire. We just can't unblock that long.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Clipping and jump cancelling are not going away. We'll share more information about the specific change in the future.
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  4. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    But no jump canceling is going to kill hard light
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  5. AST0NISHING New Player

    Make the mastery make sense ie: rifle and dual pistols like a gunner, martial arts into hb like a martial artist chi, staff to dw like nightwing, you guys are making it awkward with the 3 weap setup
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  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    When you say future you mean...within the week?

    Most of the backlash seems to be stemming from that...If we had better details on the extent to which you guys plan to adjust clipping (this is what this section is for after all) then most of what your seeing now would die down
  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Ill agree with this to an extent...While some combos make sense (Martial arts and pistols for example) others dont

    Who in their right mind has pistols laying around and just says, "Ahh screw it, lets change some stuff up and shoot them with an arrow"
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  8. xFuture New Player

    Hope this clarifies:

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  9. Yoshi Piccolo Well-Known Player

    I don't know how to feel about this new mechanic. The concept sounds awesome, but I have the following concern: The requirement to spec 20 SP into a single weapon tree before one can spec into that weapon's mastery. This is great for those with a lot of skill points and I'm happy for them, but what about those players who don't have a lot? If a player wants to enjoy using weapon mastery will they have to sacrifice more useful skills from other trees or will the innates be sufficiently rearranged so that players are not forced to make that tradeoff?

    The reason this concerns me is because every DLC so far has had something players could use fairly quickly into their character's development (powers, weapons, etc.). This DLC offers something that many players might not want to use until well into their character's development. Add that to the expectation that the in-game content will be T6 and I wonder if the devs are once again making a DLC that is too focused on satisfying a narrow portion of the player population and doesn't offer something to newer and low-level players. We've already seen what happened when the target audience of a DLC is too small with Last Laugh (PVPers) and Origin Crisis (hardcores). Will DLC 10 offer enough to entice a sufficient number of players to purchase the DLC or subscribe to make it a success? I'm hoping that future news about DLC 10 will ease my concern.
  10. toast Well-Known Player

    just watched the WIP vid. if i understood correctly, and i hope im wrong, is that this is the devs answer to balancing the damage difference between the might based and precision based powers. i just dont see how giving one power whatever % increase on one hit is going to close the gap in the damage difference between the might and precision based powers, when from what i just watched shows me that its just giving the precision based powers another way to widen the gap.
  11. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    THIS! Clipping may be slower but it will still clip
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  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    yeah I noted later that I need to watch the livestream again it was a lot to take in....
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  13. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I don't think they are changing the clipping system only offering an alternative to the "weaker" powersets like electricity and earth so that they can keep up with powers like Celestial, HL, Rage, and Gadgets.
  14. IGotYA New Player

    This. HL has no hard hitting powers, the damage from HL comes from how fast you can clip the combos,
    This new mechanic wont help Hl much and with the change to jump canceling we will not be able to
    to fast combos anymore thus doing less damage and worse thing is, it will be way more boring that what already is(ranged combos),
    for melee we might be ok, but our ranged dps will be severely hurt by this change.

    please don't make this change, the new mechanic is awesome but the change to clipping/jump canceling
    will push many people away.
  15. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    It is YOU who is missing the point, good sir.
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    exactly and i think with something like this... the support roles wont feel as cheated by it... and the damage roles will get their buffs through the new weapon system....
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  17. xFuture New Player

    Hope this clarifies. And yes, HL might get slightly weaker or stay the same (they could just increase the damage of fan to offset the increase in time for the jump clip). This is fine with me (if implemented correctly), as it will help balance out all the powersets (im HL DPS btw).

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  18. AST0NISHING New Player

    Ikr who tf would use guns if you can shoot lasers out your hands
  19. xFuture New Player

    Hope this helps. Basically, the precisions based powers will likely be unaffected, as they are pretty clip heavy and so this new mechanic won't really help them; they would have to slow down considerably to use this mechanic.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    This may set the record for freak out on the DCUO forums, lol! Seems like a lot of assumptions are being made without all of the facts. I mean people are actually talking about quitting before even being able to test the changes. Wow.
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