Work In Progress Work In Progress: Weapon Mastery

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. DeathandHades New Player

    wow. calm down, it is in early development stage and could drastically change before its avalible to use.
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  2. razor Red New Player

    Please do not make clipping slower. It's fine the way it is, jump clipping is fine.

    I like the concept of putting in x amount of sp in a weapon makes it stronger for you.

    I like swapping weapons in mid combo.

    But most people including myself play this game for the fast pace they you guys kept going for 3 years.

    Lower the animation time and power cost on might based powerset would already help it tremendously.
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  3. AgentX44 Committed Player

    it's the "high risk/high reward" thing. the longer you go into a combo, the greater the risk because of the counter mechanics. So the real test for the new mechanic is for t4/t5 content where the NPCs do counter mechanics way more often then we'd like (i go into a flurry combo in 1h, and the NPC would block in the middle of the combo and would have me on my back punished because I couldn't cancel fast enough, or even lick block while you are flying into a lunge)
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Do more damage but takes more time to perform then if you were to clip the traditional way. Its just another alternative to people that don't like to clip. Clipping isnt going away...
  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    So having more the the basic amount of skill points to do your support role is pointless now ? This new system is geared for dps and that's fine but don't pretend that it helps support roles because it doesn't.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To everyone responding with insight and comments in a constructive manner, thank you! You get what Work In Progress is all about, and you're now participating in more open development of the game you love.

    To those of you responding with insults, threats, and general hysteria, please re-read the stickied intro post at the top of this forum, because you don't get it yet. Please consider this a warning and reminder that the forum guidelines still apply.
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  7. Dark Rekluze Level 30

    Well, when this goes live Im going to give it a chance. If I like it I'll stay if I cant put up with it, you wont see much of me anymore. I understand trying to balance the game but this isn't the way I would like/expect to do it.But before I decide on something are you guys making cool downs on some powers longer or just weapon speeds?
  8. terrowshade12 New Player

    Mepps with all do respect how is this not the first step in getting rid of clipping. First u make all powers have nearly the same cast time nerfing at least 3 powers maybe more that relie on being fast as it strenght. Then nerf jump clipping nerfing gagdets light n rage 2 of which will be nerfed by the animation change then you say here dont clip you get 3x crit chance n damg. Sounds like your not getting rid of it but giving every reason not to do it. So were left with slower combat and little content to run. Eso sounds better every time i check the forums.
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  9. Burnt New Player

    I don't think this is true. From what I understand, the crits will add up until the last part which will be the power in that "small window of time" he mentioned. His clip from his post on the first page pretty much sums it up.:
    "Rather than clipping these attacks fast as you can, you'll want to time your super powers and launch them right at the moment of impact for a devastating one-two punch! During that brief window your Ability Critical Chance is tripled. Yes, this means you can achieve a 100% chance to crit your super power IF you hit the timing window correctly! Not only that, but your Ability Critical Damage may also dramatically increase. This varies based on the length of the combo, but you could see your super powers critting for over quadruple damage in some cases. Of course, this assumes your unleashing your super powers with correct timing!"
    The higher your might the bigger your numbers will be and giant might crits ain't too shabby ;)
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  10. Dianna WD New Player

    But they are saying about change the jump clip system... Like I said, I love the currently jump clip system where I'm able to zero some few animations on my powerset. I love how fast the game is when using this and isn't that much awesome because needs a lot of power.

    I'm here just trying to give my opinion to the devs don't make this change and just add the new Weapon Mastery, what should be pretty awesome for everyone.
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  11. Zypher New Player

    Does anyone have info (stats) on how the increased times are in comparison to what's on live? If not this is pretty much useless and we'll have to figure it out on test.
  12. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I am concerned that this may put the final nail in the coffin of the fire tank. Ice can throw their shield and pull off one of the combos. Fire not so much. I know it's being said this is a choice on play style, but let's face it. It will be an advantage. One that if you have to be constantly blocking, you can't pull off.

    Will there maybe be different types of combos for the roles maybe? Smaller ones that give smaller benefits?
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    i think what they can do with this weapon mastery use the new passives they will be putting on each weapon benefit you in support role more....

    this is what i mean....

    so lets say 4 new passives for every is a healer passive one is a controller passive one is a tank passive and one for damage....

    ok so you will get whatever stat increase these will give... but on the support roles only they give you an additional use with one of your powers....

    all tank powers have a break out...

    all healer powers have a recharge

    all troll powers have a recharge or pot

    so if you pick up the tank passive... if you hit your immunity... youre defense goes up by the same percent for so many seconds as it would during block...even if you arent in block... for every tank passive you get (10 weapons 10 passives) the duration of the time increases.... only one immunity in each tree gets these..i think fire and rage both have mutliple immunites.. correct me if im only one of these would get this buff obviously one that has a similar cool down to say shatter restraints and unstoppable to make it fair across the board...

    something like that would be very attractive to tanks

    healers and trolls would have something else that would increase with the amount of passives you pick up which are directly connected to one of the powers on their power trees..
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  14. Mr. Synister New Player

    The name of this is...."work in progress" I'm sure pretty sure the entire reason they are doing this is to give us the community insight into what coming so we can point out things like you just mentioned and address it, this is no means the finished product. So relax....dont freak out just as yet, just give feedback and watch it evolve into something for everyone.
  15. xFuture New Player

    For the same reason we clip now with powersets such as HL and Gadgets: DPS = Damage PER Second.
    The fast powersets don't have very hard hitting moves (relatively speaking). Instead, they are played quickly. This allows them to have high DPS, since it takes very little time to put out very many numbers. In other words, clipping as it is now affects the Seconds part of Damage per Second.

    The new mechanics can be thought of as the opposite. By not clipping, the player will be sacrificing the Seconds part of Damage per Second. However, the tradeoff in doing the longer combos is the gain in the Damage part of Damage per Second. So for players who do not want to clip, they do not have to sacrifice DPS as the higher damage will make up for the longer time.

    So at the end of the day, it really comes down to playstyle/powerset. For DPS, a player can either focus on hitting fast but not hard (like HL), or hitting hard but not fast (like this new mechanic).
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  16. AST0NISHING New Player

    This is just crap don't ruin clipping
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  17. Dianna WD New Player

    Sorry... My english isn't enough good but I'm trying to be more clear as possible with my questions. Sorry if I said something wrong but I really would like to see an answer for my question.
    When I said "me and some friends are leaving the game" I was just trying to emphatyse how unhappy we are with these changes on clip system. Because like me, they was playing for over 2 years and falling in love for this game because of this game system.

    Please, if possible answer my question and sorry if I was rude. My english isn't enough good.
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  18. AST0NISHING New Player

    And am into dual pistols into hb is retarted why use guns if u can hb
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    - TANK: A short immunity to counter mechanics if the tank successfully does the weapon master combo - much like what is given to Tier 5 bosses who have successfully countered an enemy. Tanks spend far too much time on their backsides with multiple enemies hitting with different counters at once, and it makes it difficult to control bosses' positions and keep aggro at times. A true weapon master is not easily knocked down, right?

    - HEALER: A successful weapon master combo gives the healer confidence and increases his/her restoration by some amount/percentage. A weapon master is supremely confident and able to restore more health to allies as a result.

    - CONTROLLER: A successful weapon master combo strips enemies hit by it of defense - a defense debuff granted through a weapon combo. A weapon master lowers his/her enemy's defenses.
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  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    I am skeptical about whether or not this is actually going to bring balance to the game. I am however, encouraged by the mandate for balance among the powersets. As far as the jump clipping goes, I do it to get better results but I am in favour of it being nerfed, especially given that I play with a controller and it can be very taxing on the hands.

    As for the weapon mastery, I am very skeptical that this will be balanced. The devs have a hard enough time with balancing just the weapons. I can't imagine this will be any easier to balance. I also don't like that it is very DPS-centric. It would be nice if the crits given by good timing also applied to heals and power regen. For example, if you end the combo properly with a heal, it should crit, same thing with a power dump.

    One thing I do not like about the weapon mastery is that I did not pick up this game to use weapons. For others who feel the same, I think the level of immersion is going to suffer from this.
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