Work In Progress Work In Progress: Weapon Mastery

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. Skynin New Player

    So much people just can't understand what this improvement for.
    Not to make something OP or give to DPS some benefits
    That's only for VARIETY and chance for us to play as INTENDED. What do i mean? I can see animation of my combos now, this is great!
    Clipping ruined atmosphere, but it was necessary to play good. Now you can make longer combos in raid without clipping, because Weapon Mastery combos compensating time wasted on animations.
    And this is great. I love to play with style, glad to see that i can do this here, in DCUO - my favorite MMO Action/RPG.
    • Like x 9
  2. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I missed in the video, it got noisy where I was. When they were talking about weapon cast timers/lifting item stuff, did they say they were -removing- cast timers from weapon attacks that have them, or -adding- cast timers to other attacks?
  3. Skyfall New Player

    Tank: Damage absorption increase for 8 seconds post combo.
    Heal: Increased Crit magnitude.
    Controller: Instant power restoration.
    • Like x 6
  4. 8ATMAN FREON New Player

    The weapon mastery system is cool, but this is is only helping PRECISION based characters even more. Aren't we SUPER HEROES? Shouldn't SUPER POWERS be SUPER? Please either increase the damage MIGHT based powers do or decrease might power cost. If balancing the game is the goal, this is the best way to do it. In the current state of the game all Precision based characters do more damage than might characters. The weapon mastery will only keep this trend going. Again I like the idea, but I was hoping for a SUPER POWER MIGHT Buff not just more Precision DPSing.
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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    - TANK: 16 second taunt + 2 seconds control immunity

    - HEALER:
    > +5% to healer bonus for 3s (including heal cast)

    > POT: Base 75 ticks
    > Instant power: 4 people instead of 3
    > Debuff: +5%

    > TANK TROLL: 125% RESTO + 125% DOM or 4 hits
    > HEALER: 135% RESTO or 4 hits
    • Like x 22
  6. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I still want to know if I clip a hold that has a cast timer will I still get the damage? Because that's not how it works right now.
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    TANK: successfully comboing into a weapon will give a certain % buff to defense, toughness, and health
    HEALER: Comboing into a weapon and clipping it with a heal will greatly increase the chances of you to crit as well as magnitude
    CONTROLLER: Comboing into an weapon will increase the chances to crit on a power out and reduce enemy control resistance by a certain %
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  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    When you switch to these roles instead of increasing their critical damage and attack chances. Make them

    - TANK: Get 15 dominance or 20 defense or 30 health
    - HEALER: Get 20 Restoration, critical healing or magnitude by 1%
    - CONTROLLER: Get 10 Vitalization, power chance increase by 1%
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  9. Baryon Boy New Player

    - TANK: In addition to the damage/crit buffs at the end of a Weapon Mastery combo, Tanks successfully using a power to end the combo gain 2 seconds of control immunity and/or extended taunt duration on the power used (24 seconds may be too long - 16 seconds?)
    - HEALER: In addition to the damage/crit buffs at the end of a Weapon Mastery combo, Healers successfully using a power to end the combo gain a Restoration buff (5-10%?) and/or a small AoE HoT centered on themselves
    - CONTROLLER: In addition to the damage/crit buffs at the end of a Weapon Mastery combo,Controllers successfully using a power to end the combo gain increased control duration on the power used (50% more?) and/or increased Dominance/Vitalization (+10%?) for a short time
    • Like x 7
  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    - TANK: 10-seconds(adjustable) of boosted defensive stats OR powers used in conjunction with a master combo initiate a "super" taunt that overrides scripted aggro drop mechanics(hank won't De-taunt during the duration basically\)

    - HEALER: Boosted crits and base resto for a duration of 10-sec(adjustable)

    - CONTROLLER: Boosted crit and base vit/dom for the duration of 10-sec(adjustable)
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  11. TrueOlympus New Player

    Far to low. I wouldn't even almost care about that stat jump
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  12. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I'm just trying to encourage the developers to change the roles based on which role stance you're in instead of damage. Some people posted some good ideas.
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  13. Nemisor Committed Player

    -TANK: 5 second imunity to CC effects
    -HEALER: crit heal increase for 5 seconds ( same amount as dps)
    -CONTROLLER: 30% increase to power for 5 seconds
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I am somewhat busy and don't have time to watch the entire stream, but how would this effect characters who are based around a certain style? I designed my guy to look like he is low tech. That includes powers for the most part (couldn't avoid using photon since that's vital to a dps). I'm a martial arts gadget dps. How negatively would I be impacted if I didn't want to use the handblaster combos?

    Perhaps you can make the weapon combos look stylistically more like martial arts if players desire that? Because this seems like it will be something necessary to do if you want to play your role.

    Also, this game is becoming more and more geared towards precision based powers and that has me slightly concerned. Can we get some might based weapons?
    • Like x 1
  15. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    What is WIP?

    Anyway dont know how you can make up for healers or controllers not being able to cast.
    It won't help you to get a 12,000% procent bonus to heal after people are dead.

    Something has to happen AS you are doing the combo
  16. TrueOlympus New Player

    don't sepc into the mastery tier and even if you do, you don't have to ever do the combo
  17. DC-Doll New Player

    • Like x 1
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    WIP= work in progress
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  19. AgentX44 Committed Player

    I don't think something has to happen AS you are doing the combo because then what if you get interrupted or cancel in the middle of it. You shouldn't benefit from the combo in the middle. The benefit should be in the end, just like how damage combos are. That's why it is high risk/high reward. The reward at the end should be good enough to justify doing the longer combo (even for a support role).
  20. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    - 4 small ticks of power (50-75ish)
    - Critical power chance of 50%
    - Burst of power to you and the lowest group member

    (one, not all)
    • Like x 1
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