Work In Progress: Weapon Mastery (Updated)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Yeah I understand and by no means was I implying that tanks, healers and trollers should get a dps bonus either. I really feel like the devs need to go back to the drawing board with this whole WM bonus after doing a combo idea.

    I don't know what they should replace it with, but that's why they get paid the big bucks and I just play their game, lol
  2. Rankkor New Player

    I agree with you on that one ,they need to balance it out ,yet make it fair for all roles .i love this game i just dont want it to change for the worst lol no going back once the bullets out of the gun lol "progress" »»»» fingers crossed.....
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  3. Skiwattentotten New Player

    You get really offended and try and create an argument from a ******** standpoint.

    Damage v survivability IS ALREADY here. It's been a part of the game for a LONG time.Tanks and healers have the most survivability, then trolls, finally DPS have the lowest survivability. This is why the original damage schematic gave trolls more damage out than healers and tanks. I think you completely missed the point when it came to this topic.

    You clearly have not been a healer or you would already know that extra resto or healing crits are unnecessary. By unnecessary I mean this: Why would more healing power be useful if currently just about anybody can have low SP, average gear and solo-heal any raid. Current resto maxes around 5000. I've solo healed the T5 raids drunk out of my mind with 3600 and ZERO sp allocated into resto.

    DPS already GIVE themselves power back, so do healers and tanks. Weapon combos build to give power back regardless of role.

    Whether you like it or not, non-DPS already do damage...

    My point is this: if the option for a healer is more healing or more damage, I'll take the damage every day of the week because my healing capabilities were more than enough a long time ago. Maybe more damage isn't the best way forward, but it's the best option of the 2.
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  4. Zugtarok New Player

    “Some of the weapon combinations are awkward. Like shield being paired with two handed and dual pistols. It just makes no sense.”

    Here is an idea. Let us keep our own weapon too, without mixing with new combos. Some of us caring about the roleplay too, not "just the numbers"
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  5. thelostczarnian New Player do get to keep your old combos. heck you dont even get to have wm if you dont buy the dlc and then you still have to spec into the new combos. so guess what you getting what you want and have nothing to complain about.
  6. Zugtarok New Player

    What i am trying to say is, in order to stay competative, you have to use it (at least it seems to be now) Because you wont get role benefits without WM. I am playing more then 2 years, and i have my character concept, a strong concept, and with these determined combos it will hurt the roleplay factor. The reason i am playing this game, because i could make those choices, to brawling like superman, use martial arst like batman etc, movement modes, (those new combos are out of place. a brawler throwing ninja stars?) and i am really beleive the wise choice would be to keep the old "pure weapon" combos and to be able to reach the WM benefits. and of course allowing the players who wanna mix their weapon to mix it. To keep it flexible.
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  7. Rankkor New Player

    I would pull you in any raid and laugh ive been nature for more then a year and a half so dont make me laugh and im not trolling you in any way ive had 4510 base before dlc9 hit and no it doesnt cap at 5000 clearly you havent hit 5000 so thats why your talking like that and 3600 resto lol i bet you can solo the oddy feat in dox right ... Sure you can becuase you already said you did it drunk and what not so i leave that one go ... Now for the power back im sure that dps can get their power back to get a full rotation and being rage i find that highly doubtful so dont try to undermind me as ive been here for more then two years as legendary and ive ran with the best and sir i dont think you are being realistic at all ....

    So stop trying to bash my posts with your nonsense i am a solo healer and as it stands in my tank if you wer my solo healer in end game content i would out heal you by a mile . Again im not trolling im stating facts ,run with a good rage tank and see if he doesnt out heal you
  8. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    I haven't been able to read all of the posts, so please excuse me if this has already been suggested. What if the secondary benefit for all support roles was to get a 10ish second lock into top-tier power regen from weapons? As I saw some mention, healers don't need more Resto. Tanks still probably wouldn't combo as it leaves them vulnerable while performing it, even if they'd be awarded with a small amount of Dom. And trolls regen-ing power is perfect without being gamebreaking. Just a thought.
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  9. thelostczarnian New Player

    it give a innate bonus for could mix and match wm and clipping for even better than either or gameplay im thinking. this could be a buff
  10. Rankkor New Player

    Sounds good in aspects of power but not all tanks are vunerable as rage i dont block alot and inbetween raging and mitigation i can hit a full combo and i dont get interupted much at least in pve ,pvp isa different story lol i think for tanks they need to broaden the horizin in sorts of powers and what is capable....example home turf mods really not many i use no shields so i dont use regen shielding,fortified block ? Meh i barely block ,10 percent crit healing still i heal myself its not needed ... So all that i named any other tank uses faithfully and rage can do with out ..... They need to revamp or add another tier for white mods ,same needs to happen with dlc10 they need to have a lil sumthing for all to enjoy
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  11. Zugtarok New Player

    Yes i quess we get passive bonuses for all role,(i am a tank anyway) but to increase your buffs, you have to preform cross weapon combos. I dont have a problem with the new system or clipping as long as we able to choose between one-weapon and multiple to increase our benefits, not to forcing to mix them with other weapon combos to reach the highest benefits. i know these things are not set in stone, just suggesting to keep it flexible
  12. thelostczarnian New Player

    well i think you should have to because im thinking the buffs will be powerfull. your asking for a buff for nothing
  13. Zugtarok New Player

    I am asking to keep our 2-3 years old playstyle without our role suffering. Its never a good thing to strip away choices which are existing since the begining. They were saying WM is an alternative so therefore we should able to play exactly like "before" with all roles. Its their job to find the gold path, to please everyone. I quess we have to wait and see
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  14. TheMarvel New Player

    Hello, Mepps, etc …

    Some participation in this even if just a 'Good Idea' post or comments at half the level of the Combat Balance would be welcome.
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  15. tiempo Well-Known Player

    Hello All, I'm an Ice Tank in the game. I've been reading a lot of these posts and within it are very good ideas, too many to mention. On the other hand I can tell it will take some creativity with this to make it worthwhile for tanks. In Tier 5 content the rotation is basically pull, shield, block, you can get a combo off but you better time it well... and even then your limited to a 2 tap hold or a 3 tap hold, anything after that u start putting a strain on the healer and have a chance to lose agro. But Seriously.......BLOCKING, is 90% of what we do, and It gets boring. In all other content, my dps as a tank may not be much but I can at least play with my toon and feel I didn't just block the whole way thru.

    A simple idea that occurred to me but don't know if its feasible was to increase the might and precision stats for support roles on all gear. That way we can all do significant damage, in turn kill whatever is in front of them faster which conserve resources (power, heals , dmg mitigated) In other words if you used to use 35% of your powerbar to kill an add, with the new dmg output, you would kill the add much faster and probably use 20%, In a way it's a pseudo net gain of 15% of your power. A reverse buff?

    Also saw that what they could do for tanks is give us a defense buff for a bit, this confuses me because I thought there was a cap on defense. If I'm at the cap already what's the buff for?
  16. Skiwattentotten New Player

    My main is a troll, I'm very conscious of power consumption. The point you make is very valid. However, a good nature healer isn't very power hungry unless you have to sporadically use blossom because people are getting hit randomly. Nobody is completely dependent on trolls power out either... supply drop, soda, SC. & If your big heal is SG>Blossom I'm curious how different the power consumption would be considering power consumption scales with CR & at the time I was 95CR with my big heal being CP>Blossom.

    I'm not saying "you're not a boss healer." I only solo healed with that low of resto because somebody asked me if I wanted to try. When it was an absolute breeze (2 DPS got one shotted, but they were revived & we never wiped) I tried the other T5 raids & was similarly successful with different groups. I solo healed a lot in the past but I haven't played this character in A YEAR besides gearing up for about a week to trade out my Spirit of the Stag.

    Since you say you'd never run a solo healer with that low of resto.... Grab up some of your people... take off 2-3 pieces of your gear... see for yourself. I know the community is asking for 4000 resto just to be one of two healers... These are the same people asking for 70cr for Kahn Daq & 103cr for A&B.

    My whole point with this statement is that if I can do what's necessary in BS gear and SP only in crits, none in resto... how could it be difficult after being maxed out? You have SG & Meta running with a trinket I bet people's health bars never fall off the full mark.

    My question to you:
    If healing isn't difficult now, why would making it easier be a good thing?
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  17. Rankkor New Player

    Okay you asked the perfect question but you also answered it yourself ... What i mean by that is you said community asked for 4000 resto to be one of two healers and thats a bit much but a healer with a high resto and crits/magnitued will heal you just with savage growth and metabalism wich are heals over time ,no sc,and no bloom ,cross poll or harvest here and there with the occasional blossom for the tank . I have ran with healers that spam and sometimes the power is needed else where . Ive healed with others alot of others lol i know the diff between spam heals and a healer thats just conserving and still healing you for alot .i solo because i dont need another healer,and like being in the raid doing somthing, if i had another healer i would just sit in the back seat stillhealing you with h.o.t and conserve its just how i play,

    Also maybe they are getting everyone used to it with new mechanics and all becuase t6 is not that far off ,lets not foget how hard nexus and dox were in t4 gear before it was debuffed and i mean the raids getting debuffed,we all remember how hard that was ....

    But all jokes aside when t6 comes to the front door its gonna be just like old times getting wiped due to new mechanics and even with the best gear ,we will still be overwellmed...

    It happens everytime they introduce a new tier
  18. Zugtarok New Player

    "What i am trying to say is, in order to stay competative, you have to use it (at least it seems to be now) Because you wont get role benefits without WM. I am playing more then 2 years, and i have my character concept, a strong concept, and with these determined combos it will hurt the roleplay factor. The reason i am playing this game, because i could make those choices, to brawling like superman, use martial arst like batman etc, movement modes, (those new combos are out of place. a brawler throwing ninja stars?) and i am really beleive the wise choice would be to keep the old "pure weapon" combos and to be able to reach the WM benefits. and of course allowing the players who wanna mix their weapon to mix it. To keep it flexible."

    What if a player, who wanna mix his weapon with other weapon combos, he could just replace few of his existing combos with the "new" ones on his main weapon tree? This way you could still run with your original weapon combos(without mixing) if you want to, and using mixed ones if you want to.
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea I was day dreaming about that the other day. I think I posted something in here or the other thread about it. Basically it was to have a Controller's own weapon tier regen feed the team power. Then I thought about oh well maybe by doing this both Controllers regen could stack. It would still allow Controllers to be engaging in battle and it would provide ticks of power. The Instant power heal would have to have an increased cool down. Maybe 4 to 8 seconds. Then there's the thought of PoT itself and if it should be removed so we can finally use those PoT powers. That's assuming they slightly buff the rate of power restored through weapon regen ticks. Or just keep PoT the way it is and make instant power heals have a 8 sec cool down. This way there's an instant burst of PoT and small ticks restoring power. You might not even need a Instant power heal. There's definitely more options and combinations to play around with but I'M THROWING THIS IN HERE SO YOU CAN SEE THIS DEV TEAM. YEA THAT"S RIGHT YOU. EITHER DO SOMETHING WITH THE WM OR THE CONTROL MECHANICS ITSELF. Give me something engaging mannn but not stupid easy mode.
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  20. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    This is a REALLY bad idea for trolls, we are already typecast as batteries this will just encourage that type of thinking and FORCE trolls into making this a must have, atm I have a 200 POT tick but every 2-3 tick it becomes 300, how much more power do the DPS really need? and tbh this weapon mastery system to me seems a waste of a DLC and doesn't excite me in the slightest all I see are all the benefits of it going to the DPS
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