Work In Progress: Marketplace Amenities

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Captain Liberty, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. smokekinghayze New Player

    i dont mind this idea at all as it has no effect on player advantages and offers nothing then whats already obtainable in game.

    also i am one of those guys who didnt buy home turf and only have armories in my empty base because why spend millions relocating everything in the watchtower into your lair to be alone ... silly silly people , the same people who will buy these with $$
  2. fkeidjn Level 30

  3. oF1RESTARo New Player

    I would like to second this, give us the option to buy amenity nodes if we do desire. Portals would also be nice WT and maybe one to each Central PD/NC and one to League base when it arrives!
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  4. Dametria Loyal Player

    I have all the amenities via farming/brokering of the collections, and I'm very okay with this. I have multiple bases on multiple toons, and I only go to the WT when leveling, so yes the more bases I have spread out over Gotham & Metro to check mail, respec., broker...etc., the better.

    Also, I'm adding my HT loving voice to the cries for more amenity slots per base please. I'm not sure yet if this is something I would be willing to pay for, since IMO it should have been this way from the start.
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  5. Neph Dedicated Player

    You need to include different styles for the base amenities too.

    For example:
    Vending Machines for soder colas and repair functions.
    Personal computers or laptops on desks to check your email, broker, etc.
    Blacksmith anvil to forge items or a sewing machine as your R&D station.
    A safe to use as your vault.
    Iconic sparing targets.
    Different types of generators and mainframe computers for your base.

    Just a short list of things you could add for the marketplace!
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  6. graydogg51 Well-Known Player

    I think this would be fine if you waited to release it until new amenities came out and just sold the older ones. As it stands now, the collections that unlock these are some of the best selling on the broker and a chunk of the current economy.
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  7. Vodka Committed Player

    It'll be like a whole second Legends tab!
  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    I'm ok with this. The main reason...some of those collections as so dang hard to find. I know some players that farm the heck outta the nodes, and still rarely find them. As far as players that farmed and will feel slighted....this in no way diminishes what you did (unless you feel the need to flex you virtual muscles). Think of it this way...those that already have them just saved some money. And those that makes millions off the collections...I'll give you $20 for that Phobia now ;)
  9. TMadness Well-Known Player

    This kinda upsets me in the fact that I spent a lot of time collecting the collections for this only to be slapped with we are going to sell these...If the mind state is to make everything accessible in the market doesn't that diminish the value of getting it the hard way? I mean why do anything vs just waiting for it to be on the market?

    If you're talking about new players then what is the goal in retaining them? This sounds like "OH you're new to the game well you can spend all your cash on this and not have to work for it."
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  10. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    This is a great idea for some additional marketplace purchases for SOE and helps players who hate farming the collections. I support this 100%.
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  11. Mantoe Well-Known Player

    I would be nice to be able to have all of our amenities in one base instead of only having four per base, also teleporters for the bases would be great.
  12. Ronamus Well-Known Player

    A supercharge station that costs marks of triumph would be awesome!! I have nothing else to use marks of triumph for except rent, which is simply a few raids once a month.

    Any chance of an upgrade on side kicks and bodyguards?? They get slaughtered in higher tiered stuff.

    More then 4 amenities seems to be a big one.
  13. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    I'm all for this as I don't enjoy collections (Briefings and Investigations I'm okay, just not Collections).

    Any chance we could make them affordable? I'd like them on all my characters but I don't want to have to spend either loads of money or loads of time doing something I don't enjoy.

  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    They are suggesting no such thing. Being able to buy it from the marketplace does not prevent you from getting them in game if that's what you fancy. This is just an opportunity for those who ABSOLUTELY HATE Farming or have THE worst luck in the world to get their hands on a little convenience. This doesn't break the game in any way, nor does it prevent you from acquiring it the old fashioned way. So cheer up, because it's all good.:)

    And I hope this comes soon...cause now that we have armories, flying from your base to the Watchtower and back is a pain.
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  15. Archangel Rafael New Player

    If I were a dev, I'd be saving many of these functions for the HallsofPower/league-hq thing.

    danger room - obv
  16. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I have all the base amenities...and the only issue I have is the limit to how many can be placed. I would pay real money to have more open amenity spaces in my base so I don't have to constantly change them out. :)
  17. Baryon Boy New Player

    If the Marketplace-bought amenity stations were account unlocks rather than a single item for a single character to use I would be much more likely to spend money on them, even if this meant they were a bit more expensive.

    I also would really like the option of buying more base amenity slots (ideally enough to have all the amenities in single base) but this may not be feasible on the technical side. Would be very nice if it's possible, though.
  18. Slykraze Active Player

    Sounds like a good idea for the more casual/lazy/plays-once-a-week kind of player. I have a few ideas like others have said about the amenities though.

    1. Amenities should be able to be free placed wherever in the base (like regular base items)
    2. A supercharge bar filler - Pay x amount of money/marks/etc for full supercharge
    3. Watchtower/Hall of Doom Teleporter

    Just a few ideas
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  19. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Can we get a phase shifting base amenity? If not, how about putting them in the clubs?
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  20. Errorcode1058 New Player

    This already exists. I believe it is referred to as the " sparring target." Find one. Hit it. See that increase in supercharge? Wow! Now take off your hand lasers and replace with brawlers. Hit it a few times...see how the supercharge increases faster? Amazing.
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