Work-In-Progress Livestream!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. Mr.Me New Player

    Jen's kinda of hinted that this New Mechanic for SP would have something to do with powers also. The impression I got was that maybe it will some how let us tweak or powers via SP in some way, but that could be Jens Trolling idk.
  2. Inferdus New Player

    Heard there was a final DLC for the game, Hall of Mirrors :)
  3. Nyema New Player

    I can't wait until a new power comes out! Rage is just... boring. I don't like tank powers.
    Just a me thing...
  4. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    New parameters similar to HT mods that unlock gradually and linearly, the more SP you acquire. It gives us a reason to grind SP and unlock our feats on all characters. Plus, it makes n00bs envy skilled characters, because skillpoints actually DO matter now. Brilliant. Glad I thought of it. XD.
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  5. Psychofro Active Player

    yawn sp..zzzz what's the next troll power? ^^
  6. Radium Devoted Player

    Theres enough of your damn troll powers already, I need something to spend these SP on lol
  7. thadap414 New Player

    This should be a very interesting tweek to the game.
  8. DARKKNIGHT New Player

    can't wait to be disapointed
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  9. AlyceKrow New Player

    Do you expect the game to be funded on fresh air? It is a good thing that they are so pro-active about generating 'profit.' They are doing what they can to keep improving, developing, attracting new/more players, and keeping current and long term players excited and interested. You are certainly not the only person who has raised objections/questions about the Devs' motivations, but I think the accusations are ill-conceived. I don't get why people think making money for their efforts is distasteful. Even Devs have to eat and pay rent. When the game stops making money it will cease to exist, and we won't be able to play and enjoy it.
  10. AlyceKrow New Player

    I think you are on the right lines. If there is to be a new power with the next DLC, and seeing that it is the first part of a trilogy there probably will be, it will probably be a troller power. They did say that the Controller role will be getting a revamp and moving away from Battery-style play and moving more to CC play. I think that's great news. The troller role has never really appealed to me before. Just fueling other players seems kinda lame. But CC has potential for fun. I've been building a new suit to venture into Controller role, since armories facilitates this and my main power is Quantum. If these changes are implemented it could become more than just a reluctant second role for me. Maybe I'll even enjoy it!
    I dunno if your guess about the allocation of sp for reducing power costs is right or not. We will see.
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  11. AlyceKrow New Player

    Wow, some raids would be pretty tricky solo :D
    There are walk-ins, of course. Not enough though. Why can't we have a walk-in for all content? That would be awesome.
    I did the Ace Chem walk-in this morning. It's fun (and I need a couple of style pieces still).
  12. Mr.Me New Player

    Respectfully your opinion seems to be an undereducated one as far as how these games operate. They have already said there isn't going to be any new powers cause PS3 doesn't have enough ram to be able to support them. Also assuming that the profit made goes towards developing this game, while not unfounded, isn't exactly the complete truth either. Typically the profits from a companies game go more towards developing new games, because the entail burst of sales is almost always their biggest money maker. I've been playing MMO's like this going on 15 years and just about every single one got shut down after some large cash grab that went towards funding a newer game, that lead to the closure of the game that paid the way for it.

    I'm not saying you point is invalid I'm only saying that other people have every right to be concerned about the cost associated with the product they buy, and their only obligation is to them self's not to any games/companies profit margins, especially one that offers no guaranty how long it will be around. If your wondering how people get so bitter on these games that is why.

    Also don't forget that some of us paid up front for this game and now the game is finding "cleaver ways," to charge us again every chance it gets, which really undermines the point of buys a subscription in the first place.
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  13. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Efficient Crowd Control can be performed now without power loss if timed properly so I'm not sure that would be it. If it was a new power they would have said "New Power coming for...." like in the past. What's more there is the the RAM issue. They specifically said mechanic. Now that does cover a wide array of things but personally I'm hoping for something a bit more aesthetic.

    Perhaps a revamping of movement modes?
  14. Kemo New Player

    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid..........

    ......and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain......
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  15. Radium Devoted Player

    You're preachin to the choir there hun.
  16. Khangus Active Player

    :::*GAH*::: Dun Dun DUN.... Longer durations on Dots n AoEs? Shorter cooldowns? Bigger power crits? Larger AoE areas? Get yo Skill Points up ladies, time to Fight or Flight! Hope T6 comes sooner then we think? Hoping we get a huge Skill Points cap lift. Like 200+ Skill Points cap.
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    T6 is coming with DLC 10, we've known that for a while now.
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  18. iSimply New Player

    Ugh .. I'm sorry but please no more new gear lol. I want to enjoy my gear i have geesh just postpone the dlc for a bit -_-
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You can enjoy the gear you have. There is no rule that says you have to be able to play all the new DLC content the second it is released.
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  20. Kid Sorbet New Player

    I see your cliche dispenser is in fine working order today.
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