Wonder woman Joins the Fray!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I leveled up the WW ally just to see if there is a significant difference in the buff I would get from BWL as I do not have access to the test server. TBH, the 100 second cooldown after 10 seconds of the 25% might buff is hardly worth leveling. I see more consistent numbers with BWL with a buff chance and also a chance of more crit damage vs. the guaranteed 25% buff every 100 seconds. I would like to see if anyone sees the same, or is it just me?
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I finally got Wonder Woman leveled up to Level 8… YAY!
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  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    At least make Diluted Fire Pit Energy account bound. Once you’ve finished the OP belt on a character, it isn’t worth much to that character
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  4. Moon Shinobi777 Level 30

    Wonder woman 2nd passive need's to be reduced to 15sec active & 30 cooldown.
  5. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Instead of just outright buying new allies you should’ve just did your research or played on test server. You bought this ally for the buff at your own fault. You could’ve used that to buy Starfire the better uptime might buff.
  6. Andreas Denali Level 30

    Yeah I agree it should be either 10secs / 60 sec cooldown or 15 secs / 90 sec cooldown. Right now Static & Starfire are much better.
  7. IonHero Committed Player

    Would it be possible to change the "Diluted Fire Pit Energy" so that it effects all previous Omnipotence ranked gear?
    (probably change the name too)
    Dark God's Belt
    Android's Legplates
    Wise Helm
    Static's Goggles
    Brutal Logic Wings
    Time Hunter Gloves
    Cosmic Shaper's Necklace
    Death Metal Guitar
    Kahndaqi Deity's Diadem
    Dilustel Armorweave
    Apparitional Elegance Cape
    Brainiac Avatar Helm
    Escape Artist's Belt
  8. CosmicSentinaI Active Player

    Diluted Fire pit energy = 200 XP?
    A razor's edge away from totally useless.