WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    But the Rage (and Celestial and HL) combos aren't affected by the WM buff and don't stack with it. For instance, you can't clip a Rage combo with a WM combo and if you precede a Rage combo with a WM combo, only the weak might cast portion of the combo gets the buff. Since Rage, Celestial, and HL are already combo powersets, they have to substitute WM for their own combo system, if they want to use it.
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  2. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    He was not using WM in that video. He was using Spin chop, Outrage, Plasma Retch. All powers and mechanics within the Rage powerset.
  3. Haggz New Player

    They are GUTTING nature with this change, a simple solution would be that the weapon mastery crit chance won't take place if nature has more than 2dots up at a time. This way we keep our load out but have to choose 2 dots instead of 3, I say this because with t6 and the health of adds and bosses 3dots would become the standard. Making it so we can have 2dots up while maintaining the WM crit chance would bring the power in line instead of Completely gutting the playstyle
  4. winter13 New Player

    What the devs actually said is under the right conditions, and under optimal circumstances, rage celestial and hl have the greatest potential to do damage. Just because the celestial, rage, hl gets beat by a sorc (because they mistimed a few combos, got juggled, positioning was bad, etc) does not mean that sorc is better than those other powers. The rage, hl, and celestial just weren't achieving their potential. I'm sorc and I beat rage DPS all the time, but I also lose (don't really care about the scorecard though) to rage DPS. It's about the player optimizing his power, it's not just about the power.
  5. TrueOlympus New Player


    Yes he was. He was using the 1H WM. Spin chop combo'd into Overhead double slash(name?). He was combo'ing FROM 1H INTO DW.
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  6. Radium Devoted Player

    Which I should add was before the change to WM double precision tick on the first hold.

    What Kaiser was doing can't be done anymore on test.
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  7. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    He was not getting the WM buff to activate though, he was clipping the animation of the final hit which means that he was loosing the massive crit buff. So all he was gaining was 1 more basic weapon hit which when you take into account the loss of the PT grenade means he is still roughly where he was before any GU36 changes.

    There is a sound and animation effect to show you have successfully activated a WM buff and it does not happen in that video.
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  8. Echephyle New Player

    I was about to say the same thing. Spin to dual flurry wm combo.

    This disproves your point ivy. Sorry
  9. Anti Bezz New Player

    Spin Chop into Dual Flurry

    He gets the big hits from WM and still does a regular combo. With or without the buff from WM Rage is still the best by far with it because of that fact.
    EDIT: Nvm Remander I liked Radium's post and didn't know that until he posted. I was believeing what was seen in that video and not knowing it was changed other wise.
  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    If you clip any combo in WM you don't get the crit buff AND the damage. He wasn't clipping. and if he did it was bu accident.

    You literally can't clip the animation of the final hit and get damage. You lose all of it Ivy
  11. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    You did at the time this video was made! It has since been patched.

    At no point in that video did the animation or sound effect which signals a correct activation of a WM buff occur.
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  12. TrueOlympus New Player

    So are you telling me..... That the time the Video was made, the might half of the power didn't get the crit bonus?It doesn't do that anymore?

    Or are you telling me, the final hit could be clipped at the time the video was made. Because that is how its always been
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    If the Might half of the combo is getting the Crit Boost


    Just imo. If that is no longer the case tho, then a apologize for spreading misinformation.
  14. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    At no point in that video did the animation or sound effect which signals a correct activation of a WM buff occur.
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  15. Twilight Man New Player

    Hey wait a minute, I'm a Sorcery user and sometimes you need pets out for certain scenarios...

    So wait, if true this would mean 'pet or combos' as an ultimatum?.......

  16. FuryX New Player

    I think it kinda sucks because I was looking forward to wm but I also like my pet mechanic.. I'm ok with continued play like I do now but if wm allows the same dps I do now with a fraction of the power cost that's not exactly a balanced choice... for this reason I can see myself being forced into dropping the pet... why would I be a power burden on the group if I can do just as good dps using minimal power. Ill adapt either way but I don't like the so called choice I'm being given.

    How about if I don't spec into wm all my power usage gets halved? Didnt think so.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    • Like x 9
  18. Echephyle New Player

    Mepps can you please chime in? You just locked a duplicate thread so I know you're reading this...
  19. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I was very concerned when I first heard about this, but I totally see why the Devs have decided to go this route. I don't want any power to be over the top op (forget about that big three, it's been discussed to death imho), let alone my own. I'd rather not read thread after thread of people demanding a nerf for sorcery. That'd be lame.
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  20. Echephyle New Player

    As xfury just stated, this will make fury users obsolete because of the power cost.
    Wm will allow us to do damage with a lower power cost. This unintentionally will force sorcery dps to abandon their pets in favour of wm to ease off on the trolls.

    Offering has a long cooldown and only fills the pet bar by half, so the increased dps from havung fury is not as much as a rage player using berserk as he can get increased precision for ALL OF HIS WM COMBOS FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE INSTANCE.