WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    So rage gets to use wm and its combo mechanic? So a rage using wm and the sorc with the pet can keep up or even beat that rage dps.

    I might have to re sub just to see this on test unless someone can prove this theory
  2. Anti Bezz New Player

    This. Honestly it isn't fair. So much for the play our own way right lol.
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  3. Anti Bezz New Player

    Fire has no awesome mechanic and this entire updates slaps fire in the face more and more. I disagree with you above statement, but agree you have a right to be salty. It is absolutely absurd how much hate fire dps has been getting ever since FB was nerfed. I will always remember FBing as Flight in the air over tons of adds in all alerts and raids. Still one of the best DC memories of actually having fun in the game.
    Fire needs a buff and apparently an awesome power mechanic.
  4. Feenicks New Player

    From what I'm understanding it is intended to be added in the future. There is hope.
  5. winter13 New Player

    Obviously you don't understand what "being on par" means. That means that those powers can top the scorecard on any given day. Just because some of your buddies can't beat a sorc DPS doesn't mean that sorc is the best/top DPS power.
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  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    There is no hope :(
    At least I don't see one.
  7. TrueOlympus New Player

    I want to turn into a feen-.... I mean phoenix, or The human torch as my fire mechanic.While in this form all cast times become instant cast! But you expend a portion of your health as well as power. The term will be called "Over Heating!"

    See what I did there
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  8. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    Rage can use both WM and it's own combo mechanics. However these mechanics are mutually exclusive! Why don't people get that?

    Spytle posted a thread with charts showing the idea that the way to get to the 'AWESOME' level of DPS you need to use either WM or a powersets own special mechanic, which for HL, Rage and Celestial is combos. He also said that all powersets will have it's own ability to reach 'AWESOME' level exclusive of WM that cannot and will not work WITH WM, with the recent changes to Sorcery and Nature they have that ability in their pets and poison spores.

    So your options as a Nature, Sorcery, HL, Rage, and Celestial player is this; use your power mechanics to reach the 'AWESOME' level OR use WM to reach that level, but in no way can you do both.
    At the moment the other powersets have to use WM to reach 'AWESOME' but that is going to change (and probably sooner than you expect).

    PLAY YOUR OWN WAY only refers to subscription levels, it has ABSOLUTELY zero to do with anything in game. I am so sick and tired of seeing this line pulled out as an excuse to complain when something isn't how a player wants it in game.
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    If you ask me I think any power that combos into another power shouldn't get the crit buff


    Just to be clear. The FIRST HALF of that power doesn't get the crit buff also
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  10. Gokaigerbay New Player

    'splitting damage' powers into 150-200.
    wm combo that takes just as much time, 2000 damage on all targets.

    so fair. xfd.
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  11. Feenicks New Player

    As things set now I can see your point, but from alllllllllllll the test notes I read it seems to be the future intent to have all powers revamped to have some form of awesome mechanic to reach top tier without the need for WM. From that I gather that fire will indeed get it's due.
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  12. Anti Bezz New Player

    Someone didn't watch a Kaiser video.
    Looks like your post went out the window.
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  13. treehunter904 New Player

    lolthis is why I hate these forums. sorc is better than the powers that it shouldn't be. mepps has even said that celes rage and hl should be the top 3 because of the more risk more reward system. and I don't go againt just my buddies, I go against some of the best dps in dc on usps villain side. and guess what? sorc beats them all. id be ok with that if the devs hadnt said what he said. and the same can be said about what u just said to me. such as just because your sorc dps aren't beating those powers doesn't mean its not better because a good sorc will beat a good celes hl and celes.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Oh, I agree. That's why the "seem" is in there.
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  15. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    They don't, the combo'd power gains no bonus. So you can use WM and get a good might hit OR you can use the combo system to get lots of high precision hits. If a player were to try and combine these effects he would lose far more DPS than doing one exclusively.

    COMBO: Fast, good precision ticks that can be used rapidly
    WM: Slow, huge might ticks that take time to set up
  16. Echephyle New Player

    But they also get huge precision ticks with their wm combos. I feel rage has the biggest advantage when it comes to using wm.
  17. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    I don't see him using WM in there, only the powersets own mechanics. So in what way does my post 'go out the window?'
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  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    That actually demonstrates well that WM and Rage combos do not stack. The issue is the stacking of spore/pet damage and WM combo buff damage. I guess my only point of confusion is one that BB brought up: I didn't realize that Sorc and Nature already had "awesome" mechanics.
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  19. TrueOlympus New Player

    But they can up the crit of the might half/version of the power. So if they Spec prec for example:

    They are losing Might points. But WM effectively makes it so it doesn't matter. Now BOTH of there power versions are hitting like trucks. You can't tell me that when you watched kaisers video that he wasn't benefiting from his might ticks crit'ing like crazy. It makes it so Rage even spec'd full prec, is a damn good might power.

    A draw back of prec combo's is that they can only be combo'd into by a somewhat sucky might power version of tht power. If those might halves are crits though? That's OP imo
  20. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    But if they are taking the time to use WM they are losing many of those huge precison tick during the set-up attacks.