WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    Its time for the Devs to make an announcement thread. The misinformation and lack of understanding in this thread is maddening
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  2. PaxRomana New Player

    Honestly. if anything, why should Cels Rage & HL benefit from it? if you already said that they're on top...
  3. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    I say let it play out before everyone gets all uptight and starts crying about something they haven't even tried yet
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  4. Mr Rocky New Player

    you're right, it's not a nerf, it's disadvantage
    i always fail to see how devs changes to balance this game, actually balance this game
    and to pox romana, i've been sorcery dps for week now, i belive that sorcery pets shouldn't be touched and i think the devs do too, but i can tell you fury isn't all what sorcery has. i've made a loadout without fury or offering it's still good.
    if they DO end up nerfing the damage replace offering
    if the nerf the damage w/o removing the insane power use replace fury:)
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  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Should we expect to see similar changes to other pets? Suppressor turret or Iconic Robot sidekick for example.
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  6. PaxRomana New Player

    Things you guys NEED to address...
    An OFFICIAL post about Nature & Sorcery.
    What powers that don't benefit from WM crit bonus (i.e. tachyon blast, soul well, CoD or any AoE/DoTs like it, soul storm or anything that your character has to cast out) or this might be an error, but they aren't benefitting from it.
    You guys really need to clear WM up instead of commenting in the threads, you guys should take your possible comment & save it for one big thread where you can quote each user on their question. Because right now, people are still complaining about it & when others tell people what it really is, they're left to do the digging for it in the numerous amount of threads.
  7. TrueOlympus New Player

    No. Its not. If you had had Sorcery + Full weapon Mastery, you'd be OP and you know it.
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  8. TrueOlympus New Player

    No because those aren't a apart of a special power mechanic. Those are normal moves.

    Fury IS NOT a normal Pet. Neither is Swarm.
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  9. Drakonicus New Player

    Try this:https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?recent-activity/

    Works as a charm.
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  10. Mr Rocky New Player

    you're right
    Fury hits hard everyone knows that, but it's power bar can be depleted within 3 of it's moves
    most people use offering with fury so that's one power slot wasted on the fury and it has insane power in
    best way to nerf fury is to remove offering
    never been nature b4 so i don't know what's all the hype with swarm
  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I thought Guardian and Suppressor Turret were basically the same idea...?
  12. Mr Rocky New Player

    maybe, but if we don't have full WM we won't be in line and you know it
  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Not all.

    Also...wouldn't that make offering a perfect clip power for your WM rotation? Gives power back to Fury, still get to use WM. Seems like a win/win to me.

    EDIT: and the power to use said power would be less than if you would have without WM.
  14. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    its good very good hahahaha
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    No. They aren't. Like not even closeo_O

    Guardian is basically a mini tank that can be powered. That can aggro targets. Can pull targets off of you is your health is too low

    Suppressor merely hits stuff and sets up PI
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  16. PaxRomana New Player

    oooooooh, I get it..... kinda
    because sorcery pet's ACTUALLY use their power bar, it's a special mechanic? lol... see I knew something was going to happen to sorcery when you guys used it in the initial WM video. But what I don't understand is why Swarm, what does swarm do other than rub up against my pixels? lol. honestly. it's not much of a pet & it goes away after a time, so idk why you guys even did that. If you guys are keeping this bs, I hope swarm turns into a permanent pet then.... because there is no reason to do this.
    wait so why aren't you guys touch Earth pet? LOL... is it because Earth is a sad sad sad case? lol. because Earth has a pet that isn't normal! you can switch some of your incoming dmg to it, is that not a unique mechanic? Sorcery should be have the BEST pets which can do anything every other pet can do PLUS more.. I mean, if our power "specializes" in pets. Gadgets has a dmg deterrent in which gets a portion of their incoming dmg, is that not a unique mechanic? PLUS they have a pet..... which can be blown up at will... is THAT not a unique mechanic. Oh & it's being used at the same time...
    I mean, no other power other than Sorcery Nature & Gadgets should have a pet (of their own)

    & I am going to repeat, Posion spore is a mechanic? I thought it was a PI?! does, THAT mean that every other power doesn't get the crit bonus either? if so, then yay!
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  17. Mr Rocky New Player

    well, for starters offering doesn't clip, i know, i tried
    and WM without the crits seems useless to me
    why i should use 1h to use solar flare which if i clip i won't get dmg of it and if i don't clip it nothing special happens
    when i can buy HB and do it faster?
  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    In line with whom?
  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, can't speak for Rage and HL, as I haven't tested them, but with Celestial, you lose DPS by using WM, if you try to use it and the combo mechanic. I guess you could WM into might casts alone, but you'd still lose DPS that way.
  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    Rage's combo mechanics are the most simplistic. Out of all the combo powers, it can use WM without losing damage.
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