WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    If you have a pet out (Fury or Guardian, not Watcher) you can still use WM, you just won't receive the crit chance or buff for a successful rotation. BUT! You will get the power cost reduction, so that means you can use the loadout you have right now, with WM and tack on a power at the end which will cost less than it would if you clipped regularly. In fact, now that you don't have to worry about timing it correctly to get the buff, you can just play the way you want. You will still get the damage from WM, and get to watch the cool animation. If you do this correctly, you should actually save power and do more damage. It's going to be fine. You are not going to be forced to use WM if you don't want, or you can. It's up to you and choosing how to play, either with the buffs from WM or not. Honestly, I'm fine with the changes (I'm a sorcery user), but I can see why some would be upset by this. But, it's going to be fine, the Devs aren't ruining sorcery, just wait and see (if you cannot test yourself).
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  2. PaxRomana New Player

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANSWER.... so then WM need's to go. Fury is our Bread & Butter. Nature can go w/o swarm, but Sorcery can't. YOU CAN'T HAVE 2 POWERS THAT CAN'T BENEFIT FROM WM THAT'S STUPID
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  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    You do know. That Sorcey not benefiting from WM combos crit buff isn't a nerf right? It just means it stayed the exact same.

    Also, I'm pretty sure nature "loses" 5 powers
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  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    OMFG, relax. And besides "it's not fair" is possibly the lamest argument any one could make. Seriously, it's like my biggest pet peeve. Life isn't fair. Get over it. It's never been fair, it's never going to be fair. If you want it to change, telling someone that it "isn't fair" isn't the way to go. You need to show evidence and offer real suggestions on how to fix it.
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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    LOL no. WM is awesome and fun.

    EDIT: As in, it's not a nerf.

    EDIT 2: You're welcome for the answer, please let me know if you have any questions or want me to test something for you on the test server. ^.^
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  6. PaxRomana New Player

    *throws salt* hun, this is a game... this is something I pay for, & you probably do to... now I suggest you leave me alone. I didn't ask for a life lesson ok. #WelcomeToMyIgnoreList
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    If your fury is out:
    You will be able to do WM combos.
    You will not get the WM buff on any power.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The intent is for all powers to have two options to reach their highest potential: using their unique power mechanics, or using Weapon Mastery. You cannot do both at the same time. For Sorcery's pets and Nature's DoTs, this is regulated with the changes noted above.
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  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player


    EDIT: I'm curious, what would happen if I didn't leave you alone? I'm shaking in my big girl boots over here. LOL

    As the great Ernest Hemingway once said: "“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen."
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  10. PaxRomana New Player

    Um, yes it is a nerf. You can't with hold something from a power, while every other power benefits from it. It's a waste... of money & time. Other power's will be soaring past us. DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW BIG YOU CAN GET THINGS TO CRIT? Yea, lol. I hit 4k (YES 4k) on Voltiac Bolt, It has 5 people... 2 hit for more or less 4k, other two hit for 2k ish other one for 700 (lol) That's not fair at all. I mean, lets keep things real, EVERY other power now has a chance to force a crit... does that sound fair at all? So yes, it is a nerf. When you bring everything up & but keep one thing the same, that's a nerf It's Not Fair
    it's not right, & it's wrong... See why can't us Sorcery users be more like HL users & threaten to quit the game, it get's them what they want :oops:
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  11. PaxRomana New Player

    so then say that for Christs sake... It's only because our's can be applied at the same time... thus a nerf.
    with Celestial, they can use WM, then use the power & then their combo... that's EXACTLY why it's not fair, & that's exactly why you guys stated before hand that they would be coming out on top.

    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mepps ;)
    if I weren't so pissed I'd be so excited.
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  12. PaxRomana New Player

    Hold up serious question,
    so Poison spore is a mechanic? I swore to god that it was a PI... but sense it can do so much dmg, you guys call it a mechanic.

    & hold up... how is a pet a weapon mechanic? That must mean that if you have ANY pets out, WM crit shouldn't work. Because pets are apparently a weapon mechanic, which I swore to god that they were just powers. lol, only rage cels hl & earth have real WM, please define what a WM is & give examples Mepps... your being very unclear rn.
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  13. PaxRomana New Player

    mepps you see this right >.< she is bothering me.
  14. Radium Devoted Player

    So then they can't use both at the same time.

    If I use WM into RcW then I don't get benefit off of the combo damage, which is exactly what Celestial/HL/Rage has as their unique power mechanic.
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  15. PaxRomana New Player

    what is RcW im sorry
  16. RoyalServant New Player

    Is there a list somewhere of all the different power mechanics that disables the crit boost from?

    Or is Nature and sorcery the only powers that have the crit boost canceled?

    If/when this goes live, if all powers have a mechanic that disables the crit boost, then it's fair.

    But if, for instance, Nature is using WM and they are limited to using serpent, roar and VP; and Fire has access to all it's abilities without canceling the crit boost, then It will be unbalanced.
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  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

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  18. PaxRomana New Player

    exactly what I am saying!
    at the end of the day, you might as well not the the big 3 not use their WM... at all. I mean, it's fair that all powers have it + their raw power takes it to its potential, but it's not fair that 3 powers get to their potential, otherscan tooo, but nature & sorcery are kept the same? NO sense at all. It should only work on the first nature DoTs, but don't take it out for them... as is, WM doesn't work with Soul Storm... (WHICH IT SHOULD & YOU GUYS NEED TO STATE WHICH POWERS IT DOESN'T WORK FOR)
  19. somerandombats New Player

    did you just cry to a dev because the scary girl makes you feel funny when she talks to you? dude........
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  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    No it won't. Because Fire is no way on par with Sorcery or Nature currently.Also more than half our powers don't even benefit from Crit boost anyway
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