WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. thermalshock2520 New Player

    To me this really doesn' make sense at all. First off isn't the whole point to this WM to make every dps class equal to finally bring some balance to this game. It makes no sense that you have these broken classes not being touched and then instead of fixing them you nerf some more that are not your big three.

    first: Fire gets nerf when fire dps is all ready hard enough as it is
    second: quantum gets nerf when it is hard to get numbers as it ice
    third: earth gets nerf when it is the worst dps class in the game
    fourth: HL gets a nerf (wait that is one of the big three we have to fix that right away before anything goes live)
    fifth: Lets buff rage even more
    six: lets not touch celestial
    seven: lets nerf sorc after we just got people to respec to it after fixing it so we can get more money from them because they are keeping up with the big 3
    eight: now lets nerf nature
    nine: the big three are untouchable especially rage and HL because there are two more lantern dlc planned makes perfect sense to make them better than all the rest.

    Devs everyone sees what you guys are seriously doing it is crazy for you to think that people can not see you guys. You do it all the time to make quick money off people and force them to play what you want them to. Ice, mental, earth, electric, quantum, fire are all so hurting in many ways they have trouble keeping up and those that do find a way use 8x the amount of power that other classes do because moves cost so much power for them and they have to spam them. Now all you are doing is catering to what everyone thinks is op but people think it is op because god for bid a role keeps up with one of your big three.

    This is the same exact reason that electric has not yet to be nerfed in pvp with electroburst yet. when is that fix coming? I really dunno what else to say but this game is just becoming a cash cow for you guys. You need to start making the powers actually equal and letting people play what they want and not be scared to get kicked from a group because they are not one of the big three. Please hear us all when we say stop being greedy and fix the game we love so much people would actually buy more replays and create more toons and transfer more sp to their new toons if you would just make all the damn classes on par with each other no need to buff OP classes fix the game!
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  2. GodofSorcery New Player

    I been Sorcery from the jump I am not switching no matter what they do to the power I just got to find a new loadout and continue being the best Sorc DPS and Healero_Oo_Oo_O
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  3. thenewkidd New Player

    Well.... there seems to be a lot of outrage here based on GU36... and you know what?

    All we can do is wait till hit hits live...

    A) It might be that we (as sorc and nature) won't need WM.... We hated it anyway right?

    B) For those that don't use Pets can use it, it is still waiting to be seen what some of the best DPS on the Playstation Servers can do with all of this...

    C) Though what is being released and talked about doesn't sound good... we REALLY have to wait till it hits live to make a full judgement on this here subject.. (Well the Playstation peeps anyway).
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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    So nature can't have any dots up with WM?
  5. Radium Devoted Player

    No, they can keep DoTs and pets going.

    They just get the extra damage from the WM attacks and reduced power cost. They don't get the Crit buff.

    I linked a video a page back of what you would see with those changes.
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  6. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    My big confusion is that the devs are telling us WM is bringing all powers up to the top 3. They are also saying nature and sorc are not in the top 3. And now they are telling us that 2 of the powers that they consider not up to par with the top 3 can not use the mechanic designed to allow us to be on par with them. Just seems very counter productive and not balance related at all from the reasoning behind this.
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  7. ApocolypticShinobi New Player

    I took it as the pets were recieving the wm buff and they fixed it so they do not.
  8. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    Players must understand that nerfs must be done around for get balance on pvp gameplay
    just acpt it
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  9. Victuswolf New Player

    If they were balancing around pvp. ice and gadgets would end up nerfed. This has nothing to do with pvp and everything to do with dlc :p
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    I like the 10k crit at ~1:40.
  11. JonnyD New Player

    EDIT: thank you Whizzkid for the quotes.
    Makes sense now.

    They need to try to keep WM an optional choice, not a requirement. Anyone not using weapon mastery as sorc (can't comment on nature) would be left if it applied with the pets.
  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Same with Celestial. I have yet to test the most recent changes, but I doubt it will be much more than a power-saver for me. I'd basically be exchanging a faster, clippier rotation for a slower, less clippy rotation with buffed might burst damage (whoopie). Before the recent changes, I had a hard time getting that buffed might tick to beat the WM combo tick, even with a full might build using Electricity. Not sure I'd gain much, but I'll see once I test it out. I honestly think I'll get more out of WM for battle healing. Those prec ticks will create huge heals! For DPS, I could see just clipping out of WM combos to tap into that great prec damage, while maintaining the speed, but that's what Nature and Sorc users will be able to do with spores and pets out too.
  13. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    A good Celestial cannot keep up with a good Nature or Sorc (their damage potential is about 15% higher than that of Celestial). All that they have to do is make RcW's damage like it was before, and that would probably be a relatively good solution.
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  14. PaxRomana New Player

    Can somebody just be clear, give the SIMPLEST ANSWER!

    If you have a pet out, will WM work on any of your other combos or powers yes or no... that's all we are asking.
    If not, then that's obvious! If WM affected my pets attacks that would be rather OP... but I mean, 2 yrs have gone by with HL Cels & Rage, so I guess if it's not a DLC power, it's never going to preform at the awesome level. I mean you could've left it in there I mean, if your going to let 3 powers leave this update being Alphas.... you might as well leave 2 other's up there with them. I know im night crazy.
  15. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    If they didn't take bonus off pets there would be another thread complaining about that - and not by non sorc / nature users. Think about it - you set up a WM combo, you want to apply that crit bonus to your finisher...and doh..your pet used it for you instead..would be more complaining.
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Fury is strong but looking at it PVE wise it is not bad, but looking at the buff PVP wise would make sorcery and nature #1 which devs clearly stated they did not want. :(
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Only if you are sorcery( sorcery using the fury pet will not get WM buff) and or nature( nature with poison spores out and or using swarm will not get buff).
  18. RiskVsReward New Player

    True, Ice and Gadgets current state in pve is what is keeping them from getting nerfed in pvp, because in pvp these are the two best classes by a long shot. Also possibly, their current status in pvp might be what's keeping them from getting buffed for pve. Like Twoface says "It's a double edged sword"
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  19. PaxRomana New Player

    you people still aren't making things clear I can believe I explained what I wanted to know rather clearly.... once again.

    If I have the pet out.... does this mean WM doesn't work at all, or
    does this mean If I do a WM combo & summon my pet his attack wont crit (not saying it would)
    or.... does this mean if I do WM combo my pet attack wont crit?

    if it's the first choice than, no your wrong & that's stupid... whoever thought of this idea needs to reconsider their job, because did we not just update the pets? & now your introducing something for everybody to utilize but we can't have it? I mean, you make our pets LITERALLY OUR BREAD & BUTTER, then you toast our bread & give us no knife to spread the butter with? WHAT TYPE OF SENSE IS THAT
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  20. PaxRomana New Player

    Mepps I hope you see this too!
    HOW DARE YOU, & any others (Tunso, Spytle, etc.)
    PURPOSELY, make the announcement saying that Celestial Rage & HL powers are going to be the top, with their weapon mechanics & WM mechanics, THOSE are two not awesome, BANGERZZZZZZ (yes that's a level) mechanics when combined! If your doing this to us then you might as well say that if any celestial hl rage OR EARTH user uses any of their special mechanics after using WM combo (correctly) the dmg will be nerfed :mad: It's not fair what so ever! & IF YOU DID THAT I WOULD BE MAD TOO!
    I am BEYOOOOOOOOOOOOND pissed! I mean this impacts Sorcery much more than it does nature (on the pets part) Its not fair at all! If there are going to be three powers that are going to beast over all, what's the problem with it being sorcery & nature? I mean in the big top 3, we all know that Cels is best... (rage hasn't been nerfed yet, its only faster than cels) WE ALL KNOW RAGE IS SECOND!! & we ALL know that HL is third (lol barely, I'm sick of ALL lantern powers) but the thing is that they can compete with each other, so you guys don't care. Now... why not leave the mechanics in, I mean you already have alphas, why can't they bee Sorcery & nature? WE ALL KNOW THAT THE BIG THREE ARE GOING TO WALK OUT OF THIS UPDATE GODS!... THEY JUST HAVE TO BE THE BIG THREE! that's what your saying, if you say otherwise, your lying to my face. & I don't like paying money to liars. I DON'T! If Sorcery & nature are the two god powers what's the issue? Sorcery will be better than nature (of course), but not long ago it was Cels >HL> Everything... & before that, it was HL>Gadgets>Everything...

    If you agree with what's in RED please like this.

    If This Post Is Removed... Lol, I've lost ALL faith is the consumer #BigBusiness
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