WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Anti Bezz New Player

    This argument might be better explained as this.
    PS3/4 Sorcery is top period.
    PC Rage is top
    I say rage for PC cause lets just say it outright. People macro plain and simple on PC. Some don't and can clip really good with it, but it is still pretty easy to tell a macro combo from not one.
    Since no one on PS3/4 can clip against a macro version of Rage on our platform Sorcery is the top.
    My feelings for this which power is the best.
  2. FuryX New Player

    I guess it sounds ok ill reserve judgement till I play it.. one thing to make sure and test is when the pet dies does my combo bonus start kicking in? For those bosses that melt my pet will be a good mechanic to fall back on.. so I guess the test is to be sure wm is checking for an actual pet and not that I have a pet in my loadout.
  3. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Just so it is clear...PS3/4 players can macro. There are ways.
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  4. Echephyle New Player

    So does this mean i still get the full precision buff from the cross weapon wm combo? For example if spin chop to dual flurry normally crits at 4000, i can still get that with my fury up? I won't lose the buff and have dual flurry crit at 2500 instead?
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  5. Anti Bezz New Player

    My first response was yes but would someone really do that just to be top dps, then I remembered we are playing DCUO so nvm, but Sorcery is still top lol.
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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Tbh this won't effect sorcery to much, because anyone who really play sorcery know the pet is a nice bonus, but is not the reason sorcery is one of the top dps now, but nature imo it gets knocked a peg with the new changes. Sorcery will still be fine imo
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  7. Anti Bezz New Player

    I agree 100% I'm more upset about the Nature than Sorcery and I'm Sorcery atm lol.
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  8. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    Can we at least get offering to clip again? Pretty pleaseee
  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    Wait a damn second. So rage gets to "Chain" WM with its normal stuff, yet Sorc and Nature is completely locked from it concerning there power mechanic?

    Unbalanced. Either they get all of it or none of it

    Rage should not get ANY KIND of crit bonus on its might half powers. Period.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    LOL You don't need to macro with Rage. Light you did, but Rage is easy mode.
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  11. Remander Steadfast Player

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  12. TrueOlympus New Player

    Funny how they admit that Sorcery and Nature were made Awesome by their revamp.....

    -Salty Fire DPS
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  13. not_again Dedicated Player

    I have run with you and I'm pretty sure he could help you out.
  14. Brice Allen Loyal Player

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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Man, I really love your approach. ;)
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  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    LMAO man they did, and this was even before the awesome levels were even thought of
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  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    That was the intent though

    They had this entire system in mind when they did it, meaning they were going to design a mechanic that allowed powers to reach an awesome level... Ice/Fire/Mental/Gadgets were revamped before this was even a thought
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  18. Trinidad James Loyal Player


    ^BS.... Gives me the Weapon Damage & Crit Boost on Might trick every time, Unless I'm missing something; this is Unbalanced to me.
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  19. Haggz New Player

    I would be all for this nature change if it wasn't for the fact that the moves that we would have to replace in our load out are all 50%. Swarm, harvest Briar. This hurts us a lot. As a nature user I will not be using WM, no point at all since you can get better damage output without it
  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    Gadgets and Mental are great tho. Mental made even more great due to the balance passes made. Gadgets remains to be seen. No matter how I look at it, The revamp for both Fire and Ice were crap in comparison.

    Also didn't Sorcery always power up their Pets? Didn't nature always do that Spore thingy?
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