With WM solo troller is mathematically sound

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quanflux, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Quanflux New Player

    You know the thing that always made DC particularly unique from other MMO's is that, we have to have someone else give us the ability to use our abilities, such as a controller. I think we can all agree here that WM was probably not part of the initial combat system of this game. You know the thing is that, the controller role is not part of the holy trinity, which is, DPS, healer, tank. Now DCUO wanted to set itself apart from the other MMO's by implementing the controller role as basically a necessity to establish the "well oiled machine" group dynamic, 1 person dps, 1 person gives power, 1 person heals and you get the picture and they designed the combat system around this group dynamic. Now it was suppose to be, the better your controller was, the more powers you can cast, the better you can keep the group sustained and this is on the Dev's that they launched the game without really perfecting the group balance when it came to controllers and this was suppose to create the type of synergy needed to implement challenging group content players could clear.

    The fact of the matter is that, its on the controller's or at least the ones who complain on the forums endlessly about being batteries that was partially responsible for the implementation of WM, on top of that, GU36 ( which really help decline the need for support role ), and the general nerfing of content and increasing of health pools has effectly destroyed any functional reason to bring multiple controllers into a group.

    Now this isn't a bash thread, even though it may sound like one, but that right up there is the truth or at least my honest perspective of things.

    But the fact of the matter is that, 2-2-2-2 is not systematically sound for any MMO, the DPS is always 50-70% of any functional raiding group is most MMO's and unless the group is 10 +, you would be hard pressed to find more then one healer and one tank in most MMO's that follow the traditional holy trinity format.

    Fact is that, MOST MMO's have the type of combat system where you do not need an outside power source the majority of the time, or you have a way to rebuild your own power, or you have tools to help you regenerate power. With the implementation of WM, and things like sidekicks and supply drops and everything else, the controller roles importance is being systemically taken apart.

    You guys act like the community is something that can be fixed, the community here is not any worse then WoW or FF or Swotor, its all human nature, its the, "lets get this over with" mentality that to be honest is a casual mentality that helped bring this about. You know the irony of this is that, its the ones with the bleeding hearts that cry and plead for the community to change and be this way and lets all hold hands, at the same time, you guys that say this are the same ones begging for nerfs and so happy about how "casually enjoyable" this DLC has been. Most of you guys don't realize that the implementation of WM, the obliteration of clipping, has only forced the community to ironically become MORE elitist in average pug group structure.

    So all you controllers complaining about being a battery, all you casual players asking for easier content, I hope your happy with what you got, in the "meta" of the game currently, 5 dps, 1 tank, 1 troll, 1 heal, is the most functional group to get the content done the fastest. By the way you can't "nerf the leets get this raid done as fast as possible mentality".
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  2. Delta795 New Player

    Please feel free to post your toon(s) names, server and faction you play so I & others can block you.
    The DPS pew pew pew mentality is fine except for 2 flaws.
    1) Most (not all) DPS are incompetent in this game and have no idea how to use power and rotations properly to be effective. Instead they go to YouTube and see someone doing a decent DPS job and say ermegerd!!! I can do that too.
    2) And most importantly when the solo troller or solo healer go down in a raid its usually an instawipe. God forbid you have 2 to prevent this so you can pew pew pew 5,minutes faster thru a raid because (see #1)

    As to my first point my toons names are in my SIG, feel free to ignore them and pass yours along too.
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  3. Quanflux New Player

    You sound fairly upset, but thats not important, moving on.

    I don't know how you mess up tap tap hold hold, - dot - rinse repeat ? How do you not have enough power for that LOL, especially when you have supply drops, side kicks and pots that fill your power bar to 100 ? You do realize you can regenerate powers with your attacks ?

    I will admit with this new group structure the dps need to pick up, but this doesn't change the fact that in most MMO's you have solo support roles, and with the nerfing of the importance of the controller role, with WM, I don't see why logically, anything would change or get better for controllers.
  4. Badname28 New Player

    DCUO is hardly the first game to incorporate a class that gives power.

    Everquest Online Adventures (SOE) for the playstation 2 had this set up and that MMO ran for 8 years.......did i mention it was on the ps2?

    you had tanks (warrior,paladin,shadowknight) healers (clerics,druids,shaman) DDs (mages and necromancers who were a pet class wizards and rogues,alchemists) and batteries (enchanters,bards)

    yet there was diversity in the classes aswell......necromancers were a healing/pet class DD.....they didnt heal as well as healers or do as much dmg as the high end DDs but they had amazing utility.

    enchanters and bards werent just batteries either....they had group procs and other buffs that made them key roles in any successful raid
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  5. Quanflux New Player

    So basically controllers in other games were more viable cause they made DPS, DPS harder ? LOL are you even reading the posts ??
  6. smoove76 Committed Player

    Let me guess are upset because controllers won't give you power because I assume you use your powers up in like 2 second? & let me take another stab in the dark, you then shout over your mic for more power, even though your bar is CONSTANTLY on zero, because as soon as you get and measure of power it's gone just as quick Meanwhile everyone else power bar is at least 60 - 75 % full, does that bout sum it up?
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  7. Delta795 New Player

    I don't have a problem with power in or out. But as I stated #1 most of the DPS I meet in game at garbage. Not only does their damage out lack, but power in is terrible.
    2 if that single troller goes down, say bye bye to the healer which leads to the tank which then everyone dies. I don't pug much as I have a full friends list and great league. But when I do...its better than a 50% chance its gonna suck.
  8. Badname28 New Player

    they didnt just buff the dps.....they buffed the whole group......offensive buffs,defensive buffs healing buffs.
    it made it so that diverse group set ups that made use of all roles were far more effective than simply front loading DDs
  9. Quanflux New Player

    Yes this is my situation, my horrible shame, its incredible, its like you looked deep into my soul and and ripped out this incredible accurate, detailed and correct response. I am a DPS that power spams, my name is Quanflux, and I need help...!
  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    Everyone knows when you run 5-
    By the way everyone knows when ppl run 5-1-1-1 it becauses its a Noob pug run set-up. That just a 4 hour run waiting to happen chalked full of scoreboard chasing, Stat Comparing to see who stays,and who gets the boot just to bring in a league mates to slowly turn it into a league run just to beat the last boss. NOOOO THANK YOU.Most ppl who do run that set-up, Gear / Skill / skill points are not up to par. It make me laugh when ppl say its faster this way, NOPE WRONG..... It the only way you know cus you watched it on youtube. Monkey see monkey do
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  11. Quanflux New Player

    So what your really trying to say is that, they are nothing like the controllers in the game and has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
  12. Quanflux New Player

    Oh really everybody knows this huh ? You should probably post that on the different MMO's that all run with solo support roles in their raids that are at around 10 people in a group as well, I don't think they know about this.
  13. Octantis New Player

    I don't get where people think Weapon Mastery somehow fixed the Power-Hungry DPS problem. It's still there. Even using WM, I can burn through my power bar faster than a controller can refill it if I really wanted to, and (as a controller myself) I've seen plenty of DPS still do this.

    It's not as noticeable in raids that still use 2 controllers, but in the 4-mans it's pretty obvious.
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  14. Delta795 New Player

    So your biggest point is that OTHER MMO's don't do this so why should DC? Look at the replies man....you are in the minority here. Quit while you are behind
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  15. Badname28 New Player

    in fact they were very much like the controllers in this game.
    the content however was structured much differently so that group synergy was far more important than front loading dmg
    it wasnt a simple....stack dps.....skip adds to boss fight.....basic tank and spank wash rinse repeat.
  16. smoove76 Committed Player

    Ppl know they just don't admit to it. in In DCUO burn is NEVER the issue. It's ppl not knowing how to play the game or their roles effectively or patiently. How can you out burn a boss that can one shot thru heals and can spawn adds at will? you can't!!! that's when real skill comes in to play, NOT using 5 or 6 dpeses.in one group..... It's all about knowing when to block, know when to use SC, knowing just how far to be from the boss, what side of the room to tank him, so on & so on (( I could keep going but I digress))
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  17. Quanflux New Player

    Trust me bro, if your looking at my lfg I'm right were the game currently is, you guys can like each other's comments as much as you want, simple fact of the matter is that, this whole movement to make controllers not into "batteries" has only systematically taken them out, and I say systematically because its all numbers at the end of the day. You guys wish till your blue in the face that DCUO was the exception to the rule, but it's not, the overall "Lets get this done as fast as possible so lets stack DPS and only take the minimum support", will always be the Dominate mentality, is what is happening to the game, you guys didn't want to be a battery, game gave us WM, now your "demand" has dropped to a minimum.
  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Im getting tired of the solo healers and now the solo troller talk more dps doesn't always mean a better run .
  19. Quanflux New Player

    You mean the game that they were much more needed is harder then this game or was harder like this game like before, and support was needed cause the game was harder, like before. But now we don't need them as much cause the game is easy.
  20. smoove76 Committed Player


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