Wishes for christmas?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kebapbox, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Noone of your wishes will come true and deep down you know it.

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  2. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Speaking of movement styles, a speed/flight variant like Red Tornado is long overdue.
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  3. arkhamowl Level 30

    A Santa hat for my character and maybe one of those Snowmen for my base.
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  4. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    For the empty days of the daily login calendar to have previous styles people missed out on like in January 2022, I missed the enhanced future warden style and I'd love to get it even in fate or booster golds merchandise.

    I'd also love them to raise the base item limit to 900.
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  5. Grip Committed Player

    I need those runs, but since you used your wish on it, I'll go with an announcement that an global friends list is on the way. Imagine friends with 36 toons on one account that needed to be added individually... Ho ho ho :)
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  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    And the flip side of that -- a global ignore list?
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  7. KidKretz Committed Player

    every game mode that requires synchronization to activate things removed :)
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  8. Babù Active Player

    Hello :)

    To answer to the question:

    -We got Superman, Krypto and General Zod as ally. Why not adding the others Kryptonians: Supergirl, Power Girl, Faora and Non?
    -A Color Pack for Super-speed movement mod which allow you to change the color of the lightning... And why not a option to hide the lightning?
    -The possibility to change the flying movement style: using both arms rather than one for example.
    -To get news theme lairs: Fortress of Solitude theme, Themyscira Island Theme, etc...
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Only if I can clean my ignore list of bots without it closing after I remove just one bot.
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  10. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Jolly Beard as accessory
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  11. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    STU-like Survival Mode where we can play old SMs again. Especially the 8 person ones I missed out on. But bringing back the 4 person will also be good for forming smaller groups. Maybe have both 4 and 8 together?

    I also like the Celestial ally idea mentioned above.
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  12. Sprangs New Player

    More armories per toon would be my Christmas wish. Just for bases not to be able to change into during combat since I doubt that would be possible. So many artifacts and styles I would like to save but don’t have the armories to do it.
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  13. ArturoSW370 Level 30

    I, too, would like to see more character slots. I discovered the world of 1/6th female action figures some time ago, and recreated a few inside DCUO. I'm interested in recreating a few more.
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  14. Multiverse Creator League

    I would buy that for a dollar. ;)
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    They just added a few more slots but It's never enough :)
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  16. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    A new and non incompetent dev team.
  17. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    We've already got mostly a new team. How about giving them some time to show they're learning the job?
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  18. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    more space for the shared bank (I'm capped) - at least 3 or 4 more rows.... is what would be good for me

    the 3 headed Hydra as a pet/trinket or as an ally ( and I would expect 3x damage ... lol )
  19. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    - In the contacts tab, you can choose to see (league), (friends), (league+friends)
    - Mark all messages as read

    -Voices in catalan :p
    -Voices in spanish or at least voices in english in non-english version. It's really absurd not to put them on. I want an interface in a language I know; If audio is not possible, at least something can be heard
    -Edit missions for: Gotham Wastes, ACE/Stryker, Lanterns Battlezone, Gotham Under Siege...Do as in Metal Washington, once finished they disappear and the new one is not activated automatically, and if you want you activate them again.

    -A new tab in the league rooster where you can announce things ("if you get this item send it to x person" "farming tip x style", etc.)
    -Send an email to all league members at once (if your rank has permissions)
    -More spaces to buy in the shared bank

    -Automatically detect and apply episode augments. That is to say: I am in Atlantis, it automatically checks to see if I have Coral Augment, if yes it is activated; If I don't have it, the augment that I have equipped is applied
    -A couple of new options in the skill tree.
    *Renowned member of the JLA: at maximum (25pts) you receive 0.5% more ally favor
    *Multiverse Fighter: at maximum (25pts) you receive 0.5% more Nth Metal
    -When examining a player add SP. And a new section where to see, fdivided in solo-duo-alert-raid:
    *Instances started
    *Completed instances
    *Success percentage

    -Mark objects with an anchor so that when you press "arrange" all objects move except those
    -I don't know how, but the style/furniture table needs some change, something more user-friendly

    -By paying 5,000 SM or SC you can obtain a bank of fame (free placement, no quantity limit, "not connected" to the regular bank) of 7 slots (not expandable). To save seasonal trinkets or the Omni parts for example.
    -New service: the previewer.
    By paying SC or screwed collection how Stryker/Arkham in an area where Batman's radar does not work (only the consumable), get this service where you can see (maybe manage) the banks of all the characters
    -By paying 500 SM or SC you can obtain a mannequin of fame (free placement, no quantity limit,). Where to display special armor once it is no longer useful

    -More missions, in each openworld. BoosterGold tour explaining a little what the thing is about, explore, races, locate x character x times...They are hateful, but they give a little more life, which simply kills 30 fools every day. With feat would be fine, but don't "do it 200 times", it would get too heavy
  20. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Just curious - I'm always in favor of more shared bank space - but did you max it recently with the update they did?