WIP: Public Missions

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by DizzyKraken, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. Stickydimes New Player

    The biggest question seems to be if this.can actually be done without causing freezing and disconnects. This type of content sounds awesome but iamnot going ti pursue anything that has me resetting the game fifty times a day. If it runs good though i will be all about it.
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The problem isn't just the PS3 the issue effects the whole PS sever and will effect the ps4 too .
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    How will it effect the PS4. It will only affect the PS4 players who are playing with PS3 users to my concern. When a PS3 player freezes in the watchtower and no PS4 player is around them or in their group. Does it affect the PS4 player?
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  4. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Ikr!!! In a previous post I mentioned that even though they're looking for ideas to implement related to War of the light, I would really, really like to see something like in this video even if it's in the far future

    I haven't followed lanterns that much in comics to know what kind of equivalent even they could do in this context, but I'll do some research and see if i can come up with something .

    With the amazons it's easier, they could make us fight all kinds of mytholigical creatures as world bosses or even Gods or Titans. I'm pretty hyped up, but man please give us Doomsday, it's all I ever wanted in this game since I saw that preview 5 years ago. The fact that they scrapped it was my biggest dissapointment in the game :(
  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    It does affect pc too. Some may say it doesnt but i know quite a few that would say it for sure does.
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  6. Drakonicus New Player

    Its a weird situation. My gf doesnt have lagg at all, except during the CC part of Bia and FR.
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  7. Buckley Loyal Player

    if the reward system is based on random then NO. Not going any further than that. I want to know what I am working for not what I could be working for.
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    yeah, with the wide variety of PCs out there, there are bound to be very very different PC experiences. Although i have heard from friends with high end machines that it occasionally happens to them too. I think it's the nature of MMOs I haven't played a single one that is 100% smooth 100% of the time. Some are better than others for sure, but they all have performance/lag problems eventually.

    I just wish they did some more aggressive optimizations. It's sad that people are vehemently opposing a cool feature because it would mean they get lag or crashes. If it was relatively smooth, no one would be opposing anything and we'd all be talking about the great and exciting possibilities this would bring.
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  9. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Im a little bit iffy at the idea, but what the hell, sign me up! :D
  10. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    good idea, i just hope it will work fine
  11. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    A. Rad idea.
    2. Don't make me carry anything.
    D. Can we fight mini versions of Mogo and Ranx?
    2. Please reward us with League Hall items.

    *drops the mic
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  12. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    The whole idea behind the Green Lanterns is that they are Intergalactic Space Cops with the Sciencells being their Jail. And theres a LOT of menacing Badguys in those Jailcells. For ideas though look up 2 things- The Sinestro Corps War being 1, and the one that WoTL seems to be linked to, look up Emotional Spectrum Entities. The second one would be so simple considering the Entities are parasites that inhabit hosts.
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  13. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    Love it! So they're kind of like the events in FFXIV? You're walking through an area then blamo! Something begins which you can either join or ignore?

    Honestly, this idea would be superb, even more so if it's implemented in the open world (Metropolis and Gotham). There's very little reason these days to venture outside of the Watchtower/Hall of Doom, so if this was in the actual world, I'd happily spend more waiting on rooftops for an event to start.

    I suppose one of the biggest hurdles will be making them worthwhile in that they'd need a good reason to continuously farm them. I loved farming Sub Avatars, but once you've got the gear and you move onto T2 stuff, there's no reason to go back, which is a shame because I really enjoyed the competitive whole who's going to get the loot drop.

    Sorry, waffling aren't I? So yeah, love the idea so long as there's a solid reward system in place. :)

    EDIT: Another quick thought, what's the chances of making Giganta the size of a building and giving her a stupidly high amount of health? I have this cool image in my head of 20+ heroes and villains teaming up to take on a massive boss that seems invincible.
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  14. SickoTheClown New Player

    I support this idea. More open world missions will get more people out and about and that's something I miss from the older days.
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  15. RogerBlack Committed Player

    The concept sounds really good.
    Hopefully all the suggestions (from various posters) will be taken into consideration as you move forward.

    Not to sound like a 'Debbie Downer' but I feel compelled to add....

    If you put these 'open-world' missions into the game, please put the following at the VERY TOP of the list of your 'technical issues':

    • If there are 'feats' involved with this concept, it will encourage 'farming'. (And farming leads to camping.)
    • Don't make the rewards "too good". (Because it will also encourage EXTREME camping & farming.)
    • Limit the number of people allowed in the instance. (You already do this in more recent content)
    • Camping leads to arguments & frustration for the vast majority of the player base.

    - When the Lightning Strikes DLC was released, it only took 1 single day for the (playstation) gamers to figure out where ALL the bounties spawned. Next, tons of campers caused CONSTANT freezing issues in Center City, Gotham & Metropolis while fighting bounties at every spawn location, during the first few WEEKS of the DLC release. It was INSANE. Too many gamers froze mid-battle, or they froze when they opened ANY menu immediately after the bounty was KO'd... and never got credit whenever they logged back on.

    - When the Home Turf DLC was released, people were camping out at the 'collections' spawn points at Strykers, Ace Chemicals & Arkham Asylum.. LITERALLY FOR HOURS... making it extremely difficult to finish any collections required to earn base amenities for several weeks, or even months.

    - When the Hand of Fate DLC was released, too many people were camping out at the Solomon Grundy spawn points to get marks, level up quickly & skip low-level content - which caused terrible lag & freezing for the players who were running the missions appropriately.

    Also too many people were camping out at the location where we fought last boss of Black Dawn (Tala) over by the train tracks in Gotham - in order to 'farm' the clown feat, or get marks & skip content. The lag & freezing issues got soo bad that eventually you guys had to move the final Tala Boss fight indoors. (Remember that?)

    I was very glad when you guys fixed alot of these old issues, but it took about 2 years to do it... in between the time that these 3 DLCs launched. (because the common thread was 'camping', which caused all the problems)

    Therefore, I just hope that you guys will seriously figure out a way to prevent hordes of "campers" & "farmers" from ruining such a good idea.

    It's not enough to just test it with a handful of gamers who have access to the testing server.

    You MUST anticipate this behavior by the playstation gamers & have solution/s ready. (Whatever they may be.)

    Please stay 'a step ahead' on this one. (Not playing catch-up with 'bug fixes'.)

    It would be a shame if this great concept were implemented, but history repeated itself again and it took another year or so to resolve any potential issue that could be avoided upfront altogether.

    Everyone would want to participate in it... so there is a HIGH potential for excessive 'camping'.

    Would the 'campers' interfere with other players enjoyment / or ability to participate?
    Please keep that in mind.

    Just saying.
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  16. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    I think that persistent contribution should have been the standard system of reward for the entire game (at least any open world portion of it) It seems like a fantastic system and I hope you guys implement it.
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  17. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    Scrap this idea....we don't need more fetch quests. Instead? Just do open world bosses and you have guranteed WIN.
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  18. Seth Grey New Player

    I LOVE open world missions so I'm all for it. However some are saying more open world missions mean more lag. I have yet to face lag on open world...it's always during raids or alerts so I don't know if that has happened yet. Hope you guys will address that issue for us PS3 players. :)
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  19. ghostwalkerjack New Player

    sounds like a great idea, i'd also like to see some kind of treasure hunt or random event.
    some kind of chest drop from the heavens that activates a specific quest or mission when opened for the person who finds it, or random npc's that can spawn anywhere in metropolis, or gotham that hand out quests and then despawn and reappear elsewhere, then repeat when found by another.
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  20. ghostwalkerjack New Player

    they would appear and disappear like the iconic heroes and villains already do, but with a random quest attached.
    such as find and defeat a certain amount of specific mobs, then disappear and reappear somewhere else ;)
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