WIP: Power Mechanics

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. ImRick James New Player

    Rage flails? I'm guessing you mean outrage? Lol

    Believe it or not, but outrage has been nerfed so much that it roughly does the same damage as ram > whip thrash... Nit that much damage at all. Outrage damage has been nerfed since gu36, notice how you don't see any threads crying about outrage anymore?
  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    You painted a picture with to wide a paint brush. Bias. BEFORE weapon mastery it was Weapon Attack > power > WA > power and so on. unless you are those super hardcore damage consumable DPS'es of course
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  3. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Do we get to effect which power will be updated after fire?
  4. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Ice and Mobile Focused Attack o_O???

    Meaning moving around while channeling Glacier Flash, Arctic Gust, Avalanche, or Frost Blast o_O???

    I know it's a little soon, but I'm REALLY not liking the sound of this. And Fire's going first, way to take one for the team ;) .
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  5. ExGreenLantern New Player

    I'm assuming that the Mobile Focused Attack will resemble something like this:

    or to put it more simply:
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    There's a fault in your logic. If WM is a bridge, as you say, why would they make it more powerful than the "awesome" mechanics? It should be equal, allowing those without "awesome" mechanics to reach the same level until they get their "awesome" mechanic. Even if an overshoot was the intent, such a planned toning down of WM has never been explicitly confirmed by a Dev. As of now, we don't even have a statement by a Dev that shows they appreciate an overshoot. A little communication would go a long way here.
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  7. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    I wasn't so much interested in the damage of outrage so much as the cool factor of it. No matter how much they nerf it, it looks epic, and I wish each power had something similar.
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  8. Predicament Well-Known Player

    Based on how the mechanics work for powers and their support roles, right now tanks have a bunch of diversity in mechanic, healers also have unique mechanics, controllers are still all the same, PoT Debuff CC and feed power, sure there are different ways powers work but debuffs are applied the same pots are the same and power dumps are the same, celestial currently can combo into heals, HL is a combo power that can't combo into debuffs pots or power dumps. Rages combo power is used to compliment it's unique rage crash mechanic. Sorcery pet mechanics have options to tank damage or heal, it's power interaction of bad karma allows for damage in to heal, earth has the pet that taunts and juggles and it can go with the after shock route. Right now all the controllers have the same job and no real unique way to use them, all the powers must be in your tray and casted from your tray, no com long into debuffs or power feed, no pet that helps debuff, currently HL can combo and gadgets is the most diverse with a unique pet SC, I feel mental and quantum need work but controllers in general need more diversity between one another
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  9. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    In addition, give me a move that allows me to duplicate myself like Gorilla Grodd/Circe.
  10. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    l think MFA will be something like "Maintain"ed attacks from some another game (just like Assault Rifle, Gatling Gun, Lightinig Arc, 100-hands etc.). You can hold a button & more around simultaneously, while attack consists, or even tap a button once & channel will continue (sustained attack) with jumpcancel ability. Currently DCUO has some of them (Glacier Flash, Arctic Gust, Avalanche, Absorb Heat, Flame Cascade), but these attacks lack & no one use them. So [Devs], probably going to buff those attack types. Maybe setup 60% modifier & start channel, or maybe just start channel at once, or setup PI & start channel, but so: Fire's & lce's: prepare to change tactics in this direction!
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  11. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Good Morning Tunso,

    In going forward if this is the case, will the role of the Controller change as a whole?
  12. Sovereign8998 New Player

    Looks like it to me as well, between WM reducing power cost and this, it seems a true DPS will be able to manage their power effectively to the point where we'd no longer be pure batteries. Are they making us be ACTUAL controllers in the future (like having bosses have special stuff that requires a debuff to negate?)
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  13. xNohellz Committed Player

    I think,

    Mobile Focused Attack : ranged castime power (vulnerable to interrupt)

    Advanced Interactions : this mechanic is directly related with several Power Interaction
  14. Feenicks New Player

    A little more detail on what exactly MFA is would be nice. You don't have to give away any secrets. Just explain the basic concept. :)
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  15. Sardik New Player

    Maybe the troller powers will set PI's as troller to help the group and this focused attack can help to tank.
  16. SuperiorMouse New Player

    after pages of silliness, i logged in to post exactly this. thank you for beating me to it :)

    WM was always intended to bridge the dps gap between the damage of the big 3 dps powers and the others. right now it's simply at an inbetween state that will (obviously?) inevitably be adjusted to be on par with all of the powerset awesome mechanics' performance.

    while it's true that it hasn't been explicitly confirmed they will adjust it, it seems rather a no brainer that it will. it was simply smarter to make WM over perform during this process than under perform because their players needed an option to use while completing content, during the process that would see their fav power get updated. it stands to reason that once all sets are finally adjusted, WM won't be needed as a crutch and it will be brought inline with the awesome mechanics. Spytle told us when they started this that the mechanic was intended to be an alternative (not replacement) to powerset damage. so it's implied this will happen.
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, you know what happens when you assume. That's why I'm not really satisfied with "implied," which is why I'd like to see a green name on here to back this up. The only real feedback on the topic has been Jens stating in a thread that those who aren't using might casts after WM combos are losing out on damage, which actually implies that he doesn't understand the current balance issues with WM. I can't help but be concerned.
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  18. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Can gadgets surpressor turret get a shield like the robot sidekick, and use power interaction in dps role like it does in troll role. I also think ice players should get snow devil as a actual summoned pet.
  19. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    maybe try something other than DPS?
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  20. Tunso Committed Player

    We log every ability used server wide and from that can derive DPS output by a host of vectors. So we're able to drill in and see day by day and week by week who is "winning" in terms of DPS and who is lagging behind. It may surprise you to learn that last week between 6/2 and 6/8 Nature had the second highest average DPS output when looking at CRs 103 to 106. Nature consistently tends toward the middle/top week to week (but not by such a margin that it really concerns me).

    Since the introduction of Weapon Mastery we've gone from having a consistent set of winners (Rage, Celestial, Light, Nature and later Sorcery) to having no clear winners. And we didn't see max expected DPS output increase suddenly with the introduction of Weapon Mastery either. What we saw were powers without mechanics suddenly meeting and competing with those who already did.

    I'm certain there are bugs, inconsistencies and things we can improve. I'd love to know what those are so we can continue improving them.
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