WIP: Power Mechanics

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    yea why isnt it in the description for the powers? Cant understand that. And i wish there was a symbol that would appear under your name showing that your pi is applied and its gone when the pi wears off. Never understood why thats not in the game either. With all the different powers attacking a boss a pi can be hard 2 see sometimes 4sure
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    Like i said, why would any1 use the awesome mechanic if WM does so much more dmg? I would love 2 see them confirm it, dont think they will tho. Imo it just seems like common sense but i will say common sense is not very common in dcuo :p so yea i could be completely wrong
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    would be nice if jc came back, the speed too, as i played HL for a year and loved it the way it was
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  4. Brondulfr New Player

    Switch ice to advanced interactions and quantum to mobility focused attack. Controllers obviously have more flexibility when using interruptable powers than tanks.

    It's also odd that you guys want to give almost all of the controller powers the same power mechanic. I'm guessing that has something to do with how it works with controllers, but I'm not getting that from the description. According that chart, there are no tanks in the DOT stacking and advanced interaction categories. It makes sense that tanks don't need DOT stacking, but why not advanced interaction?
  5. Captain Neos Committed Player

    It was great lol minus the power drain.
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  6. ImRick James New Player

    Looks like we'll see each of the new power mechanics with gu39... Gadgets and fire
  7. ImRick James New Player

    If you think of it... Even if the devs reverted HL to pre gu36, weapon mastery would still put out more dps, not to mention at a fraction of the power cost. Most of the nerfs to HL were unneeded and the "revamp" is a joke and hasn't addressed any HL users requests besides a range pot
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    yea your right. WM would still do more dmg over pre gu36 HL and like u said the power use. I think any1 that played HL for a long time b4 gu36 would agree it was tons of fun, and now its just slow and kinda clunky imo
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  9. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    Hmmm... :confused:

    While initially sounds like good news can you elaborate more on this since it´s under active development.

    The way i see it, is maybe you will give us more channeled/ cast abilities (you said specifically ** SUSTAINED BUT INTERRUPTIBLE**. I am worried if this force fire to not use their heavy hitting powers in pvp. If so, please consult with the fire users please. I don´t want to have all this cast/channeled abilities like the actual sad detonation or flame cascade that are just useless: Interruptable with weak damage.
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  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    For all those of you who scoff a the notion of these "awesome level mechanics", talking about how weapon mastery does more damage.

    A piece of free advice, I would take a good long hard look at the chart on page one and pick the one you like best and suits your play style and learn how to your your (whatever your awesome mechanic is), because weapon mastery was a bridge.

    It equalled out most things while they worked on others, once they get the powers how they want they want them if you think they are not going to turn the volume down on weapon mastery, well that is just plain foolish.

    It is as simple as changing a few number in the background of a formula you never see and suddenly everything is not hitting the same and you will need those pets, dots, mobile focused attacks, and advanced interaction more then you will need the newest set of hand blasters.
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  11. Giggles Loyal Player


    I love the coming changes. I am eagerly awaiting the changes to Gadgets and Mental, and I look forward to the testing and playing the coming changes on live. Thank you guys again for all the work that you do. :)
  12. ImRick James New Player

    I would love to know more info about the mobile focused attack. Sounds like it would also be a good fit for quantum since it can teleport and kite
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    Btw if this Mobile Attack whatever mechanic is ANYTHING similar to a buffed cast time move.... please go back to the drawing board..... No offense but I;ve had enough cast time moves get nerfed. Bad taste in my mouth and there is no place for them in todays DCUO anyway.
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  14. ImRick James New Player

    It sates the word "sustained" so I'm guessing that unlike a cast time move, it will have a steady flow of damage, meaning even if you cancel it, you will have already done damage, unlike cast time moves that require you to finish the cast to get any damage. Probably something like dreadful blast.
  15. FelixDuo Committed Player

    I think, although I could be wrong, that they're going to make it so that we can move freely while using channeled attacks. So you can fly around an enemy while launching a series of (hopefully really powerful) fireballs at them. I'm curious to hear some details, but I do like the thought of streaming fire at enemies while moving. And if they aren't going to just replace all the channeled powers that nobody uses, they'd might as well buff them up and make them "awesome" right?

    We'll see. I'm really interested in the advanced interactions as well. Gadgets already has a lot of synergy within itself. Perhaps they're expanding on that kind of mechanic.
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  16. ImRick James New Player

    I just hope we can start using our powers again for viable damage instead of cookie cutter, boring wm combos
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  17. TrueOlympus New Player

    Pretty sure you used Cookie cutter in the wrong context because it sure doesn't describe weapon mastery
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  18. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    I wish they'd give every power set at least one preciscion combo power that's similar in damage to rage's flails.
    I had an idea for gadgets, their preciscion combo could be sticky bomb into a precision based disc bomb that's thrown like the shield weapon directly at the target.

    I'd also wish the awesome mechanic for advanced interactions would benefit the support roles as well to create a more dynamic form of controlling and healing, like perhaps the decoy can give out a power regenerating aura to restore nearby allies, or gauss grenading one enemy and exploding him with fear gas would spread the debuff to nearby enemies.
  19. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Also, thermite mine could funtion differently in control role, it could lay down a restorative feild that restores power to allies in it.
  20. ImRick James New Player

    You're wrong.

    My ROTATION is the same for all 5 of my toons... Wm > power > wm > power > wm... Get the picture? Wm has made all dps use a cookie cutter wm rotation.
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