WIP: Marketplace Base Items

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    For bundles it would be nice if you added 'Casino Items' so you'll have 3x Casino Tables, 2 dartboards, 2 roulette tables, 2 pool tables, and 2 floor speaker. (There's also a base item that you put on the wall to hold pool sticks but I forgot the name of that.)
    Another idea is the feats, so 'Mystical Set' bundle would allow you to easily get the feat.
    As for making base items larger for League Halls, I would so support this since league halls are SO BIG and base items are really small.
  2. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I would rather see new base items instead of them selling what's in game. I also don't think the ps3 is that bad in it's limits. Except when it comes to it's performance.
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  3. xColdFront Committed Player

    I don't like this idea at all. This is how a lot of people make in game money. This will make the prices drop in broker a lot. Just like what happened to exceptional recovery kits that are in the broker for 200k and less now.
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  4. xColdFront Committed Player

    I take back my previous comment. There's a couple really expensive base items I need for my last base item feat. So bring on the marketplace base items!!!!!
  5. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    you guys are talking about new items or base items in a bundle pack... thats great and all but how about some of those items that can be adjusted as desired ... all those unicorn trinket, statues , pictures etc.. i can see that adjustable for the league hall... tables chairs etc can stay at its current size! but this is just a suggestion
  6. Elimyx New Player

    Honestly? I'd love a "basic" pack, more then anything else. Just a basic looking bed, table, fridge, etc. It still encourages you to look for the fantastic stuff, while also having enough pieces to turn your lair/hideout into an actual home in the meantime.

    Or... not even a basic? Just something with some standard stuff in it, regardless of style.
  7. Minnion Devoted Player

    New base items is probably something that is only a matter of time... I still suspect that using items already in the game for the bundle items still has more to do with cost cutting and keeping their bosses happy with a "low risk" investment than any lack of creativity on the Dev teams side of things.

    That said in terms of new amenities for the marketplace I would like to see:

    Combat Simulator: Kind of like the disguise generators from the T.O. Morrow missions only they let you transform into a simulation of any legends characters you have unlocked. Naturally the transformation is canceled on zone.

    Phase Shifter: It's the one amenity the HoD has that we can't yet place in our lair.
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  8. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I'm staying away from the feats debate but I do like the idea of a furniture vendor, as well as on the MP.

    Too bad it can't be an actual shop, like GTA, Saints Row, Red Dead etc. Having different shops in the cities would make it more fun, not to mention it'll give people more reason to go outside. I can't speak for everyone (obviously) but I have very little need to go outside now.

    I know that's a bit much but a guy can wish, right? Even if only the shop door was keyed to the vendor window. Kinda works with the stall in CC.
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  9. PlatypusMessiah New Player

    If the SM furniture is going to be retired, bundling those items makes a lot of sense to me.

    I always seem to be short ceiling and wall items. There are plenty of ideas that people have here that include multiple copies of the same item. Getting a bundle of three chandeliers or 10 hanging night club lights would be very handy.
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  10. Asta New Player

    I'd like to see Those hanging ceiling lights/tapestries, Room dividers and some more plants/flowers?
  11. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    For me the league hall items include the items you find useful. The items that would knockdown the need to go to the Watchtower or LoD.

    That would cut down on lag for some players as well right?

    Mailbox, Auction House, Crafting Seller and Station, Sparring Partner and personal Bank of course.

    PS I forgot the respec station. I'd rather these items were earned with prestige?
  12. ConnerSandsmark Well-Known Player

    OOOH so cool, I have a hard time getting some of the base items because of them not dropping often, I have 12 bases going on and two of them is almost finished, I would like to see a paintings bundle, would love to see books shelves, the luxurious set, and the Greek set.
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  13. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I got 1 person that likes to waist his supercharges.
  14. SrRhavin New Player

    Great idea!!!

    My wish list (sorry, I don't remember the names exactly, but all of the itens already exists):

    1. Gym bundle with punchbag, speed bag, weight bench, private lockers and others
    2. Dojo bundle with punchbag, training kung fu doll, training tools, katana in the wall and others
    3. Kitchen bundle with marble conter, elegant fridge and others
    4. Dynasty bundle with dynasty room dividers (a few), teatable, accent table, bed, couch, chair and others
    5. Elegant bundle with elegant sculpture, elegant trunk, chair, armoire, trophy case and others
    6. Money bag
    7. Paintings bundles with a good variety (all) of wall paintings in normal size and giant size for league hall
    8. Angel of Justice statue in normal size and giant size for league hall
    9. Luxury bundle with bed, lounge, chair, round couch, ottoman, room dividers (a few), fridge, etertainment center and others
    9. Aquarium in normal size and giant size for league hall
    10. Flat screen bundle with gotham feed and metro feed in normal size and giant size for league hall
    11. Sphere bundle with Mogo and Ranx replicas in normal size and giant size for league hall
    12. Classic bundle with chair, sofá, dining table and chair, armoire and others
    13. Vegetables deco bundle with hydroponic gardens, vases with flowers and others

    It would be great themed bundle with the same color like Red Luxury bundle, Silver Luxury bundle etc.
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  15. Nuubia Well-Known Player

    Great Idea!

    Please I would like to see a plant/vegetation bundle - as any interior designer will tell you plants can definitely lively up a place ;)

    Plant Bundle: Potted Palms, Spiky Potted Plant, Bamboo, Hydroponic Garden, Venus Flytrap, Hanging Garden, Thick/Thin Hanging Vines, Grass.

    Also I if possible I would love it if some of the wall ivy and flowers that we see in Amazon Fury can be added as base items please.
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  16. oODarkMatterOo New Player

    i only need 2 pcs of dynasty(way to much on the broker) and 3 for the playhouse(none in broker) so i would perfer it be single so i don't have to get a whole bundle for just one pcs.
  17. Mummum New Player

    I think you guys should look at EQ2 and see what they have. They have things as far as fountains and fancy things. Down to the nitty gritty of windows and doors. I think maybe a double hung doorway in some of my corridors would be cool. But would we be abloe to interact with the things in our house. Now that would be cool. Turn on a lamp, turn it off. Open a door, Close a door. Things like that would be cool.
  18. erdmanski1341 New Player

    I like the idea of being able to purchase hard-to-find base items, but I think having an in-game vendor as well would eliminate some of the issues/concerns, while enhancing home base and league hall customization:

    1. Create a new currency for base item vendors
    2. New currency would be obtainable only by converting Marks (1 MoF = 1, 625 MoT =1)
    3. Put vendor(s) in watchtower that sell all base items (likely a vendor for each type - walls, ceilings, freestanding, seasonal, etc)
    4. Make these base items No Trade/No Sell (for personal use only)

    This would also solve some current issues and prevent future ones:

    1. Endgame players would now have a use for Marks of Triumph
    2. Base items associated with feats would now be more easily attainable, but...
    3. Prevents people from "buying feats" since Marks still need to be obtained by completing content

    I understand the point of this WIP project is to create an additional revenue stream, but it's a great opportunity to do something for the player base as well. Perhaps a compromise would be to have seasonal base items only purchasable through the marketplace while non-seasonal could be purchased through in-game vendor as well as the marketplace.
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  19. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    I'd have to say that putting any base items in the marketplace for actual money is a bad idea, and I do not support it. There should be an in game furniture vendor that sells different base items for different currencies according to rarity. And these vendors shouldn't be npc's with dollar signs above them, strewn about the faction headquarters, they should be npc's with their own little boutiques displaying what you can buy all strewn about the open world areas of gotham and metropolis. Access to these boutiques could be teleporter entrances like base entrances except a different color, and lead to the boutiques that are decorated by the base items that you can buy.
  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    Know what we need that isn't currently a drop in game but it is an item in the game? The bottled Brainiac at the end of SubCon!!!! I would buy that for a dollar!!!
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