Winter Ward Still Dropping Aggro

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by TrueOlympus, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    In Necropolis t6 raid, I used winter ward exactly 3x times, intentionally and fully aware that it might drop aggro. despite the "fix". Every time I instantly lost control of any add/boss I was tanking. It was most apparent on the final boss, when I told the whole group I'm about to test winter ward.

    Used frost snipe first, than used winter ward, and the boss proceed to immediately attack my team.

    Winter Ward is still broken
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  2. XBlue Well-Known Player

    Agree! We got still Aggro Drops :(
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  3. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I can also confirm that it is still dropping aggro. This time actually fix it.
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  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    Just bumping this for the sake of Ice tanks everywhere
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  5. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Agreed. Spamming inescapable storm just to keep aggro gets a lil boring.....
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  6. TechBender New Player

    I switched to Hard Light Shield after processing this information. I love(d) winter ward. Please bring it back to it's full glory
  7. danny pain New Player

    Any ideas on a fix dropping?
  8. GammaGreenLantern New Player

    Pretty sure Ice tanking is just overall boring and least compared to any of the other tank powersets lol
  9. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    That's more of preference and opinion. I find it enjoyable, to me sorcery healing is boring. But anyways it is still dropping aggro as previously stated.
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  10. AlwaysFumbles Well-Known Player

    Maybe a new type of sparring target that responds to taunts would be helpful here...
    Have to be amenity for base though, in the watchtower I imagine would be not very helpful.
    It runs to you when aggro'd, it immediately runs away when not. Maybe changes color when you have aggro.

    But I guess that's a lot of work for little benefit.
    Maybe better would be a green or red icon under the opponent's name that shows you have aggro. Like maybe a hand icon.
  11. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    speak for yourself I've been ice since day one and I love it... I've also seen a ton of people just like you who thought it was easy and not be able to use it....
  12. GammaGreenLantern New Player

    lol I can and have tanked with Ice as well as Rage and Earth....If you can't tank with Ice then you can not tank with any powerset.....bottom line kiddo...
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    I think you might be thinking of the wrong move because nothing you said is factually correct. Winter Ward drops aggro
  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    HLS is nice that it works with the regenerative shielding mod, but it doesn't last as long, doesn't provide immunity, and can't be used while controlled (ie: to hold aggro and keep up a shield while being stunned by the Nexus). I've switched to it, too, but it's a poor substitute at best.
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Make sure the combat tab is up when you make the vids.
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  16. Ice Lantern New Player

    Tanking in general is boring now outside of survival mode.
  17. TechBender New Player

    Hey it's been some time and I may have missed it. Is Winter ward usable again in tank stance?
  18. Larzhino Developer

    It should be. The issue with it was fixed and deployed as far as I know.
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  19. TechBender New Player

    Thank you. I will try it out ASAP.
  20. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    It cant draw agro because it does not apply any might damage to a target