Winter Ward Cause Hate drop on Self again

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Goku1144, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. cosmic war New Player

    The last time it was broken it took almost a year and a half to get it fixed.
  2. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    Cant say ive expirenced this issue. Usps3
  3. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Yeah, Lashina is the biggest offender this time. That's where I first started to notice it.
  4. Goku1144 New Player

    i posted a video showing WW dropping aggro. And have other ice tanks saying the same as me. That is plenty of proof, so please help this thread grow, get the Devs attention.
  5. Goku1144 New Player

    Have you Ice tanked HH or any raid where you must hold the boss in one place?
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  6. Goku1144 New Player

    Did they ninja fix WW? Please say yes
  7. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    Yes, multiple times. Only have issues with first boss spamming backflip rolls into the group lol
  8. Goku1144 New Player

    what first boss does that?
  9. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    In hh, ive seen him do nothing but backfkips until he crossed the room. But is completely unrelated to ww i presume
  10. Goku1144 New Player

    Thats why you turn him sideways............
  11. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    The theory is that Winter Ward puts a reflect on the group and when a boss does an aoe attack it reflects damage back onto the boss, drawing aggro towards other players besides the tank. Or something like that. Everyone has seen a tank pop winter ward and then the boss leaves them and attacks someone in the group. It's been like this for years.
  12. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Lashina drops aggro regardless of tank power. It's super annoying because it doesn't seem like a scripted attack.
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  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I use winter ward a lot, boss never has left me after i used it. But then again i pull right after i do it, so maybe thats why.
  14. Goku1144 New Player

    In my video I posted, i do pull right after and she still leaves me. Then in the same video, I pop WW then pull an add instead of the boss, and she leaves me.
  15. Goku1144 New Player

    Dont think just because you gave Ice the revamp its been needing, that I forgot about my WW dropping hate during raids!
  16. Goku1144 New Player

    I really will quit this game if they dont fix WW and continue to ignore this thread.
  17. MrB Dedicated Player

    Yeah its really broken. Lashina just runs off like there's no tomorrow. It doesn't seem to happen all the time but happens often enough.
  18. Goku1144 New Player

    This thread has over 1000's views, I know the Devs had to seen this. I just want, we are aware of the issue or we are currently testing to confirm or deny this. But instead this thread is being ignored? Please this is an issue that needs to be looked at.
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  19. cosmic war New Player

    Dude you need to calm down.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    you need to report it here: