Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. IonHero Committed Player

    As you can't equip 2 of the same normal artifact, I assume you can't equip a regular and a wolfpack version of the an artifact at the same time?

    Also any chance a version of artifacts that give a lesser version of a changed power could be made available through the dispenser?

    for instance there may be a couple case where a Lasso of Truth artifact that will only pulls 2 additional targets might be useful
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  2. Ryll Committed Player

    Cool, we are on the same page that it is another pay to win transaction introduced to the game.

    Bahaha...thanks for the laughs!
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  3. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately this isn't retail.

    In a game where artifacts are subject to change (i.e. VWD, EoG), spending $90 on something like this would make more sense to me if I was free to change that artifact if I no longer wanted it. Even then I would think it should be cheaper lol.

    As it stands now, once you have a wolfpack artifact it is set in stone, and as a result you can never fortify it into something else like you can with any artifact you're currently no longer interested in. This restriction makes it less appealing for me and only something I would follow through on for multiple artifacts if either there was the flexibility to modify the account bound wolfpack like you could with a normal artifact, or if it was cheaper.
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  4. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player


    Could we have some base upgrades and QOL improvements please?
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  5. HE MANofGRAYSKULL New Player

    would love it if the respec tokens were permanent instead of one time use its really costly to keep buying them when i wanna switch my armory saves with different power and ability saves on them, or at least a ally, or artifact, or a token to equip in our invetory that can have that ability to do a power change respec ect ect....
  6. Sollace Committed Player

    It'll probably be interesting the day the artifacts are linked to the account, but for now, it just shows how distressed this studio is and how it's on life support...
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  7. CrowFather New Player

    so this time its a discount for cr up and not a gift like previous times? did i understand that correct?
  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If your definition of "winning" is reducing the amount of time needed to level toons. This is mostly a casual game, not an e-sport - nobody "wins" anything by playing it and only people with nothing else going on in their lives care about "winning" in this game.

    You can complain all you like about people with no money to burn not being able to skip some of the grind, but why should anyone care about them more than about people, who have other things to do in their lives and can't spend thousands of hours mashing buttons? At least they're supporting the game, which allows kids with nothing better to do to play for free and pretend they're achieving something... Instead of being jealous, you should be grateful.

    *shrug* You can laugh it off, since you obviously don't have anything of value to say.
  9. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Great deals.. Great enhancement on the wolfpack.. Price should be around $50 for wolfpack, given that, artifacts roster will only increase over time..

    Lastly.. At this point devs, I would rather pay for more RAIDS and CONTENT then to be paying for overly priced aesthetics and XP..
  10. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Question, I just bought membership. if I buy the shared bank slots and inventory slots, will I still have the extra ones I bought if my membership expires? Or do the ones I bought while I was a member only count when I have membership?
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    +1 for the thought, but the reason I'd likely never use one of these is it means your XP is forever locked into that will never be able to be used in another if said arti goes 'bad' later. Look at EOG, which everyone would probably agree would be a great one for this, whereas now it's more niche and only serves swappers very well.

    For people that run a lot of alts, it sounds decent, but as long as new artis will come out(or some get nerfed), that you MIGHT want to feed the 200 arti worth of XP in on, that's now locked in your wolfpack, it might actually translate into more XP sales in the long run.

    Choose wisely.

    EDIT: thanks for the sale anyway. I'll have to see if anything is interesting in there.
    EDIT2: Yup....Inventory, bank, shared bank and Armories. Nice.
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  12. TheMysticStar Level 30

    So here are the facts to level one art to 200 costs 100+ through market place, multiplied by 3. So 150x3= 450 and that's a rough estimate. Now add 300 on top of that. 300x450=750 at low estimate. Plus not all power sets can use the same arts due to variations in how powers have different casts/ playstyles. Meaning all powers don't benefit from the same arts. So add another 150 per new art plus that 100 @ 250 Someone in an earlier post stated 1000. Which maybe closer. Now add the cost of your sub. It's a request from even your dedicated fanbase that's too high. I'm down to help pay the bills of something I like.

    But, when you start digging your hands in the pockets of your patrons it's time to check your morals. It gets me thinking of why the cash grab on a concept that's sure to make money at a lower price. Your economics seems off. Are you developing in a new engine? Are you creating DCUO 2.0. You've got booster bundles which is more a gambling ploy. Arts have a chance to fail on fortify at higher level if don't buy the 100% modifier. You charge $10 for non subscribers, but $9 for subscribers at a $10 value. So at least you spend 10 with a dollar stretch. Yet you still make $1 per every amount.

    This game is stagnant, and grind happy. It needs to evolve before you start pulling EA micro transaction play to win habits at this level. I have been playing since 2012 and spent literal thousands in this game. So please tell me, why should I continue investing my time, and money in something that's reusing assets, and stuck in housing limbo with buy outs. The push back is coming from people that love the game and want it to evolve. Your true investors aren't those in the bored room and over your letter heads. It's the thousands who waste their savings. Pay to play is fine. You deserve it! For those who have no clue to this concept War frame is a great example of how to evolve a game and earn the players money.
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  13. appocolyps Committed Player

    I am genuinely disheartened and embarrassed to be associated so deeply with the game and read what i am reading about this "wolf pack token" of all the lows, this one takes the gravy, the team, company and all involved should be truly ashamed!
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  14. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Apologies if this question has already been answered:

    If I buy a wolf pack artifact token and use it on a 200 artifact, can any NEW toons I create after I've used it get access to that 200 level artifact?

    EDIT: Just thought of another question:

    Let's say I have a 160 level artifact on a toon. If I get a 200 level wolf pack of that same artifact, does that replace the 160 level artifact, or do I still keep that 160 one, and can feed that one later on into a different artifact if I want to? Just trying to think of my alts and the artifacts I've already leveled to 160.
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes, the membership slots are basically on top of all your other slots, whether it be fee or maxed through purchase. So when your membership ends you’ll just lose the ones you specifically gained from the membership itself.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    The Gift is in January for the DCUO Anniversary.

    The rest of the time.... you can buy it for $50.
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes. If you have let’s say a 200 trans on a toon. And you then want to give it to your other toons. You can make the upgraded wolf art. You then go to your base (on that same toon) and go to the base dispenser. There will be a voucher that will essentially add the 200 wolf art to all dispensers on your account.

    From that point on all other toons will then have access wolf trans. I believe that the only requirement for a toon to have access to a base and POSSIBLY finish the artifact mission that is at lvl 20(?).

    And yes, you do also keep the 160 trans that you may have on another toon. My recommendation is that if you have a 200 art that you want to upgrade on 2 different toons, upgrade the wolf on the toon that either doesn’t need any other arts or on a toon that you’d like to have a pseudo nth metal. That way you can feed the original to another art.

    For example. If you have 1 toon with 3 200 arts and one toon with 2 top arts and a 160. I would turn the toon art on the one with 3 max arts into a wolf art. Then claim the wolf on the toon with 2 max arts. Then feed the extra 200 art into the 160. Keep in mind that you’ll lose 50% of the exp when feeding an art outside of double nth week. However a 200 art has 1,678,722 exp and a 160 art has 678,722 experience. So if you don’t have anything else to level that 200 art being fed into a 160 art will give you enough exp to get said toon it’s 3rd 200 art.

    Again, do this at your own discretion.
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  18. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    10000 DBC? Just the cash is $130 CND. That's like a whole tank of gas!
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Go see your family for Christmas ? Or get 1 artifact permanently for all your alts? Tough choice … there’s always next year to see your family.
  20. Dysania New Player

    I play this game on and off, but I hate it for this exact reason. It sucks that you gotta drop ~$85 on this hot, new item of convenience. It's just ludicrous and absolutely unfair for a consumable item.

    A price that high means you're not selling it to your player-base. You're selling it to whales.
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