Nothing stopping you from grinding up the nth metal and catalysts on every toon you want to max out without paying a dime. This just saves a LOT of time.
Oh I am aware of how this changes things. Also aware that the regular method of levelling artifacts is still in game. Doesn't change a single thing about my comment though lol
I like the idea of the Wolfpack, but the price is a bit hefty. I could go for 5000 MP, not 10000 MP. It's a bit much, so nothing I'll be grabbing anytime soon. It's a great idea though.
You must be operating on a really, REALLY, REALLY idiosyncratic-to-the-point-of-being-useless definition of what "pay to win" means. Most of us using the lingua franca of the interwebz use it as a barrier that can't be broached unless you apply money, and usually a considerable amount, at that. This is, at best, "pay to be convenienced". Now, if we want to talk about the underlying issues of capitalism that require a company to create ways to drive revenue, I'm all about that. This is just a timer saver. Would I want it cheaper? Yes, as I in general want EVERYthing to be cheaper. I don't see it as an egregious move as classifying it as a "pay 2 win". What is one winning?
Great idea, but I really think you'll get a lot more to buy into it if it were like 5000 vs 9000. That is really steep for a singular artifact.
I never thought I'd see the day for making artifacts not only "account bound" but redeemable on all the alts. This is almost a perfect situation for me as I only have been able to afford 200 artifacts on my main but have 31 alts with nothing more than 120s. I mean; 10000MP for 31 copies of a 200 rank artifact is a tempting item. Now, that I think about it, I do have lot of loyalty badges stored. Is it available in the loyalty vendor?
Ok but when is the double art gonna come ? A lot of people are waiting this. Last one was in june... long time ago...
I wish the sale was on when I was changing names for my characters lol oh wells. The Wolfpack Artifact Token is interesting, but I agree the pricing is abit much.
Well I dont want to play Alan Wake 2 and especially dont want to pay for it twice. As i dont spend money on new games and that money is spent in this one game. #Defended
I don't need (or want) two copies of Alan Wake. But I do need multiple of the same artifact to make my alts more viable/ enjoyable.
Well, I don't have main and alts. I have 14 characters and I play them all. I've got an artifact used by 8 of them, so it's a relative steal to get that ranked up to 200 and then share it across all using the Wolfpack. Not going to bother for artifacts that are only used by 2 or 3 of them, but half or more... it's likely. Bonus: While the character you use to create the Wolfpack artifact loses the original in the conversion (it's consumed to level up the Wolfpack version), all the others still have the old version to consume as XP for any other artifact once they acquire the Wolfpack version from their base dispenser.
I know the definition of the word I used and I stick by it. Lately the game has been nothing more than a cash grab for Daybreak. We go from a booster, straight into a resurgence, straight into a sale including this new offering. All of which have featured big bundle prices. The population is dwindling daily as people are getting fed up of DB’s failures to follow through on actual important updates, fixes etc whilst all the time their fingers are constantly trying to prise open our wallets to buy new things, yes it is down to us as consumers to say no but it is blatantly obvious that profit drives everything they do. I’m a high level player and have played the game for many, many years and I am angry and saddened that the game that I once loved has dropped to such a low, low level.
Problem, Reaction, Solution. Nice play there Daybreak. It shouldn't surprise me to see this but y'all somehow manage to outdo yourselves to even my surprise.
The way I am reading the wolf pack artifact, It only coverts 1 200 into the wolf pack art that can be transferred to alts as needed, not 31 copies of the same artifact (assuming you have that many alts). I am seeing some comments thinking this is a artifact multiplier. it isn't. So there will be bank transfers involved. And If I have miss read any comments I do apologize. NEVERMIND I AM DUMB, I miss read