Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    Don't wonder read it again. Everyone that has said the Wolfpack Token is reasonable priced have said so backing it up with facts which they also put forward, explained and spoken sensibly about namely ObsidianChill (), Woolie () and Multiverse () amongst others. Not some immature greedy freeloading broke bum bum trying to increase his occult following on YouTube by capitalising on the majority, a YouTuber with whooping 2.78k occult subscribers I wonder why it's so low, Lmfao. This Dead Sea Scrolls Gaming has no integrity and his channel follows the majority so he can amass more occult subscribers he has no opinion of his own other than the majority vote. No one with a liquor of sense will follow such ideocratic YouTuber. I've left my contribution with dislike on the videos LMFAO. If the Wolfpack Token is SO! overpriced tell us why, while stating facts and not make fun of the devs and people sharing there opinion publicly (FYI I've reported the video to YouTube claiming he didn't take permission to humiliate peoples and there opinions publicly LMFAO). Again anyone with a liquor of sense will dislike that video for many obvious reasons. I wouldn't say unsubscribe cos what made anyone of is maximum 2.78k subscribers subscriber in the first place. TELL US FACTS OF WHY IT SO OVERPRICED STOP ACTING LIKE A GREEDY BABY THROWING TANTRUMS.

  2. Cypharr Committed Player

    I had to sit and watch the whole thing (cringe) so I know how to respond. Hopefully my dislike on the video will tell YouTube I wish I can have that 11 minutes of my life back lol.
  3. Emoney Loyal Player

    And yet many people here, including me, have given feedback on how it is overpriced, with facts and reasoning, and you've responded with name calling and immature egotistical, you're no better.

    Difference is, his was obviously satire, and you are dead serious.

    Also, I have yet to see a single marketplace item that Obsidian or Multiverse don't support or buy. They are basically part of the whale community. Obsidian specifically is all about the elitist art swapping, so no surprise there.
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  4. Rorrigam Active Player

    I was about to say this lol. His reply to everyone who shares their opinion (with facts and examples) no matter how respectful it is, is to call them broke, freeloader, to tell them they should quit the game, etc.
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  5. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    To an extent I agree. They are obviously motivated to spend money on the game because (a) that's how they roll, and (b) YouTube channels that generate a small income to offset their costs - the number of subscribers isn't that high at 25-30k.

    I did use Obsidian Chill's methodology for calculating the cost of buying a 200 rank artifact, except I restricted the range from 80 to 160 and added a caveat about players, such as myself, gathering nth and paying with source marks. I would hope that you'd see this as a legitimate method. At the moment I'm probably only going to try Manacles, as I have a 200 Earth and 4 other tanks to try it out with. I'm interested in what I can do with tanking powersets and having one shared 200 artifacts will help the project.
  6. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    God, I just had to log on to put ignore that dude...
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  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    I'm yet to see any proof of why it's overpriced other than the share greediness of the intent. Satire at who's expense did they volunteer for a roast. It was to expensive to publicly try to humiliate people with lies spawning from selfish and greedy opinion. Nothing wrong with being a freeloader or broke bum bum if that's your reality don't get offended when someone calls you what you actually are. A spade is a spade.

    If it's not to much to ask? I'm must have missed it. please reference a fact someone made on why it's overpriced as I have done with these videos from Obsy, Multiverse and Woolie.
  8. Cypharr Committed Player

    Nothing wrong with being a freeloader or broke bum bum if that's your reality don't get offended when someone calls you what you actually are. A spade is a spade.

    As for "QUIT THE GAME" I'm only using what I learnt on this forum. People have said that to me a number of times when I share my own opinions of an issue. So don't come at me for something everyone says. Trying to single me out I see. It won't work. Maybe people shouldn't dish out a serving that can't finish. I eat all of mine no problem there.

    Skip to 0:45. 45s in about ego

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  9. Cypharr Committed Player

    Another sensible review popped up on my fyp not insulting or demeaning the company or anyone. Deserves a follow. I subscribed.


    PS: There is a bait in this video and I'm anxiously awaiting your response.
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  10. Rorrigam Active Player

    It wouldn’t make any sense. People have try explaining it to you multiple times throughout the 16 pages of this thread but you refuse to acknowledge it.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. You not gonna pay the $85 just as most people so I guess we are all on the same boat. This gonna be my last reply to you since this back and forth got old and we not gonna get to an agreement (not like we had to in the first place).
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  11. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Wow, I only put Dead Sea Scrolls video on here, because I thought it was funny. If some people don't find it funny, I understand. I don't agree with his opinion, but his method of delivery is similar to a "slightly" hard-core comedian. There is a lot harder content than this video on YouTube, that is accepted by YouTube. When I find content on YouTube that I also find offensive, I just turn it off.

    I personally follow Multiverse on YouTube, simply because our opinions of the game are similar. Obsidian Chill is very good on the technical side of the game to me but seems only to really care about the EEG players (again just my opinion). However, I try to listen to everyone's side before deciding my opinion on any topic.

    All in all, I love this game and only hope the best for it while it is still around. I was heartbroken when City of Heroes ended, and I will also be heartbroken if and when this game ends.

    I just love all superhero stuff, comics, movies, tv, and games. Everyone have a great New Year and let's hope DCUO will have better 2024 too.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  12. DezFTW Active Player

    BYE BYE sale it was fun while it lasted.. See ya in Spring
  13. Sollace Committed Player

    the funny thing is that this token will only be interesting for DPS, I doubt people will have fun playing x number of tank or heal trolls lol
  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well, most players in DCUO are DPS, even those who mainly play as a different role usually have a DPS or battle build armory and/or DPS alts. Also, many artifacts can be useful for multiple roles, at least in certain situations, like Clarion, Trans, Strat, Lazarus, Scrap, et cetera.
  15. Sollace Committed Player

    the token at this price would have been more interesting if it would have allowed you to up all the DPS role art for example, then you'd need another token of this type for the tank heal role artefacts, etc, there, I think people would be much more interested in this type of token, but 80e for just one artefact lol, no thanks.

    I think the devs have clearly forgotten that you can already spend money to increase them from 1 to 200...
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Have they? And how much does it cost to level one artifact for one toon from 1 to 200? Is it less than 80e? Or is it more than 200e?

    If enough people are willing to pay that kind of money for 1 artifact, so that the company didn't see fit to reduce the prices of Nth Metal and catalysts on MP, then it's a reasonable prediction, that a significant number will be prepared to spend 80e in order to have a 200 artifact on as many toons as they like. Those who don't want to buy the new token will just continue playing as they did before, spending a lot of time farming art XP for their alts and/or paying for Power Respec tokens, if they want to try a different powerset with their 200 artifacts.

    I'm not going to buy the Wolfpack, just as I don't buy art XP, stabilizers or Power Respecs, because I enjoy taking my time with my toons and I don't need all of them to be running E+ ASAP. But I know plenty players who spend tons of money in order to have all the best stuff on many toons quickly and that's the type of player the new token is made for.
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  17. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I have Earth, Ice, Fire and Atomic characters that have the tank powerset option, so given I have Manacles on one already at 200 it might (still considering) be worth getting a wolfpack artifact of this one. IF the budget allows, which I should know by March.
  18. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Anyone that has the budget (and some that don't) for the Wolfpack and wants it should get it. It should be about what makes your individual game play enjoyable.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  19. JWellens Level 30

    I quit playing this game a few years ago but I genuinely love the core of it so I check the forums every few months to see if anything has changed that would bring me back. And this is exactly the kind of thing that reinforces my decision to not come back. A $100 purchase to make playing alts easier is ridiculous and it's insane that these tactics keep working on the player base. What are people missing about how money-hungry and grubby this game has become? It's the same content over and over, no new travel modes or powers in years, constant stream of new products being pushed to buy on the marketplace that are QOL at best or "pay to win" at worst. I'd be embarrassed to tell anyone I worked for such a sleazy game and the sooner people stop supporting it the sooner it will either die (which, you know that's how it goes when you plateau and stop growing) or they'll need to make serious changes to get people back.
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  20. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    As long as we have sh*t eaters, they can offer sh*t without hesitation.
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