Will there be new artifacts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I'm actually relieved to hear this. It'll be nice to catch up with artifacts a little more rather than think about reserving metals for new ones. Will the Origin Augment level go up as usual this DLC?
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Asking here aswell just incase - what will happen to Artifacts introduction mission with the vault going away? There is a part of the mission where we go to the vault and get source marks.
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  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We are accounting for that change.

    TBD - it's in discussion.

    For everything else - we are finalizing things so we will not have a lot of information on Allies just to change it on you as we seal the deal. What is known is that they "coexist" but that doesn't mean the systems cross streams in terms of XP, seals, slotting,etc. they have separation in that regard - different UIs, leveling, etc. One does not replace the other but they can be supplemental by savvy players who mix and match stuff. I'm sure we'll expand the system(s) as we go with iteration, reception, game play value realization, more direct and intentional interactions with the systems, etc.

    That's all on the topic until closer to public testing.
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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Cool, thanks for the update! I would like to request the usual bump up in Origin Augments if for no other reason that many (most?) player are up to their eyeballs in origin augment exobytes :p

    Sidenote: will the scrapped healer artifact from Flashpoint ever make an appearance?
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I agree with Yass, i see no reason why we shouldn't have our main body augments updated?

    Would appreciate an increase on these.
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I have a stockpile I was saving to upgrade to the max day one lol. I’m in this limbo state where since it’s in TBD state I don’t want to use them else where and then find out I needed them lol. I also have some head augments leveled that I just found out I won’t need either that we’re going to go straight into the new head augments I though we’re coming lol. But oh well, these things happen. Gotta roll with the punches lol
  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    We do?
    Oh u meant you do, makes better sense now ;)
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  8. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    I would love to see my artifact and every other idea i put out make it in next update after next month update because ik they will help improve dc such as my tactical mod rework idea and earth rework idea making it feel more like a tank power instead of dps power and kinda out of date and as for my tactical mod rework idea it would help update alot of old tactical mods with big improvements and more reasons for players to want to use them last thing as for my pet art idea my goal isn't to make pets become too op are a new meta similar to the precision or might thing but its to help improve older power pets such as the watcher to feel brand new or at least better then what they currently are and my next goal after is to release my sorcery then atom rework ideas btw ik this went from arts to all over the place but my goal here is to get the devs to notice folks such as myself with perfect ideas to help keep dcuo alive even longer and show that they do care for the player base by implementing these ideas folks would be surprised if the devs does use my ideas and other game smaller or bigger mmo companies try to copy it for their game also to add will come up with new powers later like i said my goal is to keep dcuo alive even longer but peace for the rant here don't mind me Pet Artifact Idea https://forumwas.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/new-pet-artifact-idea.315893/ #ImproveDCUO2021
  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I love pets, different ones, because in the absence of updates to the powers themselves, they give us the opportunity, at least a little, but visually refresh our powers ... but they also have their own dark side, in the raid if you are a tank, sometimes the biggest challenge is, get out of the environment of a dozen pets ... is there any hope that the new allied system will not aggravate this problem?
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  10. The Multiverse New Player

    Just a idea, but it would be nice to have a new artifact released hand to hand with the Ally system. A artifact with synergy to the Allies. May be to late in the game to make one, maybe not. But I guarantee it would be a hot seller as everyone would be scrambling to level the new art to further boost their Ally, and it would show us everything is connected.
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    How about we first see how they work before we try buffing them with artifacts?
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  12. Charon Lead Content Designer

    There are always reasons for every decision. That being said - we decided we'll be increasing these.
    Possibly, yes. It needs reworking most likely at a fundamental level but it's not off the radar.

    They do not behave like henchmen or combat pets so it should not make that situation worse. More on that later when the finer details are released.
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I really hope Donna Troy will be available as an Ally. If not in the beginning, at last at some point... :) I really can't wait to hear about this system more.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Thanks for considering our input to increase them and deciding to do so, much appreciated
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  15. The Multiverse New Player

    Well we may not know how the Allies work but I'm sure the Devs do, and since they are the ones making the Arts I dont see the issue. They could do something similar to the source shard but with allies. And play testing how it would work is what the test server is for...
  16. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Please make the a.i. of allies higher than a slug crawling over salt. The fact that sidekicks and henchmen STILL block players is kind of ridiculous. Ever have to retrace backwards because your henchmen are blocking a narrow hallway? Yeah...
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A dev literally said a few post before your post that they don’t behave like henchman
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  18. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol happens. I misread and thought this dlc was gonna be a none tradable dlc lol. Happens
  20. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    What'll happen to unused vault tickets? I liked the vault, was an interesting looking area, especially when redecorated for the holidays.