I started playing during Wonderverse and I still think it’s superior. Players are still there, the bonus weeks for wv are the most useful. The bounty system made the open world better. The second currency still being useful, like all of it. I saw an article from just before WV launched and it said it was this “new way to play” and I’m just wondering why it didn’t stick around. I mean, 31st wasn’t quite as good, but for me it was the content. It was good. But WV was better. Did people not like it? I loved it. And tbh after that episode being my first, later episode bounties are boring. Was it too buggy? I mean I crashed a lot there but I crash everywhere else too. I’m curious.
Are you talking about the world bosses? (like Ares, Hydra) It's because people grew tired of it really fast, and the feats were boring and just a grind of "Kill Hydra x times". We had the rounds again in Legion of Superheroes and people were really upset at this point, so the Devs stopped with it for now, but I believe they said they will try make it work again in the future, but no promises and as you and I know stuff can always change.
It is long and the participation time is almost inflexible. Thank goodness the format itself got nerfs over time, but now the schedule becomes too rushed just for spam spam spam. I have so much leftover currency there that I simply do not care to spend. I don't mind once every few episodes, but definitely not back to back like they originally planned. LoD is obviously going to follow the same format and I've been very relieved to get to break from that. Just don't make it the new normal.
For my part, I disliked that you were locked in for 50 hours minimum (they've changed that to 33 hours now with the shorter rotations). Sorry, but 'having' to do 50 hours of doing anything repeatedly in this game...be it chunked up into weeks or months even, is a drag. And that's assuming you 'win' every time, and when they first launched it, you weren't getting Hydra every time...you weren't beating the bosses every time. Don't forget this was also accompanied by the new capped phases and was pre 'phase' option in the warp menu, which made finding a 'good' phase even tougher. Also, at the time WV and LLL launched, we didn't have the clamp and loot unlocks yet. So realistically, if you didn't finish all that grind by the next few DLC's (or started a year after launch) you'd be doing all that for 'free'. It looks much better now in hindsight, with the phase menus, shorter rotation times, the bosses nerfed to oblivion and unlimited loot. So maybe knowing all that was going to happen, the outcry wouldn't have been so loud as to have them abandon it so quickly.
The second currency system was a farce. This was supposed to be a meaningful system that rewarded extended play time. In reality, it was all hollow words as there really wasn't anything to buy with the second currency. Keep in mind, those chromas and cosmetics you see were added to the vendors after launch. The vendor pickings were really slim initially. Once you finish your OP item, your gen mods, and you collect the other feat items, the second currency becomes worthless. You can't convert it to Source Marks or anything else of relevance. Once you have everything you want the second currency just piles up.
I wouldnt say the system is abandoned. Players tend to not like the same system/Feature back to back like that so right now that Bounty system doesnt fit with their plan for content but it may come back in the future. I tend to like the Legion method better which guarantees the final boss at the end and the carry over helped small phases. All in all that Bounty method was a good addition and can use refinement. It kept players in game which is certainly the purpose and brought a great addition to break the cycle of daily play. Spent hours doing bounties and had enjoyment there versus waiting for queues,
I absolutely loved those world boss grinds because I got to catch up on my TV shows whilst doing them XD Now, it's back to a short 2 hour grind and then quicker back to doing stuff I have to pay more attention to... LoL
I didn't mind the Wonderverse setup minus having to successfully defeat each boss to unlock the Hydra. It was the Legion setup that felt completely out of whack: Cosmic was clearly unbalanced in terms of health, long wait times in between each boss and poor communication for Eye mechanic in Validus fight.