Why the nerf to rewards in Lair Battles didn't solve problems

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by same Johnny, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. ChuckLess New Player

    I still don't understand the issue really. Let people lose and farm marks. Not everyone does that. Trying to stop it, in any way, will piss off more people than it will ever benefit. I certainly don't mind winning for nothing. Is it boring? Yep. Is doing the same 1v1 over and over again boring? Yep.

    PVP sucks in every game I have ever played for all the same reasons.
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  2. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Do you realise that people doing that are actively pissing off the players who do want to fight and try to win?

    It stops being "let them do what they want" when it interferes with someone else's game. Or it should.
  3. ChuckLess New Player

    Yeah, but the amount of people that actually care is really small. Now, I'm not saying that they don't matter. But ya gotta decide what's worse. Piss of the mass or just the few?
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  4. ErnieB Loyal Player

    wait what??? a PVP fix that went horribly wrong????, how is that new?, pretty much everything that has been done to PVP has been wrong for the simple fact that they only listen to a special portion of the pvp community. And if you think that was bad, try entering Safehouse being the only properly geared person in the group, and the rest not even level 15, against a group full of PVP CR 100 people and you tell me if it's fair and right.
  5. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Bad English, I have no idea what you're saying. Maybe it's different on PC, but on PS3/4, it wouldn't matter if people fought in lairs or farmed, either way, the fight is STILL really short (which is why this fix makes little sense to me). And since they decided that the marks would stay the same for the other longer maps, regardless of time taken, this makes no sense.
  6. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    These types don't care, they hsve all day to do this.