Why the nerf to rewards in Lair Battles didn't solve problems

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by same Johnny, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    I think the community would like a better system when it comes to PvP, It should not come down to if a player on your team decides to do nothing it is what it is! For those who just started playing this game and want to PvP DCUO shows a poor interest in PvP if in continues to allow inactive players just to get marks for doing nothing! I mean I understand you dont care but there are alot of players who choose not to PvP because of this problem! 3/5 matches you will find someone doing nothing and thats a problem! Back when DCUO allowed no marks for losing became a problem because the exp pvpers would win most of the match! Today is a different story because it seems like pvp is a bit balanced! But i highly dont believe they would go back that route.
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  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Please NO! The amount of stupid reports filed everyday is already ridiculous. It's a wonder anything legit is ever accomplished. They would NEVER implement a system that would encourage more. Take the win and move on.
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  3. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Well, when you have to queue for something that requires a team, and a person in that team is just standing there to lose fast, then I do care. I go into PvP to fight. What would you do to a person that queued into a raid and just stood there? The kick would probably be swift and I don't blame you, I'd do the same. It's a team game, this may sound naive, but it is supposed to be played as a team, not by standing there.
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  4. ChuckLess New Player

    Is PS3/4 really that bad? I know PC isn't anywhere near that. I PVP'd a lot this weekend and din not see one person just stand there. Not one.
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  5. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    im a pc user but the majority of DCUO players are on PS and this has been brought up several times! and yes its that bad!
  6. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    im not asking for this, its a suggestion it may help the community! And they can come up with a better system!
  7. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    PC player, queueing into Lair Battles last week was a pain because of this. In some fights, I would ask in versus for the other team to attack my team mate as he was doing nothing...
  8. FameYack Committed Player

    A PVP ignore list,
    (It would be abused at weak/novice/entry players)

    An Achievment reward,
    (It wouldn't recognize non goal oriented achievments,
    it wouldn't be a proper recognition for the effort and assistance each player provided
    It would be exploited and the we would have complains over other stealing my achievments,
    teammates not offering assistance and letting others get k.o. so they could get nodes/kills...)

    A PVP Kick Group Vote
    (It would be abused by Grief Groups)

    A minimum effort recognition => Power, damage in, etc
    (Unaccountable players would do the bare minimum in each fight,
    matches would dragg longer and it would still be a pain,
    people would confuse novice performance with unaccountable pvp performance)

    Pulverizing the grief players, blasting them into the entry zone so they get kicked out
    (Elite - Grief players would get players kicked just for fun)

    No solution will be perfect,
    Starting from that, which are best?
    Lairs Low Rewards make sense both ways,
    it is not just to persuade Unaccouontable Pvp Players from farming
    but also to bring competitive balance

    The one place where you decide to increase the rewards (8vs, 4vs, 5vs)
    while it might sense time wise,
    Shall also be the place where these sort of players will farm,
    Time and effort makes no sesne for these people;

    I hardly see a Developing Process fault,
    it is just the human compulsory nature for exploiting,
    These players have to be properly reported,
    The issue has to be acknowledge as a real "Fault" towards "Fair Play"
    A propper and standard system would have to come into play
    So the solution would have to come together (a community /devs effort)
    But is too much of a hassle,

    If you said Lairs is the place where this grievers have to go and not other arenas...
    well then everything is fine,
    If you said it is the devs fault for not creating a Bullet proof system,
    well then everything is fine,
    If you said you are willing to help to stop this problem
    that's a huge difference

    Because whatever will fix this issue,
    Will be a huge hassle for everyone invovled
    money, time and PR wise
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  9. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    Honestly, this change has been one of the best made for the health of PvP. I now see groups being formed for every single map on rotation. The queue times have significantly improved across the board. It was about time that this was changed.

    Thank you to the developers for making this change and allowing us to stay competitive and have fun without our only option being Lair Battles. :D
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  10. Minnion Devoted Player

    This, If there were rewards for completing objectives win or loose within a match(Including knocking out other players) there really wouldn't need to be a consolation prize as it would be redundant with the rewards for doing the objectives, things like:
    • 10xOpponent Tier MoT for KOing a player.
    • 5 MoT for activating a map feature(Like a turret or drone spawn
    • 10xAlly Tier MoT for Rallying your allies who've been KOed
    • 5 MoT for destroying a turret
    • 5 MoT for capturing a point
    • 1 MoT a second for holding a point
    • 10 MoT for rallying allied NPCs
    • 10 MoT for KOing enemy NPCs

    Now of course the numbers would be up to the Devs if they ever implemented something like this, but yeah I think it would be a good thing to test out for the next PvP season at the very least...
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  11. Minnion Devoted Player

    While I agree with you on the PvP ignore list being abused I tend to disagree on the achievement reward. (Weather or not it gives proper recognition or not depends on what is being recognized... Idealy such a system would recognize things like kill assists, capture assists, knockouts, number of allies rallied, Not to mention letting your allies die is a very good way of increasing the risk of you getting nothing at all...(And lets be honest, even "bad" players tend towards trying to reduce the risk of not getting what they want.)

    I think you mentioned that...

    Unaccountable players doing the bare minimum could be considered an improvement over them doing nothing, though right?
  12. rival exe New Player

    The best solution is this
    1. Devs need to bring back influence or some other kind of mark (preferably extra MoV) for when you kill players in PVP.
    2. Players need to get over themselves and stop telling others how to play the game.
  13. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    They should have just highered the marks for winning
  14. iamlightning New Player

    I was just sayin in lair battles only the matches are no longer than 2mins if people quit because they cant stand there and throw matches then those are the ones that need to go
  15. Lacedog Loyal Player

    this is exactly what so many arent getting, including the devs. if the marks fix was put in strictly because of the match taking a ton less time to complete, there should of been more marks rewarded for the larger maps. if they can implement it that quickly for lair battles without testing it out they can change the larger maps just as fast. that didnt happen, so it looks like the mark fix was to punish the farmers. and that sure isnt being fixed with this either.
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  16. Crackin New Player

    So I guess shadow lands will be next on the list. It's also a joke on speed for a mark farmer. I agree 100% on buffing rewards on larger maps but those also go very fast depending on how Mis Matched the teams are. I bet they eventually will fix lair battles. There must have been some data they used to make the Nerf decision. 90% of pvp matches being lairs would be one. What sucks is the farmers migrate to large group maps and kill it for us players still working on win feats , try winning outback with dudes standing around hiding from other team OMG the cursing.
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  17. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Its not that bad all across the board, alot of the times i came across premades in lairs that actually tried to win . I see more people throwing the matches in batcave, and whenever i ask why theyre just giving up, they say " it takes too long lol, i dont care about winning" of course its none of my business to why they do that, but by dev logic, the rewards for 1v1s better be altered as well :rolleyes:
    Seriously though, i guarantee that in every single pvp match, you're gonna find people who dont give two flying flips about fighting, grinding or anything, if it doesnt appeal to them, they wont try.

    And furthermore, trying to completely control how fast a group of players is insane, there is no way to have total control over progression. When you attempt to do that, people feel like you're trying to limit them, which is why we get so many complaints, just like the marks of power incident.
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  18. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Tell me about it, i tried playing outback yesternight and it was TERRIBLE. No one on my team tried they all just floated around the ziggurat whilst the enemies capped the ziggurat and won without even moving.

    And shadowlands was always a joke anyway, easily the buggiest pvp map ever. If it isnt the lag, its the glitches. Invisible glitch, the glitch where your opponents character is still in the spawn, but he can still fight you without even being close, ect
  19. Senshirou Committed Player

    All I gotta say is this most of the serious PvPers scrim all day and then farm marks at another time, whether they do it by losing or actually go all out if they see people they know. Not everyone takes pvp seriously except for a handful of people like how only a handful of people take PvE seriously. There is no fix that wouldn't hurt the devs in the long run. The only difference between pvp and PvE is that the crowd is smaller. To those saying reduce the losing rewards people who actually play and lose will get pissed at that result too. There ain't a win win situation here since after all it's PvP.
  20. Spidey Well-Known Player

    In the event that I actually go back into PVP, which I likely won't since I was basically told to go kick rocks the other day here, that's probably what I'll do. I really don't care anymore. I just find the irony amusing now.
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