why punish T6 players in a game about progression?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname28, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Mister Brees New Player

    I don't know, I kinda think the numbers make sense. They want to give more prestige to larger group content but also wanted to factor in time spent. The t6 alert can take anywhere from 20 min to an hour depending on your setup. Once figured out, I can't imagine the raids taking to much longer. Assuming you are running with your league , the alert will give 820 as opposed to 2440 for a raid that won't take that much longer to complete. So you can have two alert groups or a raid group. I think the 1.5 increase is pretty close to even with time spent. Duos are a joke time wise and that number is fine for me.

    As far as replays go, does anyone use replays for marks on raids? The replays are generally going towards super powerful gear or stupid rare styles. In the new content coming out you can either spend less replays and get the marks to buy the 94 gear or you can spend replays in the raid to get even more powerful gear and a chance to get the necklace of op. That's really what you are paying for.

    Just my opinion on it.
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  2. Badname28 New Player

    I think the t6 raids will be much harder than the alerts.current t5 raids are only done so quickly because people are slightly over geared for then at t6.

    The current T6 alert will be getting facerolled in 10-15 minutes once people have the 94 gear

    I dont see the t6 raids being completed in 20-30 minutes to begin with.

    I believe replayability needs to be a huge consideration as well.sure you may spend more time doing the alerts over the course of a week but you are rewarded with a ton of prestige for doing so.
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  3. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    There can never be enough threads on this. The prestige formulas are completely and utterly ridiculous.
  4. Mister Brees New Player

    I don't think they will start off that fast either. People will get it down though and everything will fall in line.

    I really think people should just give this system some time to work. My league isn't all that big and we hit the soft cap in a day. All of the normal stuff we run ended up accounting for a lot. Besides, it's not like you need to keep buying the hall. It's a one and done thing. Once the initial time investment is up, the prices for all the maintenance and upgrades will seem like small potatoes.
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  5. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    little sensitive aren't we?

    It makes perfect sense. You can currently make more prestige in a day as a T2-T5 player than as a max CR player.

    Is there something you're missing that I can help explain to you? Let me know ;)
  6. Badname28 New Player

    Have you even looked at the cost of proficiencies and statuaries? And the proficiencies must be purchased every month
    Proficiencies are 25000 each and there are 13 of them. Thats 325000 a month.the monthly cap is around 350000-375000 give or take
  7. fozz454 New Player

    All this outrage is from the poor elitists who now have to play nice to lower tier players. Face it the devs did this on purpose the game has to grow, new players are necessary to keep this game alive. What happens if egotistical players chase away customers you make the new players valuable.

    I personally think it's brilliant as toxic as the community is at present it's nice to give new players some consideration. So suck it up and encourage some noobs to become the next hardcore players because DCOU realizes you elitist are pretty much maxed out anyways. What reason would a T6 have to spend on this game they have the top gear have already opened their pockets now it's time to fleece the next generation of players. The crying and moaning is hilarious!
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  8. Badname28 New Player

    Not every t6 player is some elitist ******,in fact those are a very small minority of the overall highest tiered players.

    The ignorance of any presumption otherwise is exceeded only by its arrogance.
    The assumption that somehow the grind to T6 atm is some incredibly difficult and time consuming task is also completely unfounded.

    Even a casual player playing but a few hours a week can reach the outer limits of T6 in about a month.

    Earlier in this games history that may not of held true but 10 dlcs later there is an over abundance of lower tiered content specifically designed and implemented to help people progress through the tier at an exponentially faster rate than what could have been achieved at launch.
  9. fozz454 New Player

    You find it very easy to attain T6 because you aren't a new player. For someone who has pugged to T6 I really think you've been in your bubble for too long. Our community is very hostile towards new players with only a small amount who are patient and helpful to them. Do you remember how it was to play this game with the scant amount of information this game gives you.

    So I say good that league halls are dependent on new players being helped along and that leagues have a vested interest in keeping them interested. Now maybe instead of bullying the new player and verbally insulting them they may get some advice and invited to a league. I really see the disparity in prestige as a good thing. Again if your one of the good guys ignore my post that was meant for the many who enjoy insulting and berating others. Make a new character and act like you don't know the instance and see how much fun this game is.
  10. Mister Brees New Player

    Like I said, not in a big league and already hit our soft cap a day in. You aren't going to have to carry all of the proficiencies. Who really cares about out of combat regen? They never said that people were supposed to have everything anyway. Pick and choose what will work for you.
  11. Badname28 New Player

    exactly how many active members in this not big league of yours?
    what tier are these active players?
  12. sterl320 New Player

    But do you understand how NONE OF IT MATTERS?? This is suppose to be a group effort, with everyone in your league. unless your league is comprised of ONLY high tier people, than i don't see how any of this is impeding on how much prestige is being gained in a league.My league already hit the weekly cap, and yes it was the lower tiered people that gained the most prestige, but us higher tiered ones ran the instances with them, making them go a lot faster. It helped them how specifically with their progression, but also helped the league gain some good quick prestige. Also, a lot of us took this opportunity to make a few alts to gain prestige as well, and thankfully I don't have to get them to the highest tier in order to gain the best prestige. It's easier and MUCH cheaper to make 3 or 4 alts, add them to the league, run T1 instances and gain close to 2,000 points each alt then to spend loads of replays on just 1 toon. If you can't see how this system is more beneficial than harmful, then there's nothing I can say anymore.

    Thursday we will have our league hall from taking advantage of the system than complaining about it. That's all I have to say.
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  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    T6 players are not getting "punished". The devs are simply giving the "elite", all-T6 leagues an incentive to recruit some lower-CR players and help them progress. Which is a good thing.
    If you absolutely can't stand the thought of playing with newbs - you and your league-mates can make some T2 alts, invite them into the league, run some old raids and you'll be rolling in Prestige.
    Stop complaining about not getting enough Prestige from T6 content, at least until we get T6 raids... But preferably - just stop complaining, full stop. The devs know perfectly well how much Prestige each tier can give and Tier 6 is nowhere near finished.
  14. Mister Brees New Player

    There are less than 30 active people that are all t6. I have a t5 alt and I've still put more on my main than that toon.

    The point is, we aren't coming up with some crazy way to try and get prestige. We run our content. We might be grinding a little harder just because it's new but it would only make a day difference at the most.

    I don't get all the hate. This time next week we will probably be doing HoP and there will be more prestige to be had by all.
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Our league has 295 people in it. We have 7,905 prestige... :eek:

    *of course, when I login, I only see 0-2 people on, so that might have something to do with it.
  16. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    For me it makes total sense prestige being proportional to the content and player CR. Is not the same a CR 50 running Hive moon than a CR 105. It makes sense the CR 50 getting more prestige, it's logical.

    I don't know why people want to compare themselves with T1 and T2 players, they are in an early and transitory game stage, they are not going to be at that tier forever, they will progress, and prestige earned will do with them. It is true tho that we dont have enough T6 content to get a decent amount of prestige, but next DLC will have plenty of new content.

    And if there's some crazy dudes up to staying at T1 or T2 CR in purpuse , well, good for them, that's something I would never do, what a waste of time. Also, even though big leagues are capable of getting more prestige, I'd rather stay on a medium good league, avoiding all the issues big leagues have (spots in raids, unknown people, etc...)
  17. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    u just get prestige from t4, t5 and t6 when your allready t6 level...
  18. Badname28 New Player

    so your contention is that if i want to maximize my character's potential via league halls that i should on top of investing time into progressing my main character.
    that i should make a series of alts and invest even more of my time into running lower tiered content for the sole purpose of gaining a reasonable amount of prestige that my main can make use of?

    It goes back to the original question.

    why punish t6 players?

    after having put in all the required effort to get my character this far already.....why should i have to invest exponentially more time and effort than anyone else to achieve the same end?

    how is this helpful and how is this fair?

    Jimmy and Johnny both want to buy some milk.
    Jimmy and Johnny both pay $5 for milk.
    Jimmy is older than johnny
    Jimmy gets half as much milk as Johnny just because he is older.

    you think that makes sense to Jimmy?

    Further more how is essentially carrying lower tiered characters through their content teaching them anything about their roles or the game? how does a tank learn to tank or a troll how to troll or a healer learn to heal in a group setting If up until reaching the final tier they have never had to do anything but stand behind the over geared masters they are in the service of ?

    why is this the only currency in the game that functions this way? no others suffer from diminishing returns

    imagin if you could get more marks of fury running T2 content than running T6 content.
  19. sterl320 New Player

    Your analogy in comparing the milk to the league hall is flawed. While Jimmy may be getting half as much milk in that scenario, Jimmy wouldn't be getting half as much access to a league hall as johnny. Both jimmy & johnny would gain access to the hall at the same time and will get just as much out of it as each other, even if Jimmy did more work, which Jimmy doesn't have to. That's the beauty of the system. Johnny can easily run the T1 content by himself and gain the same amount of prestige if Jimmy did it with him. The only reason why Jimmy would do it is if Jimmy wanted to. Same thing for alts. if Jimmy wants to make a new alt, he can, but he doesn't have to. Johnny can do the same thing as well, but doesn't have to. That choice is solely based on how bad you want it. & again, Jimmy doesn't have to carry Johnny through instances of Johnny needs to learn to play the game. It was only a suggestion for the sake of gaining prestige. You're right, Johnny needs to learn how to play the game in his role. But if the goal at the moment is to gain prestige, Jimmy can easily run the content with him to make things go faster.

    You're also right in that T6 is getting the shaft right now. At the moment, we would have to do more to gain the same amount of prestige as people of lower tiers. But in a week or two, this would be completely untrue. Once we have our 3 raids & 2 extra alerts, We would be gaining just as much, if not more, prestige than people of lower tiers. Also, if you are T6, than its safe to assume you have more than a few 92 gear. Dematerializing just 1 92 gear that you ALREADY have would get you more prestige in a second than any person in any tier. All we would really have to do is wait it out. That's the ONLY thing that is impeding T6 players, is that we just don't have the content yet, which we KNOW is coming, and as Mepps said yesterday on the livestream, is coming very soon.
  20. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    Well perhaps people should look at it as a challenge.At the least it will give us a extra week before the whiners would start complaining that league halls are boring, we are completed with our league hall it's boring,etc etc etc.