why punish T6 players in a game about progression?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname28, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Badname28 New Player

    as a T6 player doing dailies i can earn 811 prestige doing all the t6 solos duos alert and t5 alerts duos solos.

    as a T2 player i can earn 2063 prestige doing all the available T1 and T2 dailies.

    when you factor in weekly raids it only gets worse.

    A T6 player can currently earn 229 prestige per week running raid content.

    A T2 player can earn 1224.

    T6 players can earn 5906 prestige per week running T6/T5 content.

    T2 players can earn 15665 prestige per week running T2/T1 content

    In a game about character progression how does it make sense that someone who has only progressed 1/3 as far into the game as another be able to earn almost 3x more prestige per week?
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  2. MattTheViolator New Player

    The excuse you will be given is new T6 content will get here and to be patient. I tried this in another thread and got bashed for asking why there is a discrepancy
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  3. Arcpope New Player

    Wait until the new content comes out in a few weeks .

    You think this will be a problem then? Nope, we will be too busy running it to even care anymore.
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  4. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player


    seriously though this is some BS we should be earning more not the other way around.
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Totally liked your thread.. This is a gaping discrepancy imo because now you've got people scrambling to make alts, or even considering deleting their gear... It's just ridiculous.
  7. Badname28 New Player

    even when the dlc 11 drops its only adding 2 alerts that can be done daily....T2 players will still be able to earn almost twice the daily prestige of a T6 player.

    T2 players will still be able to earn slightly more prestige from raids aswell as the have 4 raids they can do at full value vs the 3 coming in dlc 11

    dlc 12 wont be here for another 4-5 months.
  8. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    So then either the justice girls have a gigantic league or a small to moderate league full of noobs?
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  9. Eclara New Player

    Because lower level players need it more than those higher up? Or is it to entice powering up?
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Based on the number of Justice...err...girls running around in USPC, I'd say it has a gigantic league.
  11. Badname28 New Player

    justice girls have over 1000 members
  12. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    How can that be with the new limit to only 500 members. :D
  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I believe they have a USPS league, too.

    *It may not be run by the same people.
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  14. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    Well I'm about to open the flood gates get my hall and kick everyone!

    j/k lol
  15. Badname28 New Player

    a league of t6 players would need 10 active members each doing all their available content every day just to reach the weekly soft cap.

    a league of t2 players can do it with 4
  16. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

  17. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    But I tried this on an alt of mine, and the combat rating didn't drop at all. I deleted every helmet, backpiece, Necklace and Chestpiece and my Combat rating didn't budge. This doesn't make sense.
  18. Laff Riot New Player

    I am not a fan of this so far. I dont care if new content is only a few weeks out. ALL players should earn prestige in ALL of the content. Just if you are T6 you should get a small amount for the T1 to T4 content and then of course get more when you get to T5 and T6.
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  19. Badname28 New Player

    the soft cap is 62500 ....at that point you start getting diminished return on all prestige.

    81500 is the maximum prestige that can be earned per week by the league
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  20. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    One would think it would scale like MOT... NOPE silly us
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